1. Fortune
You whisper in my mind
from the essence of my dream
as a soul talks to the living
as the foam on the shore
Victorious, led by her light
Victorious, follow the muse of war
Victorious, one way to touch the stars
Glorious shall my quiet heart remain
I am the seaweed in the countless waves
victor of a captured destiny
I am the one no shadow can hide
darker than the extinct heart
I am the quiet resident
of lightning and storm
I am the blood that returns
to the infinite veins of earth
Your dress flowing in the wind
as a flag spared by time
is as life animating a statue
the soul of an ancient muse
Be the wing that passes through
the furious waves
Come, you must be mine
As your darker hymn rings out
Muse of war
I will seize the instant
Living effigy of victory
our path shall be long
I am the warrior of fortune
I can not let her go crazy
She can lead me to my end
The journey has to be done
2. Immortal Ancestry
The end existed even before the beginning
I knew right from the first second
the journey would end sadly
From this paradox emerges a great potential
The one that structures the filthy moments collection...
Your life
And the one that makes the strength of those who can
I know my undertaking is doomed to final failure
And I live
You know your life is a constant failure
And I live
Your weakness is my strength
The day of your death transposed each time you breathe
The end existed even before the beginning
I knew it right from the first second
the would end sadly
The day of your death transposed each time you breathe
Celebrate life and honor your death
Celebrate life and honor your death
Live well...die well
Your decline is an indignity
Die your whole life
You praise to believe in nothing
the truth is nobody believes in you
We live the strength of our immortal ancestry
3. Deep Waters
We know you are lost in a jail of immensity
You wander in a subconscious ocean
Haunted by the creatures of emptiness,
entity the world generated for you,
materialization of your great anxieties
You drown in the waters of absurdity
Haunted by the creatures of emptiness,
entity the world generated for you,
materialization of your great anxieties
Slowly you swim towards clearer waters
Don't you feel the cold energy hurting
you whole body in each impulse?
We know...the black seaweed of depths
extend their ramifications in your diseased mind
You will wait until your illness' extraction is completed
We are the curators
Listen to the winds of strength
Emerging from our magnificent hearts
We will devote to yourself
Now you are about to feel...the original failure is
the withdrawal into...yourself?
What an abstract word...
The refusal of a beneficial help
We know...the black seaweed of depths
extend their ramifications in your diseased mind
We are the curators
We hold you prisoner for your own sake
You ungrateful
The hope to save your soul?
Feed the curators with your life sickness
Turn back...
Alone to the deep waters
In a jail of immensity
4. Abraham Timecode
5. Dream Of The Sun
In the immensity there is nothing
Vacuum is obviously the mark of an entity's presence
Material abstraction
That is why the child moves toward
Maybe he is walking...
Or perhaps he is moved by an external force
A synthetic tulip each three feet
on the border of the tar, in the grass, then nothing
The child suffers from intermittent visions from the heart,
the fall at the end of the path
It suddenly ceases to exist,
Chronos dies
He is snatched by the vacuum
Overheating speed, the fall
The path is too clear, too too light and mechanical
So crystal-clear your forget it has no end
The child suffers from intermittent visions from the heart,
the fall at the end of the path
In the heart he stands in front of the masterpiece
The surface is covered in rust
But it probably does not exist
The waves would be too strong
The child is taken by regrets, the change is irreversible
Purifying fire
Purifying fire, start of a distant end
Rise to the Sun
6. A Time For War
Here comes a time when
the faded flowers evaporate
as a fragrance of a season gone
too soon in staggering whirlwind
A tender heart who used to hate
the deep and black emptiness
wanders in the ruins of enlightenment
The sun drowned in his own blood
A time has come for repudiation
The glorious hours of decadence
A time for war, as the crowd chant
The will be no Justice
Then when he will be lost
in the endless memory of men
Then we will throw him away
Decrepit, abject and filthy
Slow disintegration of a dying mechanic
And rust turns to ashes
We march on the holy ground
as the last petal falls
Then is no justice
Force them to be free
A time has come for repudiation
The glorious hours of decadence
A time for war, as I write in your blood
There will be no justice
7. The Last Deception
The executioner now controls your body and your soul
He shapes your thoughts
Your words are his words
You only see his happiness
Dazzled by the beauty of a sterile freedom
Completely satisfied with a wretched existence
What a macabre sight
The fanatic disciple
leads the commandments to defeat
A happy march to the slaughter
All my hatred hides behind a soft image
You believe you see he end of my beliefs
You wonder where....
all this aggression is gone
No more need to shout
My voice tortures your brain
In the suffering,
the truth suddenly becomes clearer
Weakness is your religion,
resistance to a deadly sin
No more place for altruism
Compassion turns out to disgust
My contempt hurts your as a blade
And a hypocritical sympathy
throws you in my arms
I will let you taste
the fruit of your decay
8. Sol Septem Meridian
I walk on the emptiness
on a road paved with air
The path is straight and clear
and I move to the Sun
Walk on the Meridian
Path of the braves
The one who realizes his his achievements
will reach the Seventh Sun
The Blue around me is radiant
and the sky shines with a serene peace
The light is blinding
My eye stares at the center
All senses disappear
They seem to be useless now
as the mind is focuses on
the heavenly body of fire
Sol Septem Meridian
Walk on the Meridian
Path of the Braves
No more achievements
Burn in the Seventh Sun
A legend can never die
But I will the first to live
bearing the weight of my life
I just want to walk the path
Walk on the Meridian
Path of the Braves
No more achievements
Burn in the Seventh Sun
9. Absolute Research
Seeking for the absolute, the infinite
He knows it can only be found in sensation
Thirst of absolute
Thirst of immortality
Are you not afraid of an imminent end?
You should have been a coward but your are a mystic
and the absolute is only seized in the instant
A profound contempt for what can not lead you
to the instant of the link with yourself in a staggering possession
A human form you can not see
A blind force dominating the shapeless material of fate
A primal distress quivers inside him
It throws you to the octopuses of sleep and death
You will take a life to supress yours
or you will be insane
The octopuses night and day, a whole life...
He says you never kill yourself when your are insane
It is the first time you met the fascination of death
He aroused it with the same force of night
than his own distress
The almighty intimacy of silence and exhaustion
Seeking for the absolute, the infinite
He knows it can only be found in sensation