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Группы : Дискографии


Mystic Circle: "Kriegsgotter II" – 2000

энциклопедия: Mystic Circle

Состав группы:

  • Beelzebub – вокал, бас
  • Ezpharess – гитары
  • Baalsulgorr – клавишные
  • Blizzard – ударные

Mystic Circle: "Kriegsgotter II" – 2000


  1. One Rode To Asa Bay
  2. Die Götter Der Urväter
  3. Azazel's Soulfly
  4. Acheron (Medley)
  5. Circle Of The Tyrants


1. One Rode To Asa Bay

оригинал: Bathory

One man rode the way through the woods
Down to Asa bay
Where dragon ships had sailed to sea
More times than one could say
To see with own eyes the wonder
People told of from man to man
The God of all almightyness
Had arrived from a foreign land

The rumours told of a man
Who had come from the other side the seas
Carrying gold cross around neck in chain
And spoke in strange tongue of peace
He had come with strange men in armour
Dressed in purple shirts and lace
Smelling not of beer but flowers
And with no hair in face

And the bold man carrying cross
Had told all one of Asa bay
The God of all man woman child had come
To them all save
And to thank Lord of Heaven
One should build to God a house
And to save one's soul from Hell
One should be baptised and say vows

A man of pride with the Hammer told new God
To build his house on own
And spoke loud of the Gods of their fathers
Not too long time gone
The rumours said the man with a beard like fire
And the Hammer in chain
By men in armour silenced was and by
Their swords was slain

Those who did not pay the one coin
Of four to man of new God
Whipped was twenty and put in chains then locked
By their neck to the log [To the log...]
And so all of Asa bay did build
A house of the cross
Every hour of daylight they did sweat
Limbs ached because faith does cost

_And on the day two hundred
There it stood white to the sky
The house of the God of the cross
Big enough to take two dragon ships inside
And all of Asa bay did watch
The wonder raise to the sky
Now must the God of the cross be pleased
And satisfied

Just outside the circle of the crowd
One old man did stand
He looked across the waters
And blotted the sun out of his eyes with one hand
And his old eyes could almost see
The dragon ships set sail
And his old ears could almost hear
Men of great numbers call out Oden's hail

And though he did know already
Though he turned face towards sky
And whispered silent words forgotten
Spoken only way up high
Now this house of a foreign God does stand
Now must they leave us alone
Still he heard from somewhere in the woods
Old crow of wisdom say
...people of Asa land, it's only just begun...

2. Die Götter Der Urväter

Donner erhebt sich Bekämpfer der riesen Tritt hervor
er schwingt seinen Hammer den er nennt Mjillnör manchen Kampf hat er geführt
den er nie verlor der mächtigste der Asengötter
sein Name ist Thor

der Speer Dunjör ziehrt seine Hand ein Auge sein Gesicht
Odin ist der Göttervater
sein Wort das Gericht
Ring Draupnir an seinem Finger
ein Ring voller Magie Weisheit und Gerechtigkeit
Kriegsgott und Genie

er bewacht die Brücke Bifrost vor den Bergriesen
seine Ohren hörn das Gras wenn es beginnt zu spriesen der Wächter Bläst
das Gjallahorn zu Ragnaröck
Heimdall ist sein anme Sohn von neun Riesenmädchen

Fahl und Bleich ist ihr Gesicht
eine Farbe weiß wie mehl düster und grimmig
ihre Ausstrahlung man nennt sie auch die Hehl
sie bewacht die Unterwelt
eine Welt stumm und leer
die schwester der Midgardschlange und des Fenriswolfs
Krummer Sinn der Abtrünnige zu den Göttern gehörte er nie
der Gott der mit einer Riesin zusammen war genannt
auch Loki Vater der Mißbildungen und des unheils Anstifter
der Zerstörung unserer Kultur denn die Welt der Götter
sie ist unsere Religion
das Wort Gottes haben wir nie geglaubt
verbrennt ihre Kirchen verbrennt ihren Gott zurück zu den Wurzeln
die Götter der Urväter

3. Azazel's Soulfly


4. Acheron (Medley)

оригинал: Acheron

5. Circle Of The Tyrants

оригинал: Celtic Frost

After the battle is over
And the sands drunken the blood
All what there remains
Is the bitterness of delusion

The immortality of the gods
Sits at their side
As they leave the walls behind
To reach the jewels gleam

The days have come
When the steel will rule
And upon his head
A crown of gold

Your hand wields the might
The tyrant's the precursor
You carry the will
As the morning is near

I sing the ballads
Of victory and defeat
I hear the tales
Of frozen mystery

The new kingdoms rise / By the circle of the tyrants
In the land of darkness / The warrior, that was me
Grotesque glory / None will ever see them fall
And hunts and war / Are like everlasting shadows

Where the winds cannot reach / The tyrant's might was born
And often I look back / With tears in my eyes
Grotesque glory / None will ever see them fall
And hunts and wars / Are like everlasting shadows

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