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Napalm Death: "Noise For Music's Sake" – 2003

энциклопедия: Napalm Death

Состав группы:

Napalm Death: "Noise For Music's Sake" – 2003


  1. The Kill
  2. Scum
  3. You Suffer
  4. Deceiver
  5. Hung
  6. Antibody
  7. Unchallenged Hate
  8. Siege Of Power
  9. Greed Killing
  10. Suffer The Children
  11. Mass Appeal Madness
  12. Next Of Kin To Chaos
  13. Judicial Slime
  14. Lucid Fairytale
  15. If The Truth Be Known
  16. Plague Rages
  17. Social Sterility
  18. From Enlslavement To Obliteration
  19. Low Point
  20. Comtemptuous
  21. Diatribes
  22. Chains That Bind Us
  23. Armaggedon X 7
  24. Breed To Breathe
  25. The World Keeps Turning
  26. The Infiltraitor
  27. Nazi Punks Fuck Off
  28. Rise Above
  29. The Missing Link
  30. Mentally Murdered
  31. Walls Of Confinement
  32. Cause And Effect
  33. No Mental Effort
  34. Pride Assassin
  35. Avalanche Master Song
  36. One And The Same
  37. Sick And Tired
  38. Malignant Trait
  39. Killing With Kindness
  40. Means To An End
  41. Insanity Excursion
  42. Truth Drug
  43. Living In Denial
  44. Food Chains
  45. Upwards And Uninterested
  46. I Abstain
  47. Politics Of Common Sense
  48. Internal Animosity
  49. Scum
  50. Life?
  51. Retreat To Nowhere
  52. Remain Nameless
  53. Twist The Knife
  54. Deceiver
  55. The Infiltraitor
  56. Abbatoir




2. The Kill

There's nothing to gain
You have just been led

The kill, after death, the kill

The shit you were promised
Means nothing now you're dead

The kill, after death, the kill

3. Scum

In your mind
Nothing but fear
You can't face life
Or believe death's near

A vision of life
On television screens
An existence created
From empty dreams

Hide behind T.V.
Hide behind life
You should be living
But you only survive

Life holds nothing
But pain and death
Don't look for love
There is none left

4. You Suffer

You suffer...
But why?

5. Deceiver

Becoming weary of your lies
You disguise the truth belies

Only fooling yourself

Pretend to bite the hand that feeds
But you won't discard your security

The transparency of your fantasy

6. Hung

Downwards, downwards-
Life's spiraling descent.
All love is lost.
Premature and unreasoning.
Perversely chained without any values.
Wretched, degraded.
Take it all on the chin.
To forever hold my piece.....
The reins turned noose pull taunt as I fall.
The figment is more painful than the fact,
And I'm the one to hang, just for being me!
The murky clouds wash, solace comforts me not,
And I'm the one to hang, just for being me!
Black numbing blanket smothers attrition once and for all.

7. Antibody

8. Unchallenged Hate

A chronic complaint of dimness
Prevails your profound ideology
A romantic vision of a "master race"
Attained through coercive forms of authority

Your observance is negligence
If you see the threat from different cultures
We're all in this sinking ship
All of us together

Where does the white man stand?
Where does the black man stand?
Where do we all fucking stand?


Look into yourself
And you'll find the real oppressor
To a life of unchallenged hate
It's you who's the nigger!

9. Siege Of Power

Siege of power
In your land
Too many problems
For you to understand

Siege of power
Inside your mind
Outward restrictions
To keep you in line

Siege of power – in your land
Too many problems – for you to understand
A slave of their power – you never question why
You're going to suffer – you're going to die

Siege of power – inside your mind
Outward restrictions – to keep you in line
You're a slave of their power – you never questioned why
You were made to suffer – you were born to die

Siege of power
They made you a tool
While others were ruling
You were being ruled

10. Greed Killing

The wrong time, the wrong place,
Our smiling face of distruct.
Buried, the seed deep in all our heads.
Prepared ourselves for the fall.

