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Группы : Дискографии


Delight: "Eternity" – 2002

энциклопедия: Delight

Состав группы:

  • Paulina Maślanka – вокал
  • Jarosław Baran – гитары, ударные, сэмплеры, клавишные
  • Sebastian Wójtowicz – ритм-гитара
  • Piotr Szymanski – бас
  • Barbara Lasek – клавишные
  • Tomasz Baran – ударные

Delight: "Eternity" – 2002


  1. The Hand
  2. Stained Glass
  3. Requiem
  4. Spring Day
  5. Whale's Luges
  6. I Promise
  7. The Sun
  8. Outhereness
  9. Wieczny Finał


1. The Hand

If you give me your hand
I will not let it go
This is why I'm scared

I'm scared of not letting you go

I want it so much
That I'm shrinking fast
I reach out my hand
At the microworld's length

If you give me your hand
I will not let it go
This is why I'm scared
I'm scared of not letting you go

If you give me your hand
I will not let it go
This is why I'm scared
I'm scared of not letting you go

I want that hand
That has never never existed
To open my eyes
'Cause I've always had to go on alone

If you give me your hand
I will not let it go
This is why I'm scared
I'm scared of not letting you go

I'm falling down the microworld
Infinity is between us
Lead me blind before
I finally open my door

Lead me for a moment please
A moment taken from the microworld
Without you I'm shrinking
And falling down the nanoworld

Lead me blind before I open my eyes
Lead me blind before I open my eyes

перевод: "Рука" (Ganconer) »

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2. Stained Glass

I came here to see the stained glass
And God raising his hand in the temple's window
A ray of light is shinning through
The divine soul's prism in the temple's window

Inevitable events
Make me sick
I cannot pull myself together
I'm smashed to pieces
A ray of light shining through
Each piece of my soul
I have my doubts

I came here to see the stained glass
And God raising his hand in the temple's window
A ray of light is shinning through
The divine soul's prism in the temple's window

I'm observing the autumn from hiding
I can see it in the temple's window
I came here for the smell of old wood
And warmth of marble floor
While seeking a way home

I came here to see the stained glass
And God raising his hand in the temple's window
A ray of light is shinning through
The divine soul's prism in the temple's window

перевод: "Витраж" (Ganconer) »

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3. Requiem

He was the first of us
He did it with a Bible in one hand
After that quiet funeral
We were drinking wine on his grave

Now I' m here because I want it
And I'll be gone someday
Courting with my destiny
There's always a reason to die

People were asking why
When he hanged himself next door somehow
I don't remember his face
He always ran down stairs too fast

Oh we cannot change the fate
It's the another face of the death
There's no one to blame
The only thing I please is a peaceful death

She called me for the last time
And it was a strange goodbye
Now we still cannot believe
That she really she really passed away

Now I' m here 'cause I want it
And I'll be gone someday
Courting with the my destiny
There's always a reason to die

Now I' m here 'cause I want it
And I will be gone someday
Courting with the my destiny
There's always a reason to die

перевод: "Реквием" (Ganconer) »

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4. Spring Day

I will dance and it will make
The world rise from the dead beneath my feet
I will weave the threads of sound
That will fall on my breast
When I finish my dance
When I finish my dance

And when the breaths will set the rhythm
My feet will worship the death of the floor
I will announce the birth of the king
Naked among the empty plates' splendour

The laughter will return
When the green walls reflect it
Broken glass can be useful
Wood can be burnt

I will dance and it will make
The world rise from the dead beneath my feet
I will weave the threads of sound

That will fall on my breast

When I finish my dance
When I finish my dance

The laughter will return
When the green walls reflect it
Broken glass can be useful
Wood can be burnt

перевод: "Весенний день" (Ganconer) »

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5. Whale's Luges

A long long time ago
He used to pull her plaits
But he wanted more
The patience is a virtue
So a white dress
Flashed before her eyes

It's like in fairy tales
A whale on the shore
Is breathing harsh smoke
It's like in fairy tales

He came to take
What her naivety had

A stain on the bedclothes

An envelope with a verdict
Do whatever you want he said

It's like in fairy tales
A whale on the shore
Is breathing harsh smoke
It's like in fairy tales

The wind is blowing
Behind the window at night
And the blue whale's body
Is gliding over the cradle

I'm living my life...

перевод: "Китовые легкие" (Ganconer) »

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6. I Promise

They promise Heaven
Where there's no Sun
They promise peace
Where there are no moments
Without the conscience scream
They promise
There are no fulfilled promises

I promise you a cold morning
When you'll be making love to loneliness

I promise you the thoughts confusion
I promise
There are no fulfilled promises

I promise you
But you must know that there are
No fulfilled promises
Even thought I promise you

I will give you the infernal heat
I will light your fire
I will give you the soul's scar
And the red apple's bite

If the cold is an oasis
Than hide your night dreams
A starving devil is waiting for your fear
If you don't want to be burning
The snow statue's body
Is waiting for your soul

перевод: "Я обещаю" (Ganconer) »

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7. The Sun

I am the Sun
That from the plinth of shadow
Looks at something that was yesterday tomorrow

If you went the paths of my thoughts
You could say a few words
That are missing
In the late summer

...a lazy late summer

I am the Star
That knows somewhere there is someone
Shining like my sorrow
He's looking at yesterday tomorrow

He knows the paths of my thoughts
He would say a few words
That are missing
In the late summer

...a lazy late summer

Thinking about the inessential
Daydreaming about the reality
Makes me build while destroying
Without the skin's shield
Naked flesh is bleeding
Like the touch of knife in a drawer
Not expecting the awakening

...a lazy late summer

перевод: "Солнце" (Ganconer) »

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8. Outhereness

there is a theory about us

what we always never
in the background of the shadow
another theory about us

today's evidence taken by the new wave
just like the Sun which can be moved
with words we can stop the Earth
today's evidence taken by the new wave

the falsehood dies in the silence
and the honesty has the same fate
just like the Sun which can be moved
with words we can stop the Earth

today's evidence taken by the new wave
just like loving without love
the rapid stream can be stopped
today's evidence taken by the new wave

the false hands turning to dust
mother's hands have the same fate
just like loving without love
the stream of thoughts can be stopped

love which always never
not like the evidence
with the taste of the shadow
there's only a theory
even you even me

перевод: "Нездешнесть" (Ganconer) »

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9. Wieczny Finał

obiecywałam niebo
ale to nie prawda
bo ja cię w piekło powiodę
w czerwień– ból

nie będziemy obchodzić rajskich ogrodów
ani zaglądać przez szpary
jak kwitnie georginia i hiacynt
my-położymy się na ziemi
przed bramą czarciego pałacu

zaszeleścimy anielsko
skrzydłami o pociemniałych zgłoskach
zaśpiewamy piosenkę
o prostej ludzkiej miłości

w promyku latarni
świecącej stamtąd
pocałujemy się w usta
szepniemy sobie– dobranoc

rano– stróż nas przegoni
z odrapanej parkowej ławki
i śmiejąc się okropnie
wskaże– ogryzek jabłka
leżący pod pniem jabłoni

перевод: "Вечный финал" (Ganconer) »

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