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Видео уроки по музыке, мануалы к плагинам, бесплатные банки и сэмплы

Группы : Дискографии


Evol: "Portraits" – 1999

энциклопедия: Evol

Состав группы:

  • Demian de Saba – ударные
  • Giordano Bruno – вокал, клавишные
  • Suspiria – вокал
  • T-Rex – бас
  • Samael Von Martin – 6-ти и 12-ти струнные гитары, флейта, цимбалы

Evol: "Portraits" – 1999


  1. Overture
  2. Portraits
  3. Ancient Abbey
  4. Inquisition Begins
  5. Once Upon A Time
  6. Il Principle Di Anghista
  7. March For Evol
  8. Il Castello Evitato
  9. Il Chierico Grigio
  10. Grigia Signora
  11. Tower Of The Necromancer
  12. Epilogue


1. Overture


2. Portraits

tales are what i am writing....
not so far from real things....
metaphors and myths i'm creating....
to come close to the truth.....
my only true friend......

melancholy captures.....
my heart bleeding in pain as i realise.....
truth is far away disparaged and disgraced.....
by a decadent age.....

fly up to the world that is not.....
use the fantasy in you....
and feel no remorse....
no matter the colour you are.....
just follow the call of your heart.....
and something will come....

welcome to the world that is not....
welcome to the realm that should be....
leave your hang ups behind.....
free your soul to fly.....

magic kingdom arise.....
just now under your sight.....
wander you no more.....
oh....noble soul....you're at home.....

les langues en ces lieux ont peu d'importance.....
car on y parle l'idiome de l'ame souveraine.....
le monde que tu vas decouvrir maintenant....
est l'endroit ou la verite demeure a jamais reine.....

fantasia....questa e la via.....
alla tua magica terra natia....
nulla v'e che possa fermare....
di un'anima noble il maestoso avanzare.....

with wonder and with might.....
your soul is filled when you pass by....
the crystal tower where the queen of marillon awaits....
your coming.....

a young boy's riding fast.....
just beyond the border of stones he's gone.....
there the ancient abbey is ready to open its gates to harlin.....

a ship is docking now.....
to a wodden mole near a foggy ground.....
soon anghisha will have a new prince.....
fighting for the glory of darkness....

the necromancer's back.....
in his tower that was a tavern.....
a new meaning now death will have....
as omega preacher has awaken.....

tales are what i am writing....
not so far from real things....
metaphors and myths i'm creating....
to come close to the truth.....
my only true friend......

melancholy captures.....
my heart bleeding in pain as i realise.....
truth is far away disparaged and disgraced.....
by a decadent age.....

fly up to the world that is not.....
use the fantasy in you....
and feel no remorse....
no matter the colour you are.....
just follow the call of your heart.....
and something will come....

and something will come....

3. Ancient Abbey

ride.....young harlin.....ride...... away in tears.....
from the rage..... of your guardian......
something you will find blind......
you are running..... unaware where you'r going......
beyond the border of stones....now you find yourself lost....
in the middle of the dark...... woods......

corri harlin.....non pensare......
non aver paura.....segui il tuo cuore e lascia che.....
la luce sopita nella sera risplenda ancor.........

lost you are.....harlin....in these lonely woods.....
a small path lies ahead and closer is sunset.....
far away is the border....you can't turn back now....
you must go on with your faithful horse.....
finding a shelter for this gloomy night......
and soon the truth will be revealed...........

ride.....ride.....ride.....'till the end of these gloomy woods....
ride....ride.....ride....fearless through the night......
ride....ride....ride....soon you will be revealed.....
ride....ride....ride.....'till you find the ancient abbey...

i bronzei battenti attendono il tuo arrivo
l'antico edificio ti e giY familiare
spalanca il portale....oh...... giovane harlin
scorgi all'interno....... migliaia di candele accese
svela il mistero...... della tua esistenza
entra.....non aver timore.....questo e il tuo destino......

titanic abbey.....young harlin you see.....
with thousand arches climbing up the air.....
and cruciform pillars dividing the aisles........

now you know what hides in the woods......
beyond the border of stones young harlin......
before you the gargoyles are watching thousand of candles lit...
their red eyes tales of heroes are told.....
in the stained glass windows of the gothic cathedral.....
but you attention is caught by the jewelled golden altar.....
in the end of the nave.......

finalmente siete giunto....nobile harlin....
ora il culto della luce...... riprenderY vigore......
ora che l'inquisitore e tornato alla sua...... chiesa.......

this is what you hear.....noble harlin.....
from the golden ark......the voice speaks clear.....
you are the inquisitor....the only hope for light.....
and your enemy....the dark emissary......
is rising from the throat of evil......
waiting for your coming.....and the future is in your hands......

ride....ride....ride....'till the end of these gloomy woods....
ride....ride....ride....fearless through the night.....
ride....ride....ride....soon you will be revealed.....
ride....ride....ride....for you're the white inquisitor......

4. Inquisition Begins


5. Once Upon A Time

once upon a time....
in a realm so far away from here....
there lived a people.....
who thought that peace was the true valour.....

everyone was equal to the others....
there were neither kings nor queens.....
everywhere only freedom and wealth....
but nobody was truly happy there....

and how did they finish.....
where is their glorious empire.....
the answer is under your sight.....
only ashes and ruins....

they had everything....
everyone was free to live the way he chose....
as a matter of fact.....
they were the masters of their raped earth....

everywhere they built up buildings...
with a raw grey material we know no more....
and they flew through the skies....
inside huge metal things like birds....

and silence was banished by their realm....
nobody raised the head to the stars...
only matter they worshipped....
forgetting they were only grains of sand...

and soon they lost their souls....
their god was called technology...
at its altar they sacrified...
the few left noble souls....

and how did they finish....
where is their glorious empire...
the answer is under our sight....
only ashes and ruins....

in the time of a micron....
that glorious empire fell down to oblivion....
annihilated by nature...
the cosmic justice just spit on their treasures...

all the buildings they had...
were plunged down to the depths of hell...
as a matter of fact....
they were no more the masters of their raped earth....

and finally there was silence...
stars began to shine in the sky...
the altars were swept away...
and the noble souls were back again...

they had everything....
everyone was free to live the way he chose....
as a matter of fact.....
they were the masters of their raped earth....

everywhere they built up buildings...
with a raw grey material we know no more....
and they flew through the skies....
inside huge metal things like birds....

i know it is sad...
i know it may seem wrong....
but we should not forget ever....
that we are no the only ones....

and peace is not god...
nor it is progress....
the whole is everything....
and war is part of it....

only now i understand....
the meaning of this tale....
only now that i see....
that something exists beyond the veil...

how stupid they were...
so imprisoned in their technology....
what a wonderful world....
arised after they were no more...

6. Il Principle Di Anghista

eccovi il racconto...
d'un giovin marinaio...
il cui destin beffardo...
lo spinse contro il mondo...

drifting in a see of shadows....the small ship moved...
very slowly carried by a power no could see...
towards an exact place in that huge ocean...

voci lo chiamano...voici gli parlano...la sua malignita...
presto si risvegliera...
tutto questo gia sa....ma non se un domani verra...
la notte nel cuore lu ha...principe di anghisha....

in the silence of his cabin...lu lies moveless...
his eyes are open but cannot see the ceiling....

in the silence of his cabin...lu lies moveless...
his eyes are open but cannot see the ceiling....

etrange est parfois le destin...
n'etais tu pas heureux parmi tes amis...lu...
pourtant l'histoire te desire et tu ne peux que suivre son appel...
la magie du mal git inerte dans les trefonds de ton ame...
mais la voix qui te reclame la libere de son imperieux sommeil...
et bientot..la nuit aura un nouvel emissaire...
le prince d'anghisha...

moving you can now...stant up and walk out...
the ship has docked to a small wooden mole hidden in the fog...

see that small path lurking in the moorland...
follow it and soon you will find...
a huge cave rising out the earth...

like a vein....bleeding evilness...
like a vein...where darkness dwells...

like a vein....bleeding evilness...
like a vein...where darkness dwells...

down below...in the depth of this cold land...
you will meet thy doom...young lu....
and your quest is closer to the end....

questions pending...unable to understand them...
everything now you will know on you...revelation is at hand...

where the moon..... rests during the day....
and the light..... is nothing but a word...
where a throne.... is waiting for a prince...
and your doom.... here will be revealed...

and you are....
the prince of....

prince... of.... anghisha...

