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Группы : Дискографии


Battlelore: "Sword's Song" – 2003

энциклопедия: Battlelore

Состав группы:

  • Kaisa Jouhki – вокал
  • Patrik Mennander – вокал
  • Maria – синтезатор, флейта
  • Jussi Rautio – гитара
  • Jury Vahvanen – гитара
  • Miika Kokkola – бас
  • Henri Vahvanen – ударные

Приглашённые музыканты:

  • Tommi Havo – вокал
  • Miitru Aaltonen – бэк-вокал
  • Erik Zacharias – синтезатор

Battlelore: "Sword's Song" – 2003


  1. Sons Of Riddermark
  2. Sword's Song
  3. The Mark Of The Bear
  4. Buccaneers Inn
  5. Attack Of The Orcs
  6. Dragonslayer
  7. Khazad-Dum, Pt.2 (Silent Caverns)
  8. Horns Of Gondor
  9. The War Of Wrath
  10. Forked Height
  11. Starlight Kingdom
  12. The Curse Of The Kings


1. Sons Of Riddermark

Horse lords the men of Rohan
Allies of Gondor the land below
Green fields they guard with honour
Eastern terror, keep away!
Finest chargers of Middle-earth
They rise and ride
See the banners of Riddermark
If you're foe, you should run or hide

River Anduin, Fangorn forest
Mountains of Mist and White Horn
Mighty borders surround the Kingdom
Strong regions to guard the land

Edoras the heart of Rohan
Capital of Riddermark
Fortresses around the realm
Dunharrow and Helm's Deep
Citadels so hard to annex
Victory in both of them:
Battle of the Pellenor Fields
Invasion of Dunlending

Third Asge of the Sun
The battle of the Field of Celebrant
Orcish triumph was so near
Then the third army arrived
There's no enemy who
Could ever overwhelm those plains of light
Steal their fate of better times
And kill the fire in their eyes

Golden-haired horsemen
And their King Eorl the Young
Victory by the Eothed
Salvation to the southern lands
Great reward they gave gained
From the people they have saved
Expression of gratitude
On northern fields they stay

перевод: "Сыны РиддермаркаСыны Риддермарка (мужи Рохана, всадники Средиземья) – жители королевства Рохан (ещё называли Риддермарк "рыцарские земли") населявшие местность к юго-востоку от Мглистых гор, между лесом Фангорн и северными отрогами Белых гор. Бывшую провинцию Гондора, носившую название Каленардон. В 2510 году Третьей эпохи намеетник Гондора Кирион даровал эту местность конникам Эйотеода за их доблесть в битве на Пелленорской ровнине. Так возникло королевство Рохан, которым правили король Эйорл и его потомки. Со временем Рохан стал оплотом Гондора на севере; его жители – рохирримы – восстановили и укрепили древние твердыни Дунхерга и Хельмовой Крепи. Столица Рохана – город Эдорас, где стоял на высоком холме крытый золотом королевский чертог Медусельд. Владыкам Медусельда принадлежат меары – лучшие кони Средиземья, которые позволяют себя оседлывать только королям Рохана и их сыновьям. Сами себя они называют Эйорлингами – Потомками Эйорла. В Гондоре их зовут ристанийцами, а само королевство – Ристанией. Армии Рохана почти полностью состояли из наездников, которых разделяли на нерегулярные единицы – эореды – до 2000 всадников. Описывают их вооружёнными длинными копьями, длинными мечами, лёгкими шлемами, круглыми щитами и кольчугами. Во времена войны, каждый здоровый мужчина обязан прийти на Сбор Рохана. Рохиррим также связаны клятвой Эорла помочь Гондору в тяжёлые времена. Гондор в таких случаях может прислать Красную Стрелу или зажечь маяки Гондора.
" (Alex Thorn) »

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2. Sword's Song

The first chorn nfrom the vein of the ore
There it all begins
The blacksmiths forge will resolve
The metal's nature
The ridle of steel, hiding the key
Are you able to find it?
Unlock the chain, the prize you gain:
Soul of the sword has spoken

Wave it in the air, let it breath
The perfect balance, the harmony
Shivers on the edge of the steel
Tranquillishing melody

Respect the way how it stands and feels
Will it give you a chance?
It's not for everyone to see
How it signs on a battlefield
Faithfuk mate of the whitest knight
The loot of the lowest thief
Path of justice, hope for the weak
Path of blood for your enemy

Two sides of the sword
You may think it's nothing but agony
When you feel the hate
It is the hand that carries the blade

