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Группы : Дискографии


Blessed In Sin: "Melancholia" – 2000

энциклопедия: Blessed In Sin

Состав группы:

  • Black Christ – гитара, бас
  • Overlord Nasty Metatheos The Hierophant – вокал
  • Serge – ударные

Blessed In Sin: "Melancholia" – 2000


  1. Under The Veil Of Isis
  2. Remembrances
  3. Erzebeth
  4. De Profundis Tristitia
  5. Melancholia
  6. Princesse
  7. Wisdom


1. Under The Veil Of Isis

Funeral procession, my face is veiled by the funerary mask,
onward to the burial chamber, onward to the inner most shrine.
I'm ready to fight with the horrors of the netherworld.
Now that the mystical unguments are resurecting my body and my soul.

Here start the chapters which relates the exit of my soul,
towards the regions of the beyond that I'll cross with the celestial boat.
Now that I'm the great god I hail you Isis my mother,
thou who are beyond the cosmic abysses, great is your shrine.

Hail o sacred order of goodness Nut.
Let the sanctuary of Unnu be blessed; let the gates of heaven be opened for me.
Here is this god, this great god of celestial Nil.
He is in conformity with the rhythm of Ra.
Grant me o gods, the power over heaven water.

I penetrated the mysteries of hermopolis because Thot himself
laid his seal on my forehead and the sacred eye protects me.
He shines on the forehead of Ra, father of all the gods.
The funeral rites have been accomplished, the ways have been opened because I'm your son.
I become the spirit pure and sanctified.
I'm protected by the words of power.

Almighty gods, divine spirits, watch me, I've accomplished my travel, I'm before you.
O gods of sacred rythms, listen to my words, I'm Osiris lord with eternity.
My mysterious residences were desecrated I have hidden myself with you oh ye stars,
I'm the master of sacred knowledge and magikal words.

As Ra, I protect myself, nobody can ignore me or hurt me,
o son of goodness Nut, I come to you prince of the gods;
because I'm your son I won't die a second time in the nether world.
Now I'm entering and penetrating in the courtyard of gods.
As I executed the orders you've gave the night.
I live as you Isis day after day and all the divinities delight to see us in life: you who are me and I who are you.
Now I'm entering in the temple of Nephyts who blesses my soul.

Can I me too after my death be introduced among the divine spirits of knowledge.

The things which are created are in the hollow of my hand and those
which are not yet come into being are in my body.
I am clothed and wholly provided by magical words...
I have gained power and exaltation and full breathing throat in the abode of my father Ur
and he hath delivered unto me the beautiful Amentet which destroyeth living men and women...
I am Ra, who is his own protector and nothing shall ever let me to the ground.

Hail o sacred order of goodness Nut.
Let the sanctuary of Unnu be blessed; let the gates of heaven be opened for me.
Here is this god, this great god of celestial Nil.
He is in conformity with the rhythm of Ra.
Grant me o gods, the power over heaven water.

I'm eternal.

2. Remembrances

I can't drown your face from my mind.
I can feel that the sadness fills my soul.
Your watch shows me the way
Your breath gives me the life.

My soul is bleeding because of the pain
The pain that lacerates my heart
Since the day you left us
Our heart is full of sorrow.

Dark, black, are my remembrances.
All around me is dark.
Dark, like, my soul.
My soul is sad, she's bleeding.

Come on little sister,
Enter the kingdom of light.
Become an angel of purity
And walk near us.

Dark, black, are my remembrances.
All around me is dark.
Dark, like, my soul.
My soul is sad, she's bleeding.

3. Erzebeth

O vampire with eternal beauty come to me and drink my blood
countess eager of beauty, be the mistress of my nights.
O my beautiful dark countess go out of your antiq coffin with the
mysterious flame of my wonderful power.
Now your soul will next feed on darkness.

Go out your black marbled tomb and drink on the antiq chalice of the sky kingdom.
O sumptuous queen of whom the black and cold stare freezes the blood of men.
Your sinister splendour reborn from the earth entrails. At last your sobs are ending.

.ytinrete rof srevol owt doolb siht yb eb s'tel.diulf enivid siht yb detinu eB
.enim htiw doolb ruoy xim dna smra ym ni emoc,eman ruoy setaromemmoc,thgin eht fo nos,I,tirips lufthgil O
O dark mistress make us both be one.
O sumptuous Countesss, drink my blood, daughter of the night, be by this blood the supreme synarchy of the universe.

