1. Endless Prophecy
Pray for your stupid soul, the end of the world is near
pray god 'cause he's had enough of our dirty sins
LOOK AT THE SKY The rainbow is on fire
LOOK AT THE SKY The asteroids have arrived
Run for your fucking life Death's riding a big wave
Blessed rain will fall eternally reaching the divine justice
For the wrath of god for millenium bug for the stupid
Human race there's always a reason for earth to blow up
Because of an old bearded man's prophecy
'Cause of a calendar without naked women the world is in panic
It's the story of a snake chasin it's tail an endless prophecy
Zombies and undeads now rule the world
'cause of men of science that play God
LOOK AT THE SKY a terrible black hole
LOOK AT THE SKY it's swallowing the universe
Lies, liers, lie... endless prophecy
Gadgets books and movies TV programs and t shirts have been sold
For this bullshit if there really is an end of the world I'll be watching it laid down naked with sun
Another fake! Another lie! other bullshit coming from the fear of dying
Other fuel, for superstition, of those that follow terror as fucking dogs
2. Forrest Gunner
I don't seek revenge I don't search for power
I'm not looking for everyone wants
this morning I threw it all away in exchange
for a machine gunner my delicious friend!
I walk alone and I hear
whines of spoilt people
it's time to spread
some terror
now I'm the law elected by the wrathful god
Elimination, destruction, my satisfaction
My name is forest, the gunner, my fun is death!
It's time for my guns to shoot at who believes
in TV, easy cash, and similar wimps
It's time for my guns to shoot at who lives
for his car and at who always called me lame
Ignorance is a crime,
Learning to read for reading bullshit
It's very cool making your own justice
Stop with this show of people born to loose
Elimination, destruction, my satisfaction
My name is forest, the gunner, my fun is death!
3. Lynched By Fate
In time of plagues, some men struggled to survive
With dreams and hopes like all common people
a house a family to make their son live better
when ruled past and death and any wars of conflicts
Our life's on a thin line
A little breath could make us fall into the void
When you impose goals and you succeed in it
destiny could be bad with you and a
rain of ashes drown all your successes
obscuring the sky, burnin all your dreams and hopes.
YES WE ARE lynched by fucking fate
YES WE ARE obscured by blackened rain
YES WE ARE buried by evil force
that trample on you like a crazy horse
Liquid fire and black dust, volcano speaks and pukes
Without mercy and breaks erupts buries and kills
ripping off the light of a long mortal age from
the fucking evil arms of vandal called time
Like in hell screams explode!
Without remorse and any thoughts
nature gives people immortality
With fire the monster melt the stones
Transforming all in a museum of total death!
4. Fallout Terror
Atoms swap, matter's boiling
a sudden shot and a new sun rises
thousand eyes turn skeptic
admire with terror a mortal dawn
A million lives swept away
burn and fly like dry leaves
a giant wave arises loud
a burning wave will destroy for years and years
Human horde, death has arrived
Crazy bastards, stop this madness
Fallout Terror!
Fallout terror is in your eyes!
fallout terror is in your life!
fallout terror is real today
fallout terror leads you to obey!
Atom's swaps, matter's boiling
a sudden shot and a new sun rises
thousand eyes turn skeptic
and admire the fallout's power!
5. Problem Of Humanity
Hope! Fuel of human race...
An evolving bomb, that risks to break,
slavery life, we will rise!
A war, for your ego inside.
Occident: exploitation mechanism
of man on man
Fouls fate in far lands
deceives and break lives
That it is, we must see, problem of humanity!
Seas... roar on walls, souls... in abandon
waste... into your minds, contaminates your future lives
a planet destruction, congestion reaction, a nature violation,
the world escoriation...
Loser's the man slave of mind, grown in morals,
while the heart bound remains, full of venom,
an ignorance that pays, pays the price,
of a dark tunnel of life, we're inside.
problem of humanity,
is it's mental frailty,
your fears of all kinds,
demostrate that we're bling.
If mankind had been booted out from eden 'cause of an apple
What's going to happen to us that have knocked down the tree?
FIGHT! AGAIN!!! For all your nasty sons
FIGHT! AGAIN!!! For all your fucking thoughts
FIGHT! AGAIN!!! For all your dirty mistakes
FIGHT! AGAIN!!! For all your stupid dreams
6. Kick In Your Ass
In my mad life I've been forced to know many people of every
colour and idea, I'm not racist but I would kill 'em all
I tried to ignore this people... I tried to walk alone
But now I'll give you great deal of kicks with more accuracy
This kick is for you who talk shit all days
to all people that surrounds them
so busy in spitting sentences that
don't realizes that their ass is lost
The sacred kick is for the
Satan's puppets and evil priests
that lead other idiots
in the deepest doom with their lies
You'd rather deserve
A big kick in your ass
For having this bad vision of live
Stop warring about
Everything goin' wrong
You cannot waste time in crying anymore
This nice kick is for your who cry at anytime
In front of obstacles and misadventures
Fight, thrash and win instead of serving
your balls for breakfast every morning
This kick is for the skinheads
Nazi red purple and blue
That because of their impotence
Break my balls whit their bullshits
You'll get a kick in your ass!
7. Slaves Of The Matrix
Tell me brother where do our power and our light come from
Tell me which are the stones to build our tower to the ascension
Listen brother if you become enlightened it's just for your blood line
We don't give away our knowledge to those we use for power
CONTROL! THE SOULS! The key of our light
CONTROL! THE SOULS! Raping the ancient and sacred symbols
Wake up! From the plastic sleep induced by a mechanism of lies
Created by hidden and rotten men...
We're slaves of the matrix, frail matrix built on a dark secret
Control the minds, handle the choice and be the pastor for those sleeps
Be the peak of the pyramid built on the frail shoulders of viles
Create models to be followed, accustom minds with frivolty
You don't need to oblige, they'll control themselves each other
Give them corrupted food, they'll develop diseases
Be the cure they long for, they won't defy your dogmas
Centralize the power, unify under your flag
Install emotional microchips in their empty heads
Pay homage to the sun and moon, respect the astral laws
Sacrifice a human lamb, as our fathers teach
8. Sono Stufo!
Quanto m'incazzo a sentire parlare
Persone con palle d'un maiale
Che danno il culo alla prima occasione
Stroncando speranze con precisione
Sono stufo di vedere tombe
Prospettive di cattiva sorte
Sono stanco d'ignoranti
E di figure imbarazzanti!!
Il primosegue sempre lo sciame
L'altro ha in testa solo letame
Non c'e piu spazio per i problemi
Non c'e piu posto per stronzi e scemi
Rido in faccia a questi illusi
Che si nutrono di soli soprusi sempre violento grido e suono
Senza pieta colpisce il mio tuono!
9. Don't Forget
I bet (that) you've not forgotten the first time you rode a stage
in that old mouse hole full of adrenaline, anger and sweat
I bet (that) you don't forget those days of glory and metal
those faces singing your songs that you called 'brothers' not so long ago
Don't forget you were born from nothing
Don't forget you'll go back to nothing
Don't let stupid dreams of glory
Soil what you represent
Don't forget man! do you remember when
You were a shit?
In your life... don't forget the past
it's not a contract or a handful of money that makes you better
it's not the largest stage that makes you more special
now you spit on your brothers calling them little stupid fleas
you avoid and scorn them when they're the ones who feed you
Nerds in playin' their instrument sold for a handful of cunts
don't you never forget your origin, the sentence is death
the death of the fire that characterised you on stage
the death of that nature which marks you in the world
10. Endovein Are Adrenaline... For Your Fuckin' Summer!!!
All those years passed in my grave city submerged by school
work disconnected sad faces, I need summer and a new life!
thrown here and thrown there like a ball in a cruel match
stop this shit! I need to go a far land full of asses and boobs
and an Endovein thrashing party with sun and fresh beer
where stagediving and violent fun rule all night and day!
I don't understand how certain people set their mind on mediocrity troubles
I really prefer a bangin' metal night with people moshin
in the pit
hey don't be sad man! summer has begun also for you!
mad but not blind, live your life without chains, ride your heart
when you are sad man remember that the cure is in your hands
put some Endovein adrenaline into your veins and go wild
Endovein are adrenaline for your fucking summer!