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Группы : Дискографии


Lunatic Invasion: "Totentanz" – 1995

энциклопедия: Lunatic Invasion

Состав группы:

  • "Maja" Majewski – ударные
  • Michael "Micha" Wulfert – гитара, клавишные
  • Steffen Ramlow – вокал, клавишные
  • Denny "Schulle" Hellbach – бас

Lunatic Invasion: "Totentanz" – 1995


  1. Totentanz
  2. Haut
  3. Deads Paradise
  4. Sturm
  5. Asche Zu Asche
  6. Fallen Angel
  7. Gathering Of Bones
  8. Dance Macabre
  9. Prozession
  10. The Haunted Palace
  11. Dark Prayers
  12. Blut Gott


1. Totentanz

Totentanz! totentanz! totentanz!

2. Haut

Komm zu mir, knie vor mir
Bef mich an, untertan
Schmerz ist all der lohn
Den du dir verdienst
Sieh mich an, untertan
Beug dein haupt in den staub
Ich schenke dir den tod
So du ihn verdienst

Komm zu mir
Das leid wird schier unsäglich
Zögere nicht
Der schmerz ist unerträglich
Kriech vor mir
Erfülle meine lust
Stirb für mich
Der grund des leidens bin nur ich

Streck' dich aus
Ich entkerne dir den leib
Schrei ruhig laut
Ich mach' das nur zum zeitvertreib
Halt schön still
Ich brach' dir das genick
Sei unbesorgt
Darin hab ich viel geschick

Dein toter leib, er blutet noch
Er bringt mein blut in wallung
Ich spann dich auf das gerbebrett
Welch köstliche erfahrung

Zu liebkosen kaltes fleisch
Zu trinken leichentau
Zu küssen deinen toten mund
Du schrecklich schöne frau

Ich schneide dir die haut vom körper
Entfleische und enthaare sie
Entferne dir dein fettgewebe
Solche blöße gabst du dir nie
Ich walke sie und spann sie auf
Ich falze auch die ecken
Die rohe haut sie fault dann nicht
Nur so kann sie entzücken

Gefettet und gebeizt dein balg
So ist er schön geschmeidig
Ich schneid mir zu daraus ein kleid
Wunderschön und seidig

Ich schlüpf hinein und knüpf es zu
Ich bin ganz entzückt
Dieser moment ist ein gefühl
Allergrößten glücks

Du kamst zu mir, ich gab es dir
Leid für dich-glück für mich
Ich gab dir den tod
Du hast ihn verdient
Nahm die haut, du schriest laut
Nahm dein leben mit gottes segen
Nur dein fleisch war schwach
Die haut war durchaus willig

3. Deads Paradise

Deep in my subconscious
I feel that i'm not dead
Take away that feelings
Oh lord i feel so sad

Is this the paradise
You promised in my dreams
I'm so weak and helpless
Tell me what it means

Free me from the burden
The pain to be alive
Save me from the garden eden
Rescue me from god and christ
Garden evil is my aim
The source of all madness
Where i'll live my darkest visions
Pictures from a boundless depth

Tease me
Destroy me
Hurt my dignity
I'm worthless

Enslave me
Humiliate me
Don't keep my life
And release me

Dark's son take me let me die
I'm on my knees i pray
To fall into the endless sleep
A lonely place to die i seek

Guide me to the paradise
Where i'll find my final peace
A silent home to lay my head
On the altar of the mad

4. Sturm


5. Asche Zu Asche

Die sonne rot sinkt über'm feld
Der schlachtenlärm verhallt
Der wind er singt ein totenlied
Er preist den, den niemand sieht

Ein müder haufen, der übrig blieb
Vom wilden kriegerheer

Dahin ist stolz, dahin ist mut,

Die erde trinkt ihr heißes blut

Asche zu asche-staub zu staub
Das leben senkt-sein müdes haupt
Das land blutrot-die schlacht vorbei
Der schnitter tod-er holt sein' teil

Raben kreisen über'm feld
Zeugen dessen was geschah
Der eisige wind die toten zählt
Spielt mit den fahnen-streicht durch haar
Mutter erde webt ihr leichentuch
Aus leben, tränen, blut

Und nur der rabenlied erzählt
Vom tod, der durch die reihen schritt

6. Fallen Angel

Endless darkness surrounds my head
This world is so cold, everything is black
Deadly thoughts torture my brain
Full of hatred, filled with pain

Death just ended your life
In a world full of lies
You don't live a bad dream
You're in the worid between

Hell means deliverance from pain
That's torturer christus to blame

Oh god this must be a nightmare
I have to wake up, its more than i can bear

No, there's no return
Your mortal shell is burned
Come, and enter my realm
Come, fulfill me my dream

Hell means deliverance from pain
That's torturer christus to blame

Whom shall i believe...

Which way
I have to choose
Which god
Told me truth
They call you destroyer
The root of all evil
I'm afraid of
The blood you have spilled

Believe in my words
Life is so profane
You have nothing to loose
Only the chain
That bounds you on it
And the son of its god
Forget now their lies
They eternally rot

Don't deny your longfelt want
Cross the line into beyond
Forget their lies your life is past
Don't remember you are lost


The evil mights of satan

God's sevendays creation
The darkest rites of madness

The bastard whom you confessed

Follow the light
Of the holy cross that bums
Lay close to it
Feel the infernal warmth
It gives you the power
The might of the darkest
Don't cross the line
And in pain you have to rest

Destroy what you are
And sunder the chain
Forget your wretched past
Your life made of pain
Here you wont suffer
For sins those are none
God is forgotten
My kingdom comes

7. Gathering Of Bones


8. Dance Macabre

I open your casket to please you to dance
But what is happened-nothing remained
Your torso is bursted, innards fade away
You have a great sunlack, your taint is so grey
Shreds of your skin flutter in a breeze
But i still love you i lay close to your breast
Fountains of pus eject from your chest
It really excites me-what a nice feast!