The greed killing!

Instinct to mistruct,
Instinct – the lust.
Their butchery of feelings,
geared for the greed killing.

The greed killing!

The lust denied is need

Existence is a steady flow,
the moulded image grows.
No core, no faith in what you are,
the pressure builds right from the start.

The lust denied the need

Could it be just sour grapes?
Or have we failed to fit their shape?
It's always give, and never take.
How much can we give?
How much can we take?

The lust denied the need

11. Suffer The Children

Your unflappable conception moralistic views
Never open to criticism your overpowering ruse
Promises of sanctuary in eternal bliss
With starry eyes and cash in hand
Pledge all to the masters plan
Just face the truth or fund the farce
At one with your god your sole intent
Your treasured place assured
For a substantial rent
Global lucancy death threats for supposed blasphemy
No room for free thought
All non believers pushed to the floor
Agressive tyrans supposed saints for the cause
Judgement through force faith a fuel for pointless war
When all is done who shall benefit? Who is the one?
Not those dictators divine waving their deceintful wands

12. Mass Appeal Madness

Tell me, assure me, I really can't believe your dishonesty.
Dissention, seeking attention, yet segregation from the ones' that really cared.

Tell me, assure me, I really can't believe your dishonesty.
Cash styled deadhead, no conscience or opinions.
Material gain bar happiness means shit.

It means shit.

Mass appeal madness eats your brain.
False influence like a leach.
Sucking dry your veins.

Public eyes see fit your second face.
Freakshow – fooling those who imitate.

Clever marketing to dominate.
Screwing those who gave you your big break.

And when the bubble bursts, exposing your selfish crap.
You'll cry for sympathy, we'll just sit back and laugh.

13. Next Of Kin To Chaos

Stuck in the learning hole,
there is no teaching
that I can subscribe to –
Just the hatred of being afraid.

Trapped in a nightmare,
nothing can alter this.
Just another daydream,
calendar sadness.

Lucid, inducing swarm
becoming closer but getting colder.
The caustic grip insane.

Lucid induced

Pre-shaping destiny – hiding inside of me.
Primate illusions of
how all this should be.

Next of kin to chaos.

14. Judicial Slime

Taste me,
You made me what I am,
Mind polluting worthless fuck.

Am I the mental feast,
Bruised and scarred,
The underdog.

A pawn within a losers game,
My strength will grow upon your fear.

In time you'll face your end line.
Judge me not before yourself.
Take my pride – that's all you can.
Hatred surges burning me.

For what atonement do you seek,
Your dying grasp of loyalty breaks like brittle bones.

Forgotten past,
I stand condemned,
For I am more powerful than you'd imagine.

15. Lucid Fairytale

Delude yourself with the notion
That life's viewed defiantly through your eye
Subconsciously following the flock
From which appearance is the only exemption

The stagnant illusion of change
Concealed behind your disguise

What's perspicious on the surface
Is artificial inside
When views are merely symbolic
Of an image you hide behind

The stagnant illusion of change
Concealed behind your disguise

16. If The Truth Be Known

Your self-determined place of value
Think before you act!
Can you justifiably criticise
A situations development

Sometimes there's only a single path
Which we have to walk
You realise before you even speak
That we're standing in a one-way street

Why should we retreat? – To satisfy your gain?

Think hard – tell me
What's your actual thoughts?
Could you even give your brain the time of day?

I'm not defending things I've said or done
But let he without sin
Cast the first begrudging stone

If the truth be known
you desire to judge unchallenged
and revel in the according attention

17. Plague Rages

Scale the inferno, take it all in
Am I right or wrong, or just confused?
Glamorized, dare I say it?
Fantasized, but through who's eyes?
Not theirs, that's for sure!
Rebuff beliefs that we've lost.
A plague rages in all our hearts.
Am I the last in line?
To stop and turn, and pretend that we're really changing.
I'd sooner DIE!...