7. March For Evol


8. Il Castello Evitato

il castello era li...silenzioso come sempre...
avvolto il quella bruma grigia che gli faceva da mantello...
imperturbabile attendeva da milleni....
serrato in quella valle che va dalle...
pianure nebbiose al massiccio del sole...
ma cosa poteva mai nascondere quell' edificio scuro e solitario...
tutti lo evitavano...perfino la luce del sole sembrave...
restia ad accarezzare le sue fredde mura....
e i grandi uccelli migratori preferivano allungare il loro...
viaggio pur di non doversi posa re sulle viscide merlature...

ma io non ero un uccello migratore...
e non ero nemmeno la luce del sole...no...
io ero la notte...avvolta inun manto di stelle e nubi...
di vento e tenebre...di freddo e paura...

la luna mi faceva da campagna...
mentre attraversavo le pianure nebbiose...
fu proprio lei a guidarmi qui...
davanti a questa fortezza solitaria...
ma in fondo io l'ho sempre saputo...
me lo disse la grigia signora che dimora...
a marillon e poi l'antico re del ghiaccio...
nel suo palazzo di cristallo....su...nelle lande...
me lo disse perfino il mio promesso sposo...
in un 'epoca ormai dimenticata....

questo e il mio regno...questo il mio destino...
tra il silenzio delle antiche mura che ho di fronte potro...
finalmente adempiere al compito affidatomi...
la torre squadrata mi osserva dall' alto dei bastioni...
come una sentinella sugli spalti...
qui non saro sviata e la mia mente non si smarrira....
nei labirinthi della carne...
le montagne che mi circondano sapranno fare buona guardia...
casa...come suona strana questa parola sulle mie labbra...
sempre in viaggio...mai una sosta...
proprio come il vento...che tutto accarezza e nulla afferra...
ed ora eccomi giunta alla fine della corsa...
perfino il vento qui trova riposo tra gli umidi abissi della terra...
ma io non potro mai riposare...
adeso ha inizio il viaggio autentico...
ora comincia la vera avventura che mi portera...
alla scoperta dinuove mete...nuovi orizzonti...
gia li scorgo li in lontananza...sembrano attendere...
immobili nella loro assoluta trascendenza...

che le porte si aprano...che il ponte sia calato...
la signora e giunta finalmente....

si finalmente sono a casa...

la melanconia ti riempie gia....
dolce ricordo di un tempo che fu....
le antiche mura che abiterai....gia vivono in te....

9. Il Chierico Grigio

grey.... is my vest...a mace... is at my side...
my eyes.... are those of the hawk....a gift.... of the fairy queen....

friends.... i have none....my bride.... is called truth....
living.... to serve the whole....my home.... is called.... world...

la villa mia natia....
dall'acque circondata...
perla tra le perle...
ormai inabissata...
io serco nel mio grigio cuor....

del mare interno avea il primato...
regina d'un mondo assai malato...
serenissima la notte...
all'ombra de leone...
io serbo nel moi grigio cuore....

wars.... i will fight....when..... the whole wants so...
peace.... i will seek...only when.... i... feel.... the need....

reckless.... i am not...my aim..... is the golden mean...
grey..... is my vest....my bride.... is called.... truth....

the white inquisitor....will follow my advice....
the dark emissary...will trust the words i said...

the white inquisitor....will follow my advice....
the dark emissary...will trust the words i said...

hatred..... and passion.... are nothing to me....
sacrifice.... i will..... if i feel the need....

trend.... and delight.... i do not seek....
but knowledge.... and wisdom..... i wish...

a new age is near and the grey is out there...
a war he will start...then peace he will make...
until he will find a new king...

all this i do..... without even moving....
i let the history flow.... towards its final doom...

here i go...towards my mission....my destiny....my life....
riding my horse....wrapped in grey....followed by my silver hawk...

like a shadow..... among shadows i'm off....
no one can save me....but i can save this world...

