1. Exordium
...Those days are long speed
In the night of the past, as if they never had been!
And now remains only, for warriors' memorial,
A wall wondrous high with serpent shapes carved.
2. Mark The Wizard
The Epitaph
Here rest his head upon the lap of earth
A youth to fortune and to fame unknown.
Fair science frown'd not on his humble birth,
And melancholy mark'd him for her own.
Large was his bounty, and his soul sincere.
Heav'n did a recompense as largely send:
He gave to mis'ry all he had, a tear,
He gained from heav'n ('twas all he wish'd) a friend.
No farther seek his merits to disclosure,
Or draw his frailties from their dread abode,
(there they alike in trembling hope repose),
The bosom of his Father and his God.
(Thomas Gray 1716-1771)
Mark, The Wizard
I'd like to see my eyes
In the mirror of your dreams,
Mark your name,
Shine over there, 'n your wings.
And when the tears flow down
From the black sky of your soul,
The spell begins, 'tis my memory of you.
Fate was defeated, dropping
The last curtain of your life,
Like only a wizard does, alone at night.
And now the star of death
Is down at your feet
Like the greatest sign of your astronomy.
Leaving your friends, leaving your life,
In search of a reason to be right.
Mocking your life-cage.
Spreading your wings,
You fly off for immortality.
A wizard for heaven? A wizard for hell?
I don't hear these tolling bells
Born to die? Or dead to live?
This is my question, oh my lord!
The Last Prayer Of The Wizard
"I give thee thanks, o god of men,
For all the joys I have had on earth.
O lord of mercy, I have most need
That now thou wilt grant me good to my soul,
That my spirit may come into thy kingdom,
O prince of angels, departing in peace
Into thy power. To thee I pray
No fiend of hell may have hold upon me."
Your breath is still breezing,
But earth is far and still,
In the first shiver of January.
And now the star of death
Is down, at your feet,
Mark is your name,
Shine over there, 'n your wings.
3. Tale Of The Crypt
Let me introduce myself,
The Mansion Butler, here I am
I have been living here
Since the day of my birth.
When I was just a youth,
Surely, sooner than you think.
Once, prying around, I stepped into the crypt
Sorrow and grief
Are the mazes in my mind
I open them to you...
Open to you...
Hear the tale of the crypt,
Feel the reason lose certainty
On the stairs that lead to the crypt,
Are you fearless enough?
Before I start my tale
Let me give you my advice
Don't try to understand
What passes comprehension
Mysteries of life
Can be ghastly, strange and cruel
No helmsman on your ship.
Are you ready for the storm?
Easy in the air gentle lights moved
And through the room softly they danced,
Bounded with the notes of a harpsichord,
Playing a somewhat baroque melody.
Enchanted I was by their heavenly colours
And, with a hand, I touched one of them...
Suddenly I was standing in the void
Far down the earth turned on her trail
Surrounded I was by bodiless beings
Deep in my heart I felt their intention...
Hunger for life in their evil thoughts
A dark shade on me
I lost my senses...
Here I stood when I woke up the next morning
I was feeling strange
I went out in the garden
I sat near the spring,
Its water like a mirror
On the surface an old man
Staring up, it was me...
You've heard the tale of the crypt
Your reason lost every certainty
On the stairs going back to your life,
Are you fearless enough?
"Ivano la mia ragione voleva prendere il timone;
La tempesta giocando sviava i suoi sforzi.
E la mia anima danzava, danzava, vecchia zattera
Senza alberi, su un mare mostruoso e senza rive!"
4. Endless Wars
War rages, horrid war
Even in our bones; our double nature sounds
With armed discord
5. Interliduim
6. Suite De F.
Long ago
For the vain pleasure of four-and-twenty years
Of immense knowledge and wisdom
I lost my eternal joy and felicity.
Oh, gentlemen, hear with patience
And tremble not at cursed speeches,
For my heart pants and quivers
To the memory of my wretched deeds.
I was torn asunder...
For the fools that laugh on earth, must weep in hell.
For love of him
I hath cut my arm, and with my own blood
Assure him my soul
Chief blood and regent perpetual night,
Great prince of burning realms, Lucifero.
May the gods of hell be favorable to me,
May the gods of hell appear and rise.
I, to find the secrets of astronomy
Graven in the book of Jove's high firmament,
Did mount him up to scale Olympus top,
Where sitting in a chariot burning bright,
Drawn by the strength of yoked dragons' necks,
I viewed the clouds, the planets, and the stars,
I viewed the tropics, zones, and quarters of the sky,
From the bright circle of the horned moon,
Even to the height of the primum mobile.
I stand now alone in a silent world,
A measureless sea, in a timeless night;
Ruined reflection of my greed.
In a wingbeat of blessing,
I found my curse.
Lente, lente, currite noctis equil!
I am the keeper
Of the sandglass of my eternal sorrow,
But time for me will never end.
A light over there... in front of me...
What am I seeing...
I remember now.
The clock strikes...
The clock strikes eleven...
Oh god!
The clock strikes again...
The devil will come, and I must be damned.
Mountains and hills, come, come and fall on me,
And hide me from the heavy wrath of god.
Hell claims his right, a roaring voice
"Thou come to me, thine hour is come."
A frosty wind, in a whirl of flames
The devil's here, death stands by him!
I feel the cold claw of the beast,
It tears my skin,
The beginning of my wretched end...
Cut is the branch that might have grown full straight,
And burned is Apollo's laurel bough.
That sometime grew within this learned man.
7. The Departing Muse
A strange mist the moor
And silence is calling my muse;
Darkness succeeds the pale light,
The glen is fallin' into the night.
The flame of a candle-end lights the shadows of my mind;
Memories of my youth...
The ghastly glimpse of hell.
...the jester's crying...
...the jester's crying...
The sun won't rise over those exotic worlds,
The sun won't shine on those times,
The sun won't brighten all my darkened worlds.
The jester's crying
And the knight alone.
Echoes of distant voices
And old unholy rimes,
Ruins of ancient empires
Fallen aeons ago...
The hall is empty... The warriors have all gone;
Phantoms of the past are torturing my mind.
"Oh my muse, don't leave my heart tonight,
Be again my inspiration and make the jester smile!"
Lost forever in the chasm of my soul,
A silent screamin' into my brain,
Tormenting screaming of those unfinished lines;
The jester's bleeding
And the listeners gone...
8. Congedum
He who shall muse on these mouldering ruins,
And deeply ponder this darkling life,
Must brood on old legends of battle and bloodshed,
And the heavy mood that troubles his heart:
"Where is the warrior? Where the war horse?
Bestowal of treasure, and sharing of feast?"