18. Social Sterility

Time for my omittance
From a sterile existance
Where the weekend pays homage
To stereotypical perpetuation

Must inebriate my senses
Into a state of delirium
Before I turn to the meat-rack
For my penial selection

Apathy spreads
In unison with social disease
A scourge that infests
The cattle markets of youth

Unconscious, just promiscuous
Deprived of self-respect
In the selling of their bodies
All emotions dead!

Thoughts absorbed
Lost in sense of direction
It's time to sit down
And reassess my course of action

19. From Enlslavement To Obliteration

Commited to a life of slavery
In the factories our own hands have built
Where we must work twice the graft
Before gaining the goods we've already slogged to create

To consume all things material
Stands above human compassion
As we compete with our fellow man
In the bid for a stronger position

In our ruthless search for prosperity
We become the tools of our own oppression
Forming the backbone of a society
That thrives on mass division

From enslavement...
To obliteration...

20. Low Point

Banish the emotion
Severing the ties
Mutual agressions
Multiply inwind

Reason lost is reason gained
Reluctance seeping through the rage
Accetance changing on all fronts
Phase me out... i've reached my lowpoint

Tarnished with the motion
Voids in which we hide
Excuse pales from pressure
Desperate thoughts collide

Confessions, protection – the facts distort
Frenetic eccentric acts are caught

Phase me out

Relentless, contagion – a single choice
Dissecting, mutating – the single voice

21. Comtemptuous

Sadness, despair.
Sometimes the things I cherish,
Sometimes that's all I've got,
And that's enough.

Bitterness, anger.
Man made torture,
Not to be shared.

22. Diatribes

Bite the bit, scream till you're blue the face.
Bite the bit, scream till you're blue the face.
Bite the bit, scream till you're blue the face.
Bite the bit, scream till you're blue the face.

Nice pipe dreams or passive revolution?
Nice pipe dreams or passive revolution?
Nice pipe dreams or passive revolution?
Nice pipe dreams or passive revolution?

Foot soldiers
With weapons of placarde and banners.
How will they stop the rot?

No standing to reason,
'cause reason is treason –
It doesn't feasible.

No standing to reason,
'cause reason is treason –
It doesn't feasible.

Lie down.
And cry all you can.
The machine rolls over you.

No standing to reason,
'cause reason is treason –
It doesn't feasible.

No standing to reason,
'cause reason is treason –
It doesn't feasible.

It just don't seem feasible – no!

Black to the NAzi – try pleading affinity
Hands up, boot in, shattering the passive dream.
But is it right to tolerate this fucked democratic process? – no!

Shattering the passive dream

Is it 'cause we like to hear the sound of our voice?
Big-hearted diatribes, just like my dilemma.
Time to return compliments, shattering the passive dream?

23. Chains That Bind Us

Forced exposure to create what is expected
(To face) neglection is the price no-one wants to pay

Line in line, stereotypes perpetrated
Similarity of negativity

The chains that bind us grow stronger

Break away from the pack of mindless dogs
Taste the scent, realise ambition

Life – a stagnant lair in which to lie
Taste the scent, realise ambition

A label to some, habits preset
Faction alienation, bias hold the key

24. Armaggedon X 7

Lest we forget scorched earth policies, of megaton and hydrogen, and
taut muscle of an armory that flexes, to show the world we mean

It's all smiles and handshakes, but who moves to disarm.

We've cheapened time and evolution.
To be violently erased is non – fiction.
Those summits and peace treaties are just worthless words.

It's all smiles and handshakes, but who moves to disarm.

Radium, Uranium – one more isotope to add the collection.
The age of outrage has been reasoned into submission.
And cries for peace are no longer in fashion.
I wonder if we'll see the point through cataracted eyes.
Or draw breath from irradiated lungs, and sigh as we exit times seven.

25. Breed To Breathe

Divorced humanity
Science strays
Walk the path of servitude
Grown unknown malignant code
Misconceived the passion whole

Misconceived the passion whole

Born against the innocent
Amongst us issues preset
Determined goals which are set
Love: a crime of serverance

Are we free to feel!?
Do we hurt to heel!?