Now you're riding the fatal serpent who will guide you out of the
abyss; go infamous creature and bring the eternal bereavement on
earth and feed with the blood of humans and taste again with me the
blasphemous barbarian pleasures and lusts o my dark countes

4. De Profundis Tristitia

Des abimes profonds de tristesses
Au fond desquelles je suis eternellement plonge,
Je songe a mon suicide.

Sitting at the foot of the black winding tree, melancholy, alone on my
isle, lost in the ocean of tears, I'm crying while my heart is bleeding.

My glance is travelling and peering into the gloomy landscape of a souless land.
I wander continuosly in my kingdom populated with ghosts and shadows.

Je ne suis plus que l'ombre de moi-meme.

De profundis tristitia – Laudamus Te
De profundis tristitia – Glorificamus Te
De profundis tristitia – Adoramus Te
De profundis tristitia – Benedicimus Te

My land, deserted house of a people never creating, is the fruit of my
sick imagination. I have been living captive of my perverted mind since
the veil of bereavement fell on me.

Domine, exaudi orationem meam, et clamor meus ad te veniat.

De profundis tristitia
De profundis tristitia
De profundis tristitia
De profundis tristitia

Adveniat Regnum Tuum.

5. Melancholia

Paysage automnal, pluie, vent et tempete.
Voile noir sur mon ame, pleurs de mon coeur.
Murmure spectral d'une ombre banale.

Pleure! Pleure! Pleure!
Prisonnier du sanctuaire sordide: isolement douleur enfermement.
Somptueux monument de tristesse eternelle, j'entends our moi, le threne du mustes

Mosaic of funest events which rules my life.
You are the cause which creates the work of my thought.
Sordid eternal work – Dark prophet of distress, in the past I
prayed the pristess for she granted me the stong nepenthes.

Tears and sickness without reaching the death.
Pain of my soul.
Pain of my body.
Ancestral pain, heart pain.
I'm reaching the sheol without passing through death.

I, the Hierophant, I, the Prophet.
I don't know the therapy for evil which is in me.
My funeral work, mortuary art, will destroy my hope and salutary death.

You leave empty my heart, tearing and bleeding you plunge me in a monotous worrying nirvana.
And I don't stop languish divine misfortune.

Forme sans visage, vague souvenir...Ancestral.
Les myriades infernales, deferlantes maudites, hantent sans cesse mon reve d'autrefois.
Je ne puis trouver le repos ni dans mes rimes ni dans la morphine.
Je ne peux que glorifier le dieu inverse qui ne craint pas d'etre tente, afin qu'il me tue dans son infinie bonte
Prisonnier du sanctuaire sordide; isolement, douleur, enfermement.
J'entends grace a vous le threne du mustes

Meurs! Meurs! Meurs!
Prisonnier du sanctuaire sordide, isolement, douleur, enfermement.
J'entends grace a vous, le chant funebre de l'initie

Entreating the darkness for it takes me away for I was Healing of my
inner evil.

6. Princesse

Elle pleure seule au milieu d'un cercle de pierres noires.
Ses larmes de solitude sont emplies de la souffrance du desespoir.
Elle est seule, la princesse de la tristesse.
Elle est triste, la princesse de la solitude.

J'entends ses gemissements funestes.
Ils lacerent mon ame – froide – morte.
J'entends le chant des corbeaux il me guide vers elle – Pale – Triste.

Le sinistre appel de la lune m'attire au loin.
Prisonniere de ses reves sans couleur.
Joyau de purete a jamais souille.
Les profondeurs de la nuit qui t'enveloppent te recouvrent d'un voile immacule.
Princesse – Ton corps est le temple de l'amour – Pour toujours – Les hommes a la croix l'ont souille.
Tes cicatrices sont aussi les miennes – Soeur – Tu es la fleur cherie des poetes maudits.

Quand tes pleurs cesseront-ils?
Ils resonnent dans l'etrange cathedrale – Notre refuge – Murmure insoupconne du serpent.
Il nous caresse – Il nous guidera libres vers le jardin promis – Un autre Eden.

Le sinistre appel de la lune m'attire au loin.
Prisonniere de ses reves sans couleur.
Joyau de purete a jamais souille.
Les profondeurs de la nuit qui t'enveloppent te recouvrent d'un voile immacule.
Princesse – Ton corps est le temple de l'amour – Pour toujours – Les hommes a la croix l'ont souille.
Tes cicatrices sont aussi les miennes – Soeur – Tu es la fleur cherie des poetes maudits.

7. Wisdom


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