1. Census Of Stars
I'm a dream away and a sleep behind waking up safely blind
Resurrected, dumb yet protected
Confessing sins to unkind witness
Whose holding charm an arms leght distance, away
While assisting mistakes to sneak up behind me,
Finding me, unclaimed and blamed for shames sake
For every shining star there are three that have fallen
Two misjudged by hands having stolen
For every shining star there are three that have fallen
Two over looked by eyes that are swollen
with lies and a fools golden splendor
True targets of admiration stands in the shadows
Eclipsed by the undeserving,
Claiming the spotlight as their own
Enacting failures to a mass audience
Giving stage fright to greatness
Performing miracles and walking on water
When boastfully alone,
Hidden abilities un-shown, un-wept, un-dreamt
Sneak away to play without permission to say
Do you care enough to look beneath?...or care less
For every shining star there are three that have fallen
Two misjudged by hands having stolen
For every shining star there are three that have fallen
Two over looked by eyes that are swollen
with lies and a fools golden splendor
2. Mindless Game Control
It has begun, the breaking down of wills
The struggle to submit
The conflict between compromise and manipulation
You can't resist, you can't resist
With independence consumed, we walk the thin line
That's timely tested and detested
By those falling short to subservience,
Being subdued by the line
One needs to fall down,
To another's oppression gaining ground
One must give in to the mindless game control
One needs to fall down,
To another's oppression gaining ground
One must give in to the mindless game control
Held by your embodying beliefs
And conclusions undecided
Freedom contravies to overlock
Designated points where your heart once recided
Don't fall to the mindless game control
One needs to fall down,
To another's oppression gaining ground
One must give in to the mindless game control
One needs to fall down,
To another's oppression gaining ground
One must give in to the mindless game control
3. Madness Endeavor
I scream to notice my fingers numbing more and more
Losing my pulse, holding my breath
Saving its allowance to purchase one last hope
It's funny how fragile life gets, contained in glass
Waiting for salvation to come, one letter at a time
Forming redemption with ink and a feather
How many times must these wrists be severed
To bleed out all the tired blood
Hold my words, dust my page
Trace the ink strokes enraged
Carving out liberation, with pencil lead
Tones in flesh fed, lips to savor all truth, all pain
The madness endeavor
Not wanting to mix words
I separate my intentions by etching syllables in wood
Breaking down motives keeping store, what for?
Writing verse in rhythm, meter with premise
Currents forging cracks in smiles
Too precise to recognize
Knowing it's too late to reconsider my failing position
I succumb, unthreading the tide to be overcome
By this oncoming, unstopping mass
Hold my words, dust my page
Trace the ink strokes enraged
Carving out liberation, with pencil lead
Tones in flesh fed, lips to savor all truth, all pain
The madness endeavor
4. Pages Of Time
I'm sitting here reflecting on a world that's passed me by
My time is spent, where has it went
If I only had just one more try
But there is no turning back now,
We must move on my friend
Not so long ago it seems when I was young
My adolescent dreams of great things to be done
I took for granted pleasures that children only know
Memories like treasures, I lived and let them go
The years have gone to fast,
and I can't change the past
Turn back the pages of time
I cherished not a moment, saw chances pass me by
Regret will be my eulogy, of things I didn't try
I lost my life to triefles and found no meaning there
A hedonist disciple afraid to even care
These years have gone to fast,
and I can't change the past, will this day be my last?
Turn back the pages of time
I locked away my secrets, no relationships begun
The fears I learned in youth, never trusting anyone
Self doubt prayed upon me, forever the willing host
I left no mark behind me as if I were a ghost
These years have gone to fast,
and I can't change the past, will this day be my last?
Turn back the pages of time
5. Are First Loves Forgotten?
I was always so good at selecting words
To hurt rather than heal
Busy premeditating verbal murder
We should have instated a code of silence between us
Instead of choosing to speak, every something was wrong
forcing feelings, tiring ourselves out
Many times without a doubt,
Shutting up might have saved us
My fingerprints washed off your body
Kisses wiped from your lips
Inspection couldn't find a mark left behind
Or proof of the time I spent inside you, beside you
With all the skin we shared, I'm scared
You've taken back what I mistook as my own
causalities spared, judgement impaired
For what cause was I disowned?
Are first loves forgotten?
Open words with a closing, to insight a battle
Overhead glances invite free interpretations
Jealously vows a way to get back at me suddenly
It's over with no time to explain
I was honest with someone, when honesty wouldn't work
Again paths crossing, feeling secure
Long enough to catch my reflection, rejection
In a way you can say that everything in life
Has an expiration date
Running out of breath
Running to your rescue
Signing to donate my heart
Finding it's been rejected by incompatible blood types,
Complications and misunderstandings
Close your eyes when your lips are covering my mouth
Or you don't mean it.
I wish some insight would have come to me
Before self surgery
You see, I wasn't the first to have torn into my chest
To win you over
But for me it is over and that is to say
You won't be missed
Wait, before you say good-bye,
Let me take a picture to remember
Not to meet you again in another life,
or in another's body
We have to stop meeting like this
6. So Where Is God?
I have stolen heaven and earth
Gone unaccused of any crime
Been framed in an ice sculpture of Jesus
Begging to be absolved
Thorns bleeding, causing my saviour to melt
Every time blasphemous words
Have split from my lips
Ending my sentence with a sentence
And a exclamation
Prayers cannot save me,
God has damned us all
Slap my face for taking his name in vain
Receiving him is so far gone
Kneeling now so where is god?
Hads exalted, holding cross
Praying now so where is god
Wash my out mouth
With holy water and soup
Trying to cleanse the thoughts
Impure on the inside
Torment rape the Virgin Mother
Burn from me this guilt enough
To fill the cup of Christ
Strap my confessions to the fence
For all to ridicule weakness
Make an example out of me
Receiving him is so far gone
Kneeling now so where is god?
Hads exalted, holding cross
Praying now so where is god
Wash my out mouth
With holy water and soup
Trying to cleanse the thoughts
Impure on the inside
7. Confusion
Where are the answers we're looking for
And what are the questions we ask
History may hold these answers and more
But I never lived in the past
Seeking in vain for the keys
To knowledge that I think I need
My days are a turning of pages searching
For what cannot be
The anger intense behind my eyes
In my fruitless search for the truth
frustration teaches me to despise
The ignorance born of my youth
Within my heart there rages and prowls
A wolf of the northern steps
The moonlight beckons my soul to howl
While in man's twilight world I slept
The beast of my soul yearns to be free
From the shackless that keep it inside
Am I the wolf, has the wolf become me
When no more, I'm able to hide
My eyes are two way mirrors
Concealing the spirit within
That stirs my mind in a terror
An innocent heart black with sin
Within my heart there rages and prowls
A wolf of the northern steps
The moonlight beckons my soul to howl
While in man's twilight world I slept
The beast of my soul yearns to be free
From the shackless that keep it inside
Am I the wolf, has the wolf become me
When no more, I'm able to hide
the beast of my sopul years to be free
Am I the wolf, yes, the wolfs become me
8. Don't Look To Me
I always thought you were my friends
Thought that you believed in me, behind me till the end
I always thought you would be here
And never thought it'd end like this, resentment and the bitterness
Now, I see that you were only here
To take all that you could get,
I now the truth and won't forget
You, took my heart, my soul, my songs
Used me and then walked away, but when your crying back I'll say
Don't look to me, when your world is falling down
And you need someone around
Don't look to me
When your friends have all betrayed you
And you need someone to save you, don't look to me
Once, we were the bond no one could break
But over time the chain got weak,
Selfishness the weakest link
Now, I'll rise above my broken past
Forget the ones who pulled me down,
Find happiness at last
Don't look to me, when your world is falling down
And you need someone around
Don't look to me
When your friends have all betrayed you
And you need someone to save you, don't look to me
Standing here alone, knowing I can make it on my own
Sometimes all that we can do
Is push forward through the storm
Standing here alone, knowing I can make it on my own
Sometimes all that we can do
Is push forward through the storm
9. Passion Above All Else
Three weeks ago yesterday, the last time we spoke
Today's distance holds us too far to measure
and tomorrow will never hold us that close
Our hands once stitched together
Weaving bloodstreams into one
Arteries under pressure
Sharing breath in our lungs
Crossing our hearts hoping to die
If fingers untangled attempt to defy
Passion above all else
Giving my heart or nothing else
What's left of myself, isn't myself
When used up and placed on a shelf
Passion above all else
Giving my heart or nothing else
What's left of myself, isn't myself
Passion above all else
I opened up a hole in my chest, so deep
And extracted so much of myself
One can't help but hurt
This time I'm going to feel it in the morning
I dream of love when love can't be seen
I don't forgive you for giving up on me
But I understand what causes distance
And loss of interest
You said you'd give up the world
I've never meant so much to someone
And been so soon forgotten
Passion above all else
Giving my heart or nothing else
What's left of myself, isn't myself
When used up and placed on a shelf
Passion above all else
Giving my heart or nothing else
What's left of myself, isn't myself
Passion above all else
Passion pledges never to wander,
Never to wonder
What could be different, what could be undone
Swearing to stay true, undiluted,
Following through
Focused on the sun, the bearer of all purity
Shuttering out discouraging light
Channeling streams of foresight
To warm my face and never replace
Passion as the source of all grace