Whose life to steal!?
Whose life to steal!?

Awareness fails the public eye
Primate morals sell the lie
2,2 – symbolic bait
A process – bound genetic fate

The selfish feed – breed to breed

26. The World Keeps Turning

No way forward or back,
In stalemate, we stagnate,
Life cycle is an automation,
Instinctively, we race to get ahead?

And now our virgin minds are raped,
Another insignficance to join the rat-race

Self-indulgence with our grasp.
We're taught but torn (from) the sanctity of life.
So vulnerable,
The world keeps turning –
We spin out of control.

Guided, or could this mean misguided,
No time for questions,
Preoccupied with pressing on,
The world keeps turning –
We overdose on overdrive.

Superior species with inferior ideas,
We overload our bodies and minds,
Respect this earth while commiting suicide.

Poison trait.
We're the cause not the cure,
Our methods of fulfillment will surely drag us down.

Guided, or could this mean misguided,
Our virgin minds are raped –
The world keeps turning –
We overdose on overdrive, we spin out of control.
In stalemate, we stagnate.

27. The Infiltraitor

Shaped thus, shipped'em out
a new deal to flog and flout.
Buried up to the neck in socio-aggregate;
Twist an arm and drag it back.

Infiltraitor reclaims the rhetoric.
Infiltraitor turns the kindness milk.

A now and later policy
suits privileged contingency.
A now and later policy
crowns privileged contingency.

Firmly entrenched, flip the cards.
Buy it up and starve it under
cultivating on the middle thatch
all withers through the barren patch.

Market the proles – the ornemental and quaint.
disbanding in union.
Spine snaps on the make.

Throwing stances,
juggling a standpoint so it won't offend.
Tailored muses;
sharp, econo-friendly.
Spine snaps on the make.

28. Nazi Punks Fuck Off

оригинал: Dead Kennedys

Punk ain't no religious cult,
punk means thinking for yourself.
You ain't hardcore 'cause you spike your hair,
when a jock still lives inside your head.

Nazi punks,
Nazi punks,
Nazi punks,
Fuck off!

If you've come to fight, get outta here.
You ain't no better than the bouncers.
We ain't trying to be the police.
When you ape the cops, it ain't anarchy.

Nazi punks,
Nazi punks,
Nazi punks,
Fuck off!

Ten guys jump one, what a man!
You fight each other, the police state wins.
Stab your backs when you trash our halls.
Trash a bank if you've got real balls.

You still think swastikas look cool.
The real nazis run your schools.
They're coaches, businessmen and cops.
In the real fourth reich, you'll be the first to go.

Nazi punks,
Nazi punks,
Nazi punks,
Fuck off!

You'll be the first to go.
You'll be the first to go.
You'll be the first to go.
Unless you think.

30. Rise Above

At time of birth,
Minds free from suspicion,
Senses raped,
Induced with superstition.

A pre-set mode
To befit description,
Language, colour,
Race definition!

Inner strength must detect
The love we each possess
before we may reach,
Appreciating it in anyone else.

External distinctions
Used as scapegoats to problems,
Channelling our aggression
In the wrong direction.

Break down the barriers
That enforce superstition
Learn to trust,
Overcome suspicion.

Acceptance, the weapon,
Active against our freedom,
Our love and compassion
Held at treason.

Rise above induced superstition.

31. The Missing Link

An integral sense
Comes with belonging to a scene
Supposedly absent of barriers
(When sexism is only one of many)

Earnest words
Calling for unity of the sexes
When she's still the chick, or stupid bitch
(Ridiculed for showing an interest).

Hidden indifference
Strikes an emotion reaction
When you see an animal being abused.

Yet un-noticed when a woman
Is abused in the same way.

The links in oppression
Stem from the same degradation
But to one our eyes remain closed.

Actively abusing the rights of one
Whilst fighting for those of another.

