underneath the skin
a glittering ocean
the waves and the pulsating soil
a spine bent into perverse angles
projected on a screen
a charming grimace
i shot my thoughts at you
dreading the recoil's impact
the unrest of one instant and the amphorae were pulverized
projected on a screen
the imaginary silhouettes
i plunged into the fountain's crystalline waters
without dreading the clash with the surface
you stole from me my riches and my tremors
projected on a screen
an anaemic body
i threw the explosive caresses
back at the smileress
and they
2. I Saw Claws
blur sores that breed and crawl around on one's chest
cracks and stains in a pattern
of geometric impossibilities the ashes and the razors that
tore one's hallucinations
to shreds the clatter and the clamour melliflous as the
nightingales' song
oh where have I been where have I bled
lungs filled with sulphur thrown open the doors that led to
emptiness burned into
the retina an image of the gossamer textiles that separated
two bodies fantasies
of sleep ricochets within a parralellogram
oh where have I been where have I bled
the art of contradiction
of contraction of contortion of contusion of confusion of
3. Vortex
the pain is neverending all the dreams have been
deflowered the once lethal weapons are corroding
quickly perfectly circular little men are dancing
through the past the future is being touched by
serpent fingers the streams float on countless choirs
cry fadelessly a puzzle without pieces this fight is
not against time it is against timelessness withering
weeds have defeated the malformed lilies at dawn it
all continues anew