Cold steel the warrior's chum
It will never deceive you
Take a good care of it
And you will be rewarded
Use it wisely don't be a fool
It could be a burden
But when it's time for you to meet the steel
Let it dance for you

Feel the might
Inside of you
Raise your blade
It's time to fight

I heard the sword's song
And it sang to me
Both the iron, the will
Under my control

перевод: "Песнь Меча" (Alex Thorn) »

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3. The Mark Of The Bear

From the Anduin vales
Strongmen from the woods
Spirit of the nature
One part of their essence

Hate against the orcs
Running in their veins
The anger that grows
In the form of the bear

Living lives in their own
Caring not the outside world
Great secret they hide
Shape changers, the Beorning tribe

Hate against the orcs
Running in their veins
The anger that grows
In the form of the bear
Beware their claws
Sharp teeth and deadly jaws
You have no chance
The fight with the Beorning

Creatures of darkness
The poison of the earth
Remember your strength
The mark of the bear

The mark of the bear
Huge part of their soul
Cherish the life
Yavanna's child

перевод: "Медвежья Метка" (Alex Thorn) »

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4. Buccaneers Inn

Numenorean corsairs
Your sons have stepped ashore
From the battle and storms
With northerbn fleets
Great treasure they fought
From the shores of Gondor
Drove their men into the sea
It's time for the feast

To the Harbour of Umbar
Like a wind we sail
You pitiful slaves now row
Tonight we will celebrate

Open your barrels
Bring me your finest wine
Where are the women?
Your heroes have arrived
No sleep tonight my friends
It's time for the pleasures
Because it is soon another day
And our ship leaves again

Fill my mug, I just want to forget
All the troubles and fighting
And the ghosts in my head
Dancing and drinking
In Buccaneers Inn
And later tonight it's time for sin

No need to worry the future
Let's live the moment
It's our time we are not going to waste it
The morning seems like torment

перевод: "Пиратская Таверна" (Alex Thorn) »

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5. Attack Of The Orcs

Screaming and shooting, yearn for blood
Servants of Melkor the evil god
Riding with wolves, runners of night
Hordes of the Eye, the black blades of might

They shall raze your villages, destroy your camps
Rape your cattle and slaughter your wives
Under the darkness they shall arrive
Hear the screams, prepare for war
Black skin, sharp teeth, bestial eyes
Perverted mind, there's no one like their kind
No mercy, no prisoners, death is their way
With fire and steel they will slay

Troops of the Red Eye, the hordes of the Witch
Thrust your sword through the heart of betrayals
Great enemy from west, the servants of the sun
Kill for your lord, the darkest one

Men of Gondor! Elves of Lothlorien!
Dwarves from the north now be strong!
Keep your lines and hold on tight!
Prepare your weapons and strike!

Like a wave they approach
Bash their way through your lines
Many of them
Evil in flesh
Feel no fear, just pray

Mockery of elves now our enemy
Brothers of starfolk against us
What kind of evil they have seen
Can't imagine the pain what they feel

перевод: "Атака Орков" (Alex Thorn) »

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6. Dragonslayer

Three feet of steel on my side
Tool of fate my reliable blade
Sharp enough to cut the scales
Pierce the heart, to rip the veins
Dwarf-made armor, galvorn shield
Finest gear to the battle I wield
Mithril helm and laen shade
Breath of dragon won't burn my face

To the lair of the beast I'll ride
With my magic it's easy to hide
In those caves full of remains
Of fallen heroes who died by flames

Brave hunter, true swordsman
Without fear he'll face the dragon
One strike, one option
If you fail it's your destruction

The task of yours almost forlorn
To hunt the dragons until they're gone
Plenty of sorrow they've laid for us
Tears of grief the river of pain
No more fear, you shall banish the bane
Carry on, in your blades we trust

To the lair of the beast I'll ride
With my magic it's easy to hide
In those caves full of remains
Of fallen heroes who died by flames
I won't fail, I have no doubt
By my sword I'll hunt them down
No more terror, I want them dead
Send their lives to the final rest

перевод: "Драконоборец" (Alex Thorn) »

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7. Khazad-Dum, Pt.2 (Silent Caverns)

Finally free from the chains of the ages
The terror of ancient times
Disregard the divine sentence
Will of Valar disobeyed

Silent caverns, great kingdom of stone
Long ago, fulfilled with life
So many ages for the honoured Mahal
Now defiled by Morgoth's tribe

Shadowed flames shall breath again
The fire of vengeance, the death infernal

Too greedy and weak, too deep they are heading
Aule's people the folk of the stone
Reaching something, the forgotten keep
Chamber of the cursed demon