The 'scene' may hold a different name,
But the roleplays just the same.
Egual rights are fine,
As long as she's in her place.

Outrightly denouncing fascism
Whilst oblivious to it taking place,
Is condemnation of standarts,
All an act to save face.

Unity a stark ambition
When out abuse surpasses recognition.

32. Mentally Murdered

Your aspirations, unable to stretch,
Beyond the barriers of what's expected,
As the free thought you were born with
Becomes externally polluted.

Lose sight of your ideals
In their brainwashing institutions,
Predetermine your values
To befit your substandard existence...
Discouraging creativity,
To aim for empty ambitions.

Living up to others expectations.
Takes hold of your assiduity.

Mentally murdered!

Always up to the mark,
Set the wheels in motion,
A fake sense of security
From your invariable position.

Sinking in the crowd,
A face minus expression.
A mouth that echoes words,
Recycled from tradition.

Your only contentness
Is in living a lie.

Mentally murdered!

Do you possess the strength
To re-create your own life?

33. Walls Of Confinement

Before my eyes I see a wall,
12, 000 miles high,
And the same amount wide.

Within that wall are faces
Of people
To whom I once could relate.

Now communicating seems hard,
When there's an ego barrier to break through.

Opinions of self opinion
Cloud a new horizon,
The vision a mere illusion.

Biased in conclusion,
Trapped in seclusion,
To the outside – exclusion.

When an attitude is so biased,
What can you expect to change?

Banging your head,
But the wall's not moving,
It's enclosing.

Burning so much energy
Enthusiasm burning
Is change the 'real' obsession?

Or with a sense of pretention,
Do you merely stive for cedible attention?

34. Cause And Effect

What are your motives,
For your abuse,
What can they be?
Accused of things
I've never done,
This seems strange.

Your motivation, for my humiliation.

I'm pressurised,
So many times
By your presence,
Your very existance
Has become
My obsession.

My infatuation with you damnation.

I experience
Dangerous thoughts,
That are all too real,
How can one man
Inflict in me
So much hate.

My obsession with your destruction.

35. No Mental Effort

So we're still in our teething stages
As far as politics are concerned
That's fine coming from someone
To whom sensationalism be there only wisdom in words.

A self-proclaimed spokesman
On something to which prior knowledge excedes,
Championing no more censorship,
Then ridiculing our beliefs.

To appeal to your better nature,
Are we to keep our mouths shut?

Easy to discard
Constructive power
At your disposal
When ego's and sales
Outbalance opinions
On the scales.

Using bands
As pawns in your hands
Building up,
Knocking down,
To suit cheap public demand.

Merging with the gutter press,
You claim to detest.

It's opened it's lid,
For you to crawl in and infest.

36. Pride Assassin

Brought forth into an acceptance.
Expected mass production.
All cloned to obey without fail.

To question means breaking the mold.
To turn your back, that courage you lack...
Or live in pretense.

In youth, confused.
Prime for manipulation.
An open sore cursed with their social infections.

"Absorb to be seen as a failure"
"Not fit to breath the air we take in"

Pride Assassin.

True feelings call for deviation.
But could you face mass condemnation.

Pride Assassin.

Backed into a corner.
Why should you adhere to their illusions?
And their orders?

Willing to dictate yet for themselves exemption.
Evaluate your brain, form your own opinions.
To be an individual – compassionate and free.

37. Avalanche Master Song

38. One And The Same

39. Sick And Tired

40. Malignant Trait

41. Killing With Kindness

42. Means To An End

Humoured, presumed hysterical for showing alarm.
Wise man? Fuck you!
In the hands of wasters, a means to an end.
Cast over us appraising eye, blind ours with nonsensical science.
Don't need silver tongue or your feeble gestures.
Spin the coin, roll the dice, the law of averages is irrelevant 'cause
the outcome's always the same.
Too many distortions in truth.
Too few solutions come to light.
Stand back, watch the bullshit fly!
Always the same!
Win the hