1. Frequency
Tune your senses and you will find us prove!
You think that life is teaching you too hard
You think your day is teaching you too many scars
But listen I tell you The choice was yours and now you learn
What you once decided You need to live at your return
Before you left for your way
We went through anything you need
I promised I will help you
And now I'm leading you indeed
I am on your side
Every day and every night
As long as you decide
We will stand your fight
This is your soul frequency
Congrats you made it
We are here not in misery
You'll see we will make it
You will be safe
Prove your inner escence!
Move your world now!
2. Jane Churm
Jane! My little lonesome girl
Tell me what you've done
Look your game ran out of bounds
You're still here but they have gone
Waiting so hard to find them
One day they left and turned their back on me
I cried alone in silence
My thoughts are wreched
The last I remember were all these flames
They burned all over hurt like thorns on me
They told me be cautious
Watch it girl
But I ran, stumbled, fell
Let it burn
Jane my girl come home with me
3. Homeless
Where you ever sitting on a rooftop
And recognized that it's not yours
It's not yours
And where you ever feeling How someone else
plucked the chair You where sitting on to keep
It's not yours
Cruel as they are they say You are homeless, you are homeless
Thieves of mankind telling you You are hopeless, you are homeless
Think my little child, try to find a solution
I'm sitting on this rooftop And my life is breaking
Scattering all over the dark clouds floor
The look on your face is telling me stories
Of lies and pain
You thieve are telling me that I'm endless hopeless
But suddelny I see that I'm not hopeless
I'm not homeless
4. Der Tote See
Komm streif mit mir am Sumpf entlang
schau hinein und sieh dir die Gesichter an
Ganz grau leuchten sie leichenblass
dir entgegen aus dunklem Wasser heraus
Komm streif mit mir am Sumpf entlang
Schau genau dir diesen toten Ausdruck an
Du hast geschworen
dass du nie verblassen wirst
Nun schau an
die Spiegelbilder die das Wasser birgt
Am Sumpf entlang wird jedem klar wie es um ihn steht
Am Sumpf entlang der Weg ist klar Das Ende ist so nah
Du stehst nun am Scheideweg
spring hinein, verlass den Steg
5. Leaving
Looking at you lieing there
Pale as moonlight strayed unfair
Left your body yesterday
Can not move but want to break
My time has come my child
All breath is taken
all my words are spoken now
my child please let me go
Other side is calling you
Weight is lieing heavy on me
How will I alone get throug
Leaving you to rest in peace
Don't be afraid my child
Won't turn my back on you
Always remember my time
Now please let me go
You deserve peace!
Please don't leave!
You deserve rest!
Please don't leave...
See you fighting for me tearing up inside before me
Allthough the end of story was written long ago
Can't believe I have to go on from now without you
But you now promised me with me you'll always be
Your time has come now
All breath is taken
All your words are spoken now
Goodbye I will let you go
I'm not afraid anymore
Won't turn my back on you
Always remeber you time
Now I will let you go
6. Freeze My Soul
Once again I feel the sand
Running through my hands
Once again I fell the rain
An Oktober rush will bring
Your soul was frozen
You knew exactly what you did
I could not see the way
You where fighting for your greed
My heart was hurting of cold
And you where laughing at my face
I was hopless loosing ground
My soul was freezing
Looking for shelter in lost mind
Running for cover I'll never find
Searching forgiveness in your cold heart
Driven by cruelty you hide your scars
Let me be the one to freeze your soul
Let me be the one to freeze my soul
7. Locked
It threatens me to see winters strictness
It frightens me to hear the scare crows singing
Du schwimmst in deinem See aus Lügen
Spielst mit deinem Puppenhaus aus Zucker
Lässt dich und deine Welt betrügen
Und wandelst somit unter den lebenden Toten
Wake up Stand up
Life is more than beraying yourself
Get up Reach out
For all the things that are waiting only for you
Lichte den Schleier aus grauem Sand
Lass dich nicht länger verbieten
Das warst nicht du der da stand
Jahrelang hat man dir auf der Brust gesessen
Um dich daran zu hindern dein Leben zu leben
I see the light in your eyes my dear
This is you my dear
Open this door and go!
8. Krähenaugen
Eines Nachts war die Krähe wieder da und bracht erneut mir einen Brief
Ihr Gefieder schwach im Mondschein glänzt hast du sie sicher schon gesehn'
Wachsam stand sie auf dem Fensterbrett ihr Blick verfolgte mich
während ich diese Zeilen las die ich schon lang erwartet hatte
Jedes einzeln Wort ich kannte und die Handschrift mir bekannt war
hätt' ich nichts von ihr gelesen hätt' ich sie zutiefst vermisst
Jedes Jahr das selbe Spiel
Ich bitte um Verlängerung
Sie neigt ihren Kopf, schaut mich an
Und fliegt in die Nacht davon
Ein Jahr mehr Zeit Bitte, nur noch ein Jahr!
Lies, ab heute keine Gnade mehr Du musst gehen.
Ein Jahr mehr Zeit! Ich flehe dich an!
Doch diese Nacht ist alles anders Sie scheint ohne Gnade auszuharrn'
bis ich versuch zu flüchten sie mir folgt auf dunklen Schwingen
ihre Flügel stehlen will ich samtene Federn überall
Aus schwarzen Krähenaugen blick ich seither in die Nacht hinaus
9. Your Lullabies
Do you know what it means to share the rest of your life with me
Are you aware of what it takes to raise one of us?
Did you carefully think about it how I will change your life
Or are you careless or even thoughtless?
I will sing you lullabies
Fairytales of gold and pride
I will buy all you need
You will be a part of me
Do you know what it means to be so helpless
Anything I can do is cry
Do you know how it feels to be so vulnerable
Without your help I won't be able to live
But I guess you don't understand
Keep your golden lullabies for yourself
I guess you dearly need them more than I do!
Keep your golden lullabies for yourself my dear
I see I'm just one more thing to satisfy you
One more thing to make you feel better
But obviously I'm not what you wanted
and obviously I'm not what you needed
I hope you will never have to go through
What I had to because of you
I still love you though because I'm your creation
I always will be a part of you if we want it or not
And I always will belong to you no matter how much
You ever hated me for what I am
Do you remember...?
I will sing...
10. Twisted
There is a voice in my head
Telling me to save the world
Begging me please to forgive
This morning I woke up and saw the world
With eyes of pain and truth
I was wondering how you and me
Can still be here, still alive?
We are like an abscess, devastation, a wreath of barbes
Nothing to be proud of But oh! Yes we can!
Oh my dear every life is a gift
We all are so endless beautiful
We're betraying, we're lieing, we're killing and dying out of hate
you fabulous machine of death trying to clone your perfect match
(match) your own game, watch your fall
and be my brother in arms
we will be proud of what we've done
even if it's nothing it's all about