Maggots welcome me instead of your lips
I wanna kiss you, my tongue dips
Into the slime pool which was your mouth
What a great pleasure the maggots cause
They creep over my tongue deep into my throat
I have to eat them they taste so good
A delicious warmth spreads from my stomach
A godlike shudder runs over my neck

I'm lifting your body deep from the ground
You're light as a feather, we dance to the sound
Of enchanting maggots and ratting bones
Macabre symphony of dissonant tones
A flavour of rot springs from your lips
I caress your cheek so that the flesh rips
My teeth dig deep into your festering flesh
Thanks god humans decay after death

Fountains of blood-i drink your pus
To worship the beast i bath in your guts
With shreds of your skin i cover my face
Postmortal desire-satan i praise

My tongue licks over your broken neck
My passionate hug pierce your bones through my back
We dance to the melodies of orchestras of pain
No might on earth will divide us again
You and me together-an everlasting feast
Dancing macabre, worshipping the beast
My head swims from your bewitching scent
We dance through eternity into the holy land

9. Prozession


10. The Haunted Palace

Fountains of blood-i drink your pus
To worship the beast i bath in your guts
Cracking your ribs, eating your tits
Sucking your slime-it tastes divine

Eating your flesh improves my breath
The blood on my chest satan blessed

With shreds of your skin i cover my face
Postmortal desire-satan i praise

In the greenest of our valleys
By good angels tenanted,
Once a fair and stately palace-
Radiant palace-reared its head
In the monarch thoughts dominion-
It stood there:
Never seraph spread a pinion
Over fabric half so fair!

Banners yellow, glorious, golden,
On its roof did float and flow,
(this all this-was in the olden
Time long ago;)
And every gentle air that dallied
In that sweet day,
Along the ramparts plumed and pallid,
A winged odour went away

Wanderers in that happy valley
Through two luminous windows, saw
Spirits moving musically
To a lute's well tuned law,
Round about a throne were, sitting
In state his glory well-befitting,
The ruler of the realm was seen

And all with pearl and ruby glowing
Was the fair palace door,

Through which came flowing, flowing, flowing,
And sparkling evermore,
A troop of echoes, who's sweet duty
Was but to sing,
The voices of surpassing beauty,
The wit and wisdom of their

But evil things in robes of sorrow,
Assailed the monarch's high estate:
Ah let us mourn– for never morrow
Shall down upon him desolate!
And about his home the glory
That blushed and bloomed
Is but a dim– remembered story
Of the old time entombed

And travellers, now, within that valley,
Through the red– litten windows, see
Vast forms, that move fantastically
To a discordant melody;

While, like a ghastly rapid river,
Through the pail door
A hideous throng rush out for ever,
And laugh-but smile no more

11. Dark Prayers

Burning in the evil flame
Cleaning my soul from the master Jesus Christ
Desecrating in Satan's name
Cursing all the Christ adorers
I'm possessed...

By the thought that I will be chosen one
Give me a sign...

Let me pay for what I have done

I'm worth to be the one
Coz deep in my soul I'm evil
Open the gates into beyond
Bring on the powers of darkness
Infernal god
Make me able to abjure the lord Jesus Christ
Accept my unholy offering
Set my free from the clerical lies

I'll be yours let us be one
Make me part of you
You've won and god has lost
My black soul to you

Hidden in bizarre
Sign me
And drink my blood
Take me
Fill my mortal shell
I'm the gift
I will bring to you
Enlighten me
Destroy my human past
Let me reach
The level of supreme
Guide me
Free my bounded soul
Comply my wish
Show me your darkest realm

Dark lord
I worship the powers from beyond
Evil ghost
Vision of my haunting dreams
Make me see
Before you let me die
Accept my prayer
Give me back my peace of mind

Darken the sky
Shield me from the light of dawn
Bless me now
With your sacred burning cross

The horror of my dark illusions
I will live to see my dream as true

12. Blut Gott

A voice in your head darkens your mind
Tell you what to do leads you blind through the night
I fulfill destiny present eternity
My gift sanctity is dedicated to you
Sweet paradise is quite by me
And to enter there I will show you the only path
My endless love is the key to it
Come to me and open the gate for you

Teeth rip skin
Cleanse it from the sin
Make the bad unhappen
I am almighty
Teeth grind bones
Breaking with sweet noise
Spilling life and power
I am almighty

Lam god
My mouth is the gate
Happiness and sanctity
You will find within me
I let free your soul
Into salvation
The way to sweet heaven
Leads through me

Skin that bursts with a slight crunch
When I grab my greedy teeth into it
Your blood streams dark into my mouth
I suck I bite I lick I swallow
Addicted to blood steamy and hot
Salty and red driving me mad
How I love the taste running down my throat
Keeping me alive giving me warmth from inside

Teeth rip brain
I can breathe your pain
Triumphating insane
I am almighty
Teeth bite flesh
My grace is endless
Makes you an angel
I am almighty

I am god
My mouth is the gate
In my inner reign
You will live forever
I let free your soul
Into salvation
The way to sweet heaven
Leads though me

Dona nobis mortem
Funde sanguinem nostrum
Angelus furens in tenebrae
Tenebricosus animus tuus est
Non posses ascendere
Ad loco ab quo veniebas
Sanguino sanctificatio est
Flammi-vomus regnas in abrupto

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