1. Beasts From The Blizzards
Demonized the wind howls like an Erinnya
As it sweeps down the mountains and invades
The valleys of the north, bearing gifts of death
Freezing the lone wanderer with its bitter frost...
The witch cast the runes and foretold a curse
The dragons, she said, would awaken in a month
And descent from their lairs to lay low our homes
And even the King's almighty stone walls...
On the seventh day a blizzard came
Cruel shards of ice lashing us to bleed
And a roar did echo from the endless depths
Of the hollow Earth's caverns and sactums...
It was a little child that saw the first dragon fly
Etched against a darkened sky early in the morn
He saw the beast's glaring black eyes, heard the rush
Of wide leathery wings... and then saw no more again...
The fury of the unclean fell upon the folk
Fire, dew and fang gored the tender flesh
And stripped it clean of muscle and bone
'Till none was left to tell the tale
Or an echo of the screams remained...
2. Ragnarok
Twilight is come
The Aesir
Take up their swords
And lift on high their golden shields
War rides ahead
The wind of doom
Blows strong and cold
Where fire and blood sweep through Vigrid
And now at last
The embers die
On battlefields
Grim and forlorn the sun will rise
The golden dawn
Will shine upon
The evergreen
Face of this beautiful new Earth
3. There Is No Death
Death! Death is the cry on my lips
As I spur forth my steed
And with lowered lance
I charge the field!
There is no death for the brave
There is no defeat for me!
There is no death for me today
I am invincible in the fray!
Tears blind my eyes
Blood drips down my brow
Pain rakes my body
Yet strength is mine!
My knees don't know how to kneel
My head turns only to the sky
My face has come to love the lash
Of the biting northern wind...
There is no death for the brave
There is no defeat for me!
There is no death for me today
I am invincible in the fray!
Alone I face a hundred or more
Alone as before, alone as I've always stood
On a wide field never meant for me
Know I'll give it all...
And die standing...
When my feet no longer hold
I'll chain myself to the rock
So that they find me upright
Defiant to the last!
4. The Eternal City
Roma divina urbs
Thy splendor shines undimmed
Long centuries have failed to dim
The golden eyes of the imperial eagle...
The masses of thy fountains
Are still sprinkled with Elysian water drops
The voices of thy dead yet cling to
The forum's marble arcades and halls...
A cheer lingers on the circus maximus
Where are thy brave generals now gone
Who would see the invaders of their land
Put on crosses or into the arena
Roma divina urbs
Thy laurels shall remain ever green!
Strength and honor have conquered
From Rhine to the Mediterranean Sea!
Frigora mitescunt Zephyris
Ver preterit aestas interitura
Simul promifer autumnus fruges effuderit
Er mox bruma recurrit iners
Damna tamen celeres reperent coelestia lunae...
5. Viking's Anthem
Vikings blood brothers
Fighting in the name of Oden
This song celebrates your glory
Vikings masters of blood
Feared by all their enemies
This is your anthem
Looming from the mist
Drakkars messengers of death
Thousand of spears
impaling the innocents
Raining blood
On the battlefield
Looming from the mist
Drakkars messengers of death
Vikings blood brothers
Fighting in the name of Oden
This song celebrates your glory
Vikings masters of blood
Feared by all their enemies
This is your anthem
6. To Avalon
The setting sun is calling me home
A ship awaits me there by the shore
I that once was a knight renowned
Must now sail across the water wide...
The time has come to fade away
I that once called a princess mine
My time on Earth at last is done
To Avalon I have to sail...
Take my sword and encase it in stone
Spirits of Earth, guard it while I'm gone
When Albion calls for a champion anon
I will be back from the hither shore...
To claim that which is rightfully mine
To sit anew on my throne divine
Take up the arms and scepter alike
To safeguard my people from night...
7. A New Day Is Rising
A new day is rising
Calmness of mother nature
Replace the clamour of battles
A new era is born
Glorious viking's saga is now well settled
Celebration fills this sacred lands
Galloping like the wind our names are acclaimed
Beauty of those forests, lakes and waterfalls is beyond comparison
This kingdom worth our bloody fights!
This kingdom worth the death of our beloved brothers!
A new day is rising
Clamour of battles
Will soon replace the calmness of mother nature
8. Warrior Code
Never to surrender, never to turn and flee
That is the creed, thus is the law!
Always to fight, always to stand even when all is lost
That is the code of the warrior!
Never to betray, never a coward prove
That is the creed, thus is the law!
Always to draw steel in the pallid face of death
That is the code of the warrior!
Never to fear, never to yield or give in
That is the creed, thus is the law!
Always to be brave, sail for the hither shore
That is the code of the warrior!
Never to cry, never to miss the joys of life
That is the creed, thus is the law!
Always to uphold, shed your blood or kin and land
That is the code of the warrior!
Never to falter, never to be found weak
That is the creed, thus is the law!
Always to be strong, ready for Valhalla's hall
That is the code of the warrior!
Never to keep silent when truth is assailed
That is the creed, thus is the law!
Always to stand up, and be counted with the bold
That is the code of the warrior!
9. The Conquering Nightmare
Hector, what nightmare
Stalks the arcades of thy jaded city?
What demon calls your name
At the gates and challenges your faith?
Achilles what nightmare
Have you brought upon my fair Troy?
Why should it be that love
Doth sow more nightmares and ruin
Than any war or sword
Have ever wrought upon my heart?
10. Set Sails To Conquer
Set sails to conquer!
Braving the storm with confidence!
We follow our path
No matter how many of us will die!
Landing on an unknown land
Axes and swords yearning for blood!
Giant monsters decimate most of our troops
Thor is on our side and Mjollnir wrecks will breaks out our opponents!
Braving the storm with confidence!
We follow our path
No matter how many of us will die!
Set sails to conquer!
Set sails to conquer!
11. Legacy Of Steel
Pureness of snow slowly covers up lifeless braves
Red turns to white
Nature takes back what is hers
Clash of steel is swept up by a redemptive blizzard
Survivors will narrate this fabled battle to the fatherless
And legacy of steel will live on and on
Red turns to white
Nature takes back her rights
Pureness of snow slowly sets up the scene
For thousands scrappy warriors itching to take revenge