Call of Mithril charmed their hammers
The vain of silver turned red by blood
The hidden prison beneath the earth
Their doom, Great Balrog released
Dwarven warhearts fought with their fury
Against this creature of hate
Two dead kings and thousands of men
Slain by the fiery blade

Soon it's over, all the dwarfs defeated
The silence of the caverns stand still
Orcs took the command of the caves and depths
The Darklord has reached his will

Centuries went by ans Sauron made a mistake
The murder of Thror, dwarven king
The revenge they swear, there's no other way
Let the storms of war rise again
The demon rages in the dungeons of Moria
Still a few went back to those caves
They didn't survive, orcs breed again
Hiding from the light of the day

All was silent under the stone
Until the heroes arrived
Demon was slain by the wizard of grey
Mithrandir one of the Maiar

The last battle was fought
There were kingdoms no more
No heirs to demand their throne
Once great halls by the children of Aule
Still standing and never shall fall

перевод: "Кхазад-Дум, Часть 2 (Тишина пещер)" (Alex Thorn) »

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8. Horns Of Gondor


перевод: "Боевые Роги Гондора" (Alex Thorn) »

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9. The War Of Wrath

The northern winds
Of baneful colds
Forever night
Of northern lights

In the Elder Days
Morgoth's realm in Northern Waste
Great threat to Arda's child
The War of Wrath is to become

Centuries of forlorn fight
Last hope, the aid divine
Guardians of the world
Gods of justice and light
Came and defeated the one
The master of disharmony

All ablaze by the glory of their arms
Swell of the trumpets filled the sky
Morgoth banished from the Middle-earth
His reign, never shall rise again

In the Elder Days
Morgoth's realm in Northern Waste
Only ruins from the ancient times
By the battle of the gods

перевод: "Война Гнева" (Alex Thorn) »

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10. Forked Height

Walls of Isengard
Face the northern winds
Carved black pillars
Rising high up to the sky
Arcane relic
Crowned by the four peaks
Feels the autumn freeze
From the fields of steeds

Orthanc, the Cunning Mind
Great Fang, Forked Height
Many names for the towering sight
Sight as black as a night

Tall, black tower
Home for the Palantiri
Lair for the crystal globe
Foresight of might
Wizard so pale and old
Guarding the elven stone
He did not realize
The shadowed gaze of lies

Armies of new orc tribe
Marchink as the Uruk-Hai
Created by corrupted mind
Mind of Saruman the White
The war began and he almost won
Brave horsemen of Rohan
Anger of woods he did not see
Ents arrived, his enemy

The robe he carried, white as snow
Wasn't all the truth
The eastern sights of the Eye
Poisoned his mnd
The tall tower of fair wisdom
Turned to fortress of chaos
Death and despair on the sky
Dim the sunlight

перевод: "Раздвоенная Вершина" (Alex Thorn) »

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11. Starlight Kingdom

Eternal enemy
Wants nothing but war
But they close another way
Hidden place for their people to stay

Under the stars they came
Proud and wise the elven race
Their journey has just begun
So much joy and sorrow to come
Great eagles, the guards
Kept the eyes of the evil away
So peaceful and calm
Safe from the hands of the darkness

White city of light
With mountains around
The Kingdom of Starlight
Blessed by the gods
Shades of the evil
The fighting, the harm
Can't reach the sons of the stars
All was too good
Too perfect, untrue
Betrayed in starfolk
Revealed the secret
He opened the gates
For terror and hate
And the armies of unlight arrived

Glory and light for the life
Their wish for the coming times
Kingdom to shelter their kind
Built in silence, not easy to find
Glory and light for the life
I wish for the coming times
Journey has just begun
So much joy and sorrow to come

перевод: "Королевство Звёздного Света" (Alex Thorn) »

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12. The Curse Of The Kings

Once great kings of Secondborn
Cgeated their faith with the Rings of Sauron
Nine for mortal men
turned them into the shadows of immortal

Without their masses they have no focus
They have no choice but to obey
Without their rings they have no life
This curse is their soul and presence

They speak for the voices of grave
With a touch, colder than death
No man can ever defeat them
Black is the way they stay

Nine silent horsemen
Riding forever for their lord
In the night which shall never end
No daylight for their eyes

Unholy aura of god Melkor
Encircle their heads, never let them rest
Forced to serve forever in shadows
Master of the dark and living death

No life anymore only darkness
Shape of shadow no flesh nor blood
All passions now gone no reason to be
Cursed by the Lord of the Rings

перевод: "Проклятье Королей" (Alex Thorn) »

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