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Группы : Дискографии


Hacavitz: "Venganza" – 2005

энциклопедия: Hacavitz

Состав группы:

  • Antimo Buonnano – гитара, вокал, бас
  • Oscar Garcia – ударные

Hacavitz: "Venganza" – 2005


  1. Nightwinds
  2. Ultimate Covenant
  3. Tsita Ndâte
  4. Fathom Thee Eerie
  5. Old Rancor
  6. Lusting The Dead Ov Nite
  7. Venganza
  8. Mixtla Miquixtli
  9. Lighting Bolts Ov Dead
  10. Viaje A Mictlán


1. Nightwinds

I bleed for the nightwinds
Summon to perish the flesh
Disgrace over humanity
Frightful pest so dead

Celebrate night
Drink with pride the fall
Ov this eternal
Dark holocaust
Fiendish this
Seance to be
Tormenting hellwaves

I dream into nightwinds
Bestial raids ov apocrypha, erase
Enthrallment ov the somber
Dismal zephyrous embrace

For night and beyond
For ages ov darkness to come
May eternal the moon to rise
Nefarious abominant midnight

Sacrilege made storms
Blissful obscure dread
Festering in torment
Rejoice into death
Forth darkness, into darkness
Winds ov cavernal grandeur
Erupting the flesh ov the ancient ones

2. Ultimate Covenant

Lords ov the universe
Dwelling into obscurity
One voice
One aeon

Those witness ov ruin
Those bringers ov vengeance

One eye
One vision
Under your name
Sacrificed be the past

Gods ov the universe
Standing in silence
Destiny lies
On your hands

Shall this wrath dissapear
Or in honour ascend

One at the execution ritual
Cut the disease
A last covenant in life

Blessed be your mighty
Take this birth of chaos
And take it to your reign
Last covenant in life

Ultimate covenant
For honour and glory ov the death

May you put
Through the right path
Take this ultimate covenant
Our birth and death
Are yours

3. Tsita Ndâte

Naxha ha kon ji ar
Ñets'i, ma rasa hinda hu
'Butho k'uts'i gô 'nar
Mp~uni raxa nzaki

Hingi ar an~xe tuhni

Ñets'i ts'onte ne hinda du
Nts' ~ut' ubi ge tsibi ar ndâte

Hyong~uhñaki ts'onte thege
Kon ar 'butho xôni
Xôni ne ndâte
Ntsu ar tsibi nu ma mfeni

Ñets'i ts'onte ne hinda du
T~eni ar 'ñu gô ndâte

Ji ar 'ñe 'etsi ar
Ñets'i nahual
Ji gô ma tuhni
Otho ar nd~ui

Ra ts'edi gô xibalba
To' mi' 'ne komongu
Uti ge ar
T'ete gô ma mboxita
Nu nts'akwai gô kwapaida
Nar m~ui te

Ñets'i otho ar ngâtsi
Nts'uti' ubi ge tsibi

4. Fathom Thee Eerie

Splendor at grim
Forth disease and triumph ov the dead
O last shines ov the night
I evoke to thee

Seance to be
Fornever into despair ov the somber
Graced profane famine
Let me see through the most
Ov the light ov the obscure

Fimbul ones
Ov opacity so dark
Awake thee eeries
Freezing moon ov the ages

Torn into death
Empires ov obscurity
Cultures ov pagan

Fathom thee eerie
Within splendour ov ruin
And devotion to dark
Fortuite forth to obscurity

For night and beyond
Perpetuate the extinction ov life
Erupt from so deep and below
Summon thee ancient ones

Raping darkness
Pagan rites for eternity
Dwells transforming insolency

For gods and shades ov the weak
Underworlds brings the awake

Fathom thee eerie
So proud into thee
And for gods ov stone
Wrath eternal be

5. Old Rancor

For pride and honour
Empires ov the night
Shall forever stand
Into flesh and stone

Allegiance ov doom
Between thee night
Evil and satan
For mourning to the blackest past
And heritage ov the dark
We kept
Pest made flesh
Torn into sacrilege
Medium ov gods, stands
Fervour ov the undead
Heeds into unlight
Seeks the forms ov hate
A thousand never told by men
Deny my name
My heart, soul and voice

Renouncing to the heretics at pawn
Revolving the faith ov the weak
Sentence to death idolatry
Fornever we shall laid to rest

Pest ans splendour revealed
Through thee chaos moons ov xibalba
Preserving my essence to dark forever
Rancorous ages had grown iniquitous

Unleashed old rancor
Relentless in blackened to be
Fierce torment of hatred
For honour obscure
To thee

Fire my soul
Iniquitous perseverance obscure
Riding the deep
Immense devilish hatred
Lights on
Repugnant valour
The origin ov the night

Raise my voice so dim so deep
Deep in the nightly haze
Famine breeds, vociferating death
Rancor for hate
Doom and destruction

Power ov darkness and evil
Stronghold ov the past
Ungraced spirits ov the tenoch
Sacrifice this impious heart
Mamoth filth, the opium to masses

Por honor a mi pasado
El rencor mas viejo
Durante siglos
Dentro de la obscuridad

6. Lusting The Dead Ov Nite

I wander in disease
This blistering ov my human being
As I fathom very very deep
As night dies so immensely
Had prosper in malice
Between somber times
Effulgence ov the night
Let the dead deceive the life

Noctiferous rapt
Noctambulant obeisance
From voices ov within and dead

Prosper in whispering wrath
Prosper in whispering death so dead
Freezing cold obscurity
Calls from beyond
Debauching thee essence ov the light
Lusting the dead ov the nite

Venomous massacre
Grieveance ov the dark
Heed my soul to thee obscure
Waiting the day most dark

Fimbul grimmness flies free
Lusting the dead ov the nite
So night and funebre
Revealing winds ov the past
Gather truth faster
In eternal lust ov the night

Blazing thee opacity so dark
Forth to the empires ov old
Saturates the reality
Ov funeral dark grief

7. Venganza

Siembro con rencor
La semilla perenne de la ira
Dolor que ultraja mi ser
Clamor de orgullo deseoso de matar

Renuncio a mi ser
Imploro a los míos
Mi nacimiento marca mis llagas
De muerte en fervor
De extinguir a los falsos

El aire que respiras
Mata y extingue mi ser
Renace en fúnebre esplendor
Mi obediencia hereje al metal

Renuncio a mi ser
Imploro a los míos
La muerte recordará sus nombres
Crece en obscuridad
Venganza sin piedad

Por infinitas eternidades
Mi fé se torna más negra

Y apesta a muerte este
Enegrecido y triste vagar

Insolente y hereje
Con esta lengua y palabras
Que me has dado y avergonzado
Que la peste ascienda alto

8. Mixtla Miquixtli

Ce oceotl
Aub occepa ha cuitli
Llo pilli yaoyotl in calli

La piel del jaguar
Que cubría mi cuerpo
Hoy es señal de guerra
En mi pueblo

Mixtla nahual
Iqui miquixtli

Mixtla nahual
Miquiztli in chicome

Danza, danza nahual
Desata la maldad

Danza nahual
La muerte conmigo está

Danza nahual
Desata la maldad

Chicuace ollin mixtla
Ha huehuetl o tlalt
Nen oi netilique
Miquitle ayatl

Obscura danza macabra
Regida por fuego y ceniza
Alza tu canto
Desata tu ira

Mixtla nahual
Miqui miquiztli

Mixtla nahual
Miquiztli in chicome

Danza nahual
Desata la maldad

Danza, danza nahual
La muerte conmigo está

9. Lighting Bolts Ov Dead

Lighting forces ov the dead
Destroys immensely with wrath

Mercyless onslaught so dead
Fierce shadows ov nothing
Crest the fate ov reality
Perdition ov the cosmos
Pagan unholyness descends
In fury bestowed so bold

Proud these lands
Those witnessing thee ominous
Pounds into malign
Burning bolts ov disease

Born to death
Rapacious dread ov the night
Lighting forces ov the dead
Lighting bolts ov dead

Force ov the rabid
And venom to the weak
Necrotic assault spoils
Breeding disease within torment

Thundering hammer ov pestilence
Feasting forever the weak

The dawn ov the light
Comes faster than the dead
Doom to mankind
Lighting bolts ov the dead

Born to death
Rapacious dread ov the night
Force ov the rabid
And venom to the weak

Mercyless onslaught so dead
Fierce shadows ov nothing

Lighting forces ov the dead
Lighting bolts ov dead

10. Viaje A Mictlán

Región de los muertos
Cuadrante negro del universo

Depara mi muerte
En su largo y penoso viaje

Vengo en busca
De los huesos que tu guardas
Vengo a tomarlos
Haz sonar el caracol
Gente de Mictlán

Estoy en camino
De la región sin ventanas

El río de la muerte
Es el viaje sin regreso
El más valiente
El más bello

Señor de los muertos
Soy el elegido
Honra mi sacrificio

Extrae mi corazón y mi sangre
Aplaude con devoción mi muerte

Quiero formar el acayetl
Entre banquetes y danzas
Entre deleites y juegos

Honrándote o supremo


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