1. Wrathpainted Hammer Upon Their Weakening
Staring galced eyes
No reason shall pass them by
They believed all the lies
Written on the pages of a book despised
He hears not
Ears won't accept my words
Endulged by that blindness
Redemption in self-denial
for the weak children of god
As the words remain unheard
As the eyes don't reach the sight
Power blessed from the Master
shall now be wielded by me
Infernal hammer drenched in flames
Lucifer's praise, might bestown
No poison from those wormlike tongues
No righteous deed to enlight them
Just my wrath crushing the skull
of the weak children of god
2. Through The Scars Of Selfmutilation
Those who seek for Him
and becon His name from the deepest of Hell
Don't actually sense
that his presence draws near
The tools of trade
ancient ways and means of it
Strenght behind the material supremacy
is close to the infernal one
Not for the virtues of good
but the malice of will of man
One deed in benevolence
Crushed by a thousand sinister acts of crime
And through the scars of selfmutilation
I taste but a small fracture of mankind's pain
Those pityful still preaching of love in this world
Even a laugh is too much to spare for them
This realm is quite an echo of the Bible's Hell,
Realm filled with suffering and death
Admire that magnificence
of thousand cuts and thousand ends of life
One deed in benevolence
Crushed by a thousand sinister acts of crime
As pain and welth in material
are those to conquer
Indeed I realize
the powers of Satan are overwhelming
3. Riistäen Sielun Ja Hengen
Aamunkoi jälleen valaisee
Paljastaa öisin ruhjotun rujouden
Kristinmiehen pieksin
Omaan heikkouteensa kuolemaan
Oppejaan kuuliaasti noudattaen
Antoi henkensä käsiin jumalan
Vaan käänsikö luoja kasvonsa hänen puoleen?
Saapuiko apuun sotapasuunoiden pauhussa?
Missä oli pelastava enkeli
Heikkoa suojaamassa
Missä oli taivaallinen sotajoukko
Kun hän Saatanan soturin kohtasi
Se oli yö, sateen piiskaama musta yö
Saarnamies hiljaa messustaan poistui
Jalo hurskaus ei julmalta pelastaisi
Öiden yössä, pahan kylvämässä
Herjasin ja pilkkasin
Saatanallisesti vihasin
Hänen oppejaan
Hänen uskoaan
Sekä tietenkin isää taivaallista
Jo kuollutta tarinaa
Vaan lieko hänen joukkojaan
Nähty sitten Bethlehemin tähden?
Kenties nyt vain taivaan narreina
Soittokuntana halpana
Aikanaan taistelin tekopyhää vastaan
Ja koin vääränä sielujen vajoamisen
Oppien harhaan moni eksyi
Kuulematta sanaakaan
Nyt motiivina minua ajaa viha
Inho tuota säälittävyyttä kohtaan
On vain aika näyttää
Vahvan ja heikon ero
Hurskas saarnamies
Jota aikanani kirosin
Vajosi hautaan mätäisään
Jumalansa unhoittamana
4. The Dark Blessed Elite
From the Shadow, rising..
A pale becoming
Like a leaking sewer pipe
rancid, rusted by the time of existance
Wasting and losing energy
Still deteriorating... withering
Arteries spread by my gospel!
Blood is the life, they say..
But plagued is this wine
poisoned to contaminate Luciferian gifts!
It isn't the day that conquers the night,
Nor does dark become overcome by light
But the existance of another
is but the opposite
All living will DIE!!!
Either a quickened end
or slow one of the deterioration...
Which is more painful one
is to decided by the sufficated
But us, the Dark Blessed
shall walk as elite above these mortals
And the knowledge comes too late
when we rule supreme, master!
It's the night that kills the light
and the day is slain by dark
This existance, balance
is created from the blacker side