10. Grigia Signora

la mia signora veste di grigio...
la mia sposa non parla mai...
se la guardi....tunon la vedrai...
se la cerchi...mai la troverai....
come sabbia...tra le tue dita scivolera...
tra le tue dita volera...

i volti di amici ormai lontani affollanoi pensieri miei...
sensazioni provate....fantasmi di un tempo trascorso....
stordiscono il moi spirito...
la signora e dunque in loro..il passato e la sua dimora...
questo io cerco...nulla piu...
dove risiede colei che restando velata dona senso all'esistenza...

vero mistero e la sua voce....silenzio....
antico enigma il di lei squardo...
quando lei chiama...sirena del mondo...ti ammaliera...
vive nascosta tra le colline vicino a te...
ma quando ti vuole....stai pur certo...lei ti avra...
stai pur certo...lei ti avra....

voci perdute da secoli ormai mi assordano...
dolci ricordi mi cullano gia....ma io cerco te...
tempi passati rivivono in me...mille volte ancor...
lacrime scendono lente ma io....mai mi fermero...

scende la sera sulle pianure del sole...
stanco io sono di mille avventure senza di lei....
oh...vento dell'ovest...portami la brezza del lago...
dov'ella riposta....tra le antiche mura di marillon....
mio prode destriero....galoppa veloce verso di lei....
verso la grigia signora...

11. Tower Of The Necromancer

fuori infuriava la tempesta di neve piu forte degli...
ultimi diecimila anni...il vento sferzava l'insegna...
della tarverna....facendola cigolare paurosamente nella notte...
ma all' interno nessuno vi badava...

tower... of... the.... necromancer...

moriaki village lies... in the middle of the plain of the sun...
and people there have nothing to do...
during the long cold winter evenings...
but there is a tavern made out of a very ancient tower...
this building belonged a long time ago to a mighty necromancer..
nobody believe this anymore...forgotten are these scary tales...
dancing at the sound of the laughs...
the fire's crackling in the hearth...

beware....oh...mortals...the master is awakening...
the shadows are now stretching...

forgotten is our existence...nobody remembers us...
our towers became homes to men...
but now we want them back...

un tempo i negromanti erano molto comuni sulla terra....
vivevano in torri isolate e tutta la loro esistenza...
era diretta allo studio del mondo delle ombre...
il ciclo della carne e quello dello spirito non...
portarono a grandi risultati...ma poi venne un uomo...
colui omega preacher...il primo negromantiche...
alcuni secoli dopo....le guerre negromantiche...
lotte spietate all'interno dell'ordine nero...
l'associazione corporativa dei negromanti...
condussero questi oscuri personaggi all'estinzione...
nell'ultima furiosa battaglia...
sopravvisse nergal thoth...
il quale affermava essere l'incarnazione di omega preacher...
questi poi si rinchiuse nella sua torre e nessuno lo vide piu...
ora quella torre...diecimila anni dopo...
e la sede di una taverna...
in uno sperduto villaggio nella pianura del sole...

outside... the snowstorm.... is raging...
the tavern inside.... is warm and..... cosy...

merry people.... inside.... are feasting...
dice are rumbling..... on the filfthy.... tables...

daggers hiss towards the wooden targets...
torches are burning.... on the iron rests...

in the middle of the hall the hearth is crackling...
nobody notices..... the shadows stretching...
everybody screams and sings and laughs...

everybody.... except.... one...

fergus is a young patron..... who sits silently in a corner...
suddenly.... he raises his head...
his face is pale and his eyes are red...

you damned scum...you must.... leave my home....
don't dare..... to remain....
omega preacher.... is back again...

because you are in the...

tower.... of.... the.... necromancer...

12. Epilogue


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