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Группы : Дискографии


Evig Natt: "Evig Natt" – 2016

энциклопедия: Evig Natt

Состав группы:

  • Harald M. Revheim – ударные
  • Ruben Osnes – гитара
  • Stein Roger Sund – клавишные, бас, вокал, гитара
  • Kirsten Jørgensen – вокал
  • Thomas Ljosåk – вокал

Приглашённые музыканты:

  • Monica Frivoll Sund – фортепиано
  • Frode Sjo – ударные, вокал
  • Alf Bjarne Jørgensen – вокал
  • Tom Poole Kerr – вокал
  • Arne Marton Tangjerd – вокал

Evig Natt: "Evig Natt" – 2016


  1. The Unkindness Of Ravens
  2. How I Bleed
  3. Silence Falls
  4. In God I Grieve
  5. Stille Før Stormen
  6. Wildfire
  7. Bringer Of Ice
  8. Svartsinn
  9. Weathered Emotion


1. The Unkindness Of Ravens


2. How I Bleed

Gradually the leaves turn to gold
They offer me the promise of an end
Still I know the end won't come
And I'll burn in the fire of fall

The ocean eats the rays of light
Cold at heart I just stand and stare
As they break through the clouds
Into the black they disappear

Exhausted I sleep without any relief
Nothing changes but the scenery
Once again we stumble only to find
there is no one there to break the fall

Everything's gone I accept my fate
Enduring hate in the silence of this womb
The irony is that history
repeats itself, tiring the soul.

How I bleed for you, how I bleed for you
Silence me with sweet stories
Wrap me in memories no longer allowed
I can't breathe, I can't breathe, lie and seethe
Thought it be peaceful, oh how I bleed, how I bleed

You pierce me with your ice cold stare
How I envy your beauty, your being
And how you never really care that I'll
love you forever eternally

The omnipresent rumble of the sea
conceals the pain from everyone but me
When words aren't enough I want to trust
that time will heal, but I've lost all faith

You blind me with lies that I want to believe
Open my eyes to the truth I can feel
You pierce me with words that I have to believe, have to believe

The golden blaze of April meadows
Omen of dark times ahead
The life it brings means nothing to me
Speaks of what's not to be

Forgotten mirrors, covered up
Reflecting ghosts of the past
Shadows dance across the glass
Before fleeing into the dark

As I walk through the swaying grass
On hilltops lingering with long light
I know that I'll remember this forever

3. Silence Falls

Memories of a summer take hold in rays of clarity
Like a veil of smoke between trees it drifts away
When you come to near
On our shoulders, autumn rests without a shadow
Like a mighty deliverer it passes us by

Silence falls like snow covering your unrest that rests in mine
All that's left are snowdrifts in the shape of the storms breath

Everything is so clear
Another cycle has been completed
Without you here
Everything is so clear when you are not here

Winter frost travels the land left barren
Ghosts of the past dance across the night sky
Reminiscent shadows of you and I
Seasons are changing and swiftly pass
like heavy rainfall. Will it wash you away?

Still without an answer
I lay my head back
I follow and crawl into your shadow
Shelter from the turning earth, the blazing sun
and the restless wind, into your shadow

4. In God I Grieve

In god I grieve, so many he forsakes
My shadow is cast the same way
even though I am not one to pray
Come now sorrows, burden my chest

Senseless you drink from the cracked cup
Shameless you swallow whatever's served
He's there for the weak, became a tool for the mighty
With neither I'll ever belong

Because there is no god, just my soul unfulfilled
A sadness that took me and left me to sin
I'll search for my own church, 'til then there's this
Only one thing's for certain, we all die without his kiss

Look to the heavens! Search the dark seas!
There you'll find nothing, so let nothing set you free
For the sun gives her blood freely and her fire is life
She's the true light, desire and sight

In god I grieved, he never granted his light
Alone I am free, free from his blight
Seraphic longings are laid to rest
Rid the burdens crushing my chest

So now drink the poison, you're misled to believe
is the sacrificed blood of his flesh and seed
It won't bring no forgiveness to the cruelty you breed
If you don't release yourself you're just another lamb to the slaughter

Look to the heavens!
Search the dark seas!
There'll you find nothing
Let nothing set you free

5. Stille Før Stormen

Aleina i møkets timar
skjerma i hule hender
Stormen bevege seg øve meg
der eg ligge svøpt i svarte kleder

Eg fryse ikkje,
Lar na leva villt i meg, riva og røska
Hu komme ikkje med falske løfter
Nådelaust tar hu det hu vil ha

Ingen kan finna meg der eg kvile
djupt i tankar ingen andre våge tenka
Hu ulme rondt meg, men vil meg ikkje vondt
Eg stole på stormen og følge mitt mot
I mørknå e og dei skinnhellige grå
Ingen sleppe onna, her må alle gå
den same tunge veien uten å belønning få

Stille før stormen, men det va då
Hu rase for fullt, ingen kan stoppe na nå
Vise kje hensyn, her e me alle lika små
Stille før stormen, ta deg i akt, hu dømme uten forakt

Skrike høgt og slår ifra seg
Fange deg inn i all evighet
Eg lar meg kje skremma av
kalde kjærtegn og tunge steg

Kjenn på din frykt!
For me leve aldri så masse så då
Hu får meg for evig og alltid
Mektig og sterk, hu e rettferdig

6. Wildfire

To think that there'd be hope for me
I didn't dare believe
My way so endlessly lonely
I could not see the end

As out of a dream
Like a ghost in the night
With a silvery brush
and the lightest touch

You are here, are you here?
Is this real, it's too real.
I'm afraid that you'll leave
Close my eyes, make believe
You broke the fall and came to save me
You changed the path that I was taking

Are you here? Are you real? It's too real!

I thought that I'd be on my own
Lost inside a storm
You reached out and pulled me closer
Maybe there's an end

As I awake from
chasing shadows at night
Swift as wildfire
in this bare wasteland

You are here, are you here?
Is this real, it's too real.
I'm afraid that you'll leave
Close my eyes, it's a dream
You saved my soul and came to claim it
You found my heart and tried to mend it

Are you here? Are you real? It's too real!

But you're here, now you're here
Let me sleep, let me dream!
Please don't leave, please don't leave!

7. Bringer Of Ice

A storms breath sought
to keep thoughts at bay
Turn your back on my
shadow cast your way
Swiftly dancing across
cold walls
Seeking shelter in the light
from shadow's claws
Days are lost to eternities grasp
A quiet sob travels further than you think
Take heed before you wage your war
Nothing is as it was before

Take heed before you wage your war
Nothing is as it was before
My fingers are blackend by your firey touch
Bringer of ice you've scorned me

Twilight at the end of the day
Promised hope
that never comes my way.
Listen close,
and you'll hear my heart
It beats loud,
have I outplayed my part?
You are lost to me but I will wait
For the day, when you will return to me
Emerce myself in the darkest of thoughts
Hoping this wasn't all for nought

Emerce myself in the darkest of thoughts
Hoping this wasn't all for nought
My fingers are blackend by your firey touch
Bringer of ice you've scorned me

8. Svartsinn

Eg lokke meg inn i mørket
Eg stenge meg inne i mørket
Kor allting blir ditt
Ingen kan se meg
Bevege meg barra der
aua e blindt, aua e blindt
I golle landskap, kor skyggane rår, skyggane rår
Tungt når kvar ein knaus blir te fjell
Tungt når alle byr sitt farvel

Reisen ekje for alle
Få komme fram
Veien e långe i Skomringsland
Mørke favne om
dei sarte små
Di må alle gå aleina
på bare føtter
Vandra inn i mørke
Få komme fram
Veien e långe i Skomringsland

Eg øyne kje håp
Du seie eg må stogga min gråt
Eg ser ingen slutt
Her e det ingen vei ut
For eg leve i svartsinn
Sleppe kje taket, sjøl om eg vil
For eg leve i svartsinn
Stramme sitt grep

Et hjerta slo rot i mørket
Stengt inne i mørket
Lest som ei åpen bok
Ingen hørre meg
Lyden forsvinne
alle e blinde, alle e blinde
I vissent landskap kor mørket består, mørket består
Eg står for fall i mitt eget blod
Såret e djupt, det vil aldri gro

9. Weathered Emotion

In dreams, you're never far away
You forgive me my sadness and say,
"Let your tears fall to the ground
The creature of us broke our hearts"

Will I escape this emptiness?
The void you filled, I cannot give up
Our hearts entwined, as one they sound

Forever we are two,
destined to walk alone
Distant and cold with
weathered emotion

Keep hiding in the shadows, lie to me and look away
Deep inside I can feel who you really are

The moon wept for us
When our dreams once touched
Still I want to drown in your sweet tasting lies

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