1. Confidence Not Arrogance
Throw around your weight See how far it will get you
Making points with the players
In the game of names and who's fucked who
There is nothing superior, to those with angelic status
When you're a puppet, with strings pulled by the facade
Confidence not arrogance
Arrogance, is something you can't learn
Confidence not arrogance
Arrogance, personality's trying to turn
Never will they know what it is like
The magnificence shining of a humble but confident soul
An empty room can be filled to the point of maximum capacity
By one person being overwhelmed in love with oneself
They protect themselves from any humbling return
Building egotistical houses with delusional architecture
Confidence not arrogance
Arrogance is something you can't learn
Confidence not arrogance
Arrogance, personality's trying to turn
Never will they know what it is like
The magnificence shining of a humble but confident soul
All noses in the clouds, pointing to the heavens
Gasping for identity and a breath of lasting recognition
Talking down to everyone listening, stepping up, resisting
Humility replies without answering in a silent return of mockery
2. Sanctuary
Inside your mind, there's a place you'll find
You can leave your fears and troubles all behind you
Where no one can find you
When you're all alone, so empty inside
Just find your inner sanctum
Dry the tears you cried, bring back the feelings that died
How many times have they slammed the door
On the hopes and the visions you had once before
And how many times have they covered your eyes
Tried to shatter your dreams and fill you with lies
Look into his empty eyes
Hidden behind a painted disguise
So long he's endured, so hard how he tries
Alone in the silence, in sorrow he cries
In the night but there's nowhere you can turn
In a world so cold and lonely, bitter lessons to be learned
All odds are against you as you walk this lonely road
When there is no friend you can call on, and no one you can hold
Look into his empty eyes
Hidden behind a painted disguise
Can he find peace and tranquility
This shell of a man that he used to be
Sanctuary from the storm, take the cold and leave the warm
Find the place that brings you harmony
Sanctuary from the storm, mend the heart they've tried and torn
Find your dreams to make reality
3. The Calling
A day in my youth like the end of a dream
The start of a nightmare, or so it would seem
I had all the answers, or so I believed
I chased my tomorrows and I was deceived
Then I heard them calling out my name
Calling out to me time and again
My typical life in the town with no name
My rebel heart has brought me to the flame
He sent his disciples to search out my soul
I heard all their words and surrendered it whole
They showed me his secrets they told me his plan
With believers like me he'd be making his stand
Can you hear them calling out my name
Calling out to me time and again
His evil my vision, his violence my creed
I sow his corruptions fulfill his needs
For so many years I have walked in his way
Till the torch from the sister showed me the way
I learned then the truth I needed to see
But my soul was still captive and not to be free
I'll not escape him he still owns my soul
But I know now the truth and it has made me whole
I run from his horror, I'll never retreat
The truth gave me strength, the strength that I need
I run from his horror, I hide in the night
His evil still haunts me I search for the light
I'll flee him forever, though I'll never escape
My deeds reward for mistakes I have made
I still hear them calling out my name
Voices haunting me time and again
Surrender unto me and walk my way
Never will my heart be burnt by his flame
4. Painful Pursuit Of Passion And Purpose
If we're not doing this for each other, we shouldn't do it
Because once the passion's gone, the desire's gone
And we might as well give up
It's so hard to find a place for yourself
When you're constantly displaced and replaced by perfection
Deserving doesn't seem to mean anything
To those serving the purpose
When they have everything and you have nothing
Not even the most vivid imagination
Could scheme a dream to change it
Dealing with the pain simply means
Standing to withstand anything
Never kneeling to the forced feeling of failure
5. Not Always Lost
Not always lost, but alone
Scattered by the tempest our fears kept spilled and were swept
Away as the surrogates of despair slept
Cradled in the deceitful hands of trust
Broken hearts compel, freedom to search
Behind the walls of the unseen garden
Stop crying, deny the subconscious
Its ability to ease the pain
And self consuming desperation
With prowess imperfection enters a lie
Raging storm a possibility
Penitent thoughts seek illegitimate pardons
Loneliness compares to nothing else
When inflicted by selfish separation
Not always lost, but seemingly alone
Unwilling hearts cannot be kept
Not always lost, but necessarily alone
Open eyes tracing every step
Not always lost, but desperately alone
It seems no matter when you lose yourself
You're always lost, so lost and blind
Direction can't regain sight in darkness
Is if nothing else a blindfolded walk on the bigoted scales of spite
Refusing to believe any more of misleading words and
Presumed truth relying on mistaken paths to take the sight
Out of my eyes granting my heart
Another chance to stand assured to a guided clear view
Not always lost, but seemingly alone
Unwilling hearts cannot be kept
Not always lost but necessarily alone
Open eyes tracing every step
Not always lost, but desperately alone
6. The Falling Snow
With all new years passing gone
Is time left to decide?
Youthful choice is aging to responsibility's patience tried
Your stall your retreat
To the fortress of sleep
clinging to words sharpened through the years of vicarious disma
Can you feel the cold?
Can you feel the cold?
When the time comes to go
No amount of fighting can suspend your foe
Or make up for days lost in waste
If today is the last voice heard
Left my offering be of honesty confide
infidelity's denied, and misconstrued pride
Can you feel the cold?
Can you feel the cold?
Seasons change and thoughts deranged but doubts will never go
Winter calls ambitions fall and waiting is all you know
Nothing matters when dreams scatter trying to stand tall
We all bow down to the falling snow
7. Run Forever
We seek for shelter in the deep of the night
From the dark and the light we close our eyes
The longest days the times that we make
And the risks that we take 'neath the starry skies
Run forever; we're unwanted you see
Run forever and we want to be free
Deceitful dancer run in the rain
And deny all the pain 'cause you'll never fly
There's no answer, there's nothing you made
That can hide you're afraid both to live and to die
Run forever; we're unwanted you see
Run forever and we want to be free
Free from the truth and the lies, the feelings inside
The walls that we've built from the pain in our minds
No more will we take for our will they won't break
Hold on to your dreams for your life's what you make it hold on
Run forever
8. Disenchanted Dreams (Of Conformity)
When your day dreams dissolve in deteriorating trust
With means to a shallow end in hand
Life's acquired problems take seconds to resolve
But a painful eternity to understand
Life is fast becoming a short lived path
A political image
Time is of the essence a momentary passing presence
In which we are confined to our
Disenchanted dreams of conformity
It seems your life has been helplessly cast
Into social deformity
Disenchanted dreams of conformity
It seems your life has been helplessly cast
Into social deformity
Staring at the wall, darkness reflecting deep
Into the heart of infinite just
Indecision to life's direction leaves roles unplayed
By aspirations laid to rest
Life is fast becoming a short lived path
A political image
Time is of the essence a momentary passing presence
In which we are confined to our
Disenchanted dreams of conformity
It seems your life has been helplessly cast
Into social deformity
Disenchanted dreams of conformity
It seems your life has been helplessly cast
Into social deformity
Fashions play on trends, frozen in expiring devotion
Moving in circles lead by blind unguided truth
Fear of standing alone for what one believes
Leaves one solution, one emotion
9. Speed Kills
A high performance demon at the speed of light
Screaming through the gears in the middle of the night
Don't know where I'm going high on octane fumes
I ride at the red line so give me some room
Speed kills, it kills you to see me running so free
Speed kills, I leave with dust and a memory
The fast lane's too slow my eyes see white lines
My only goal, a low estimated time
The only speed limit that I recognize
Is a big block V-8 that's opened up wide
Speed kills, it kills you to see me running so free
Speed kills, I leave with dust and a memory
Four speeds and overdrive and nitrous in my veins
The road appears before my eyes and passes through my brain
As I scream by you wander just who might I be
The only evidence I leave is just a memory
Speed kills, it kills you to see me running so free
Speed kills, I leave with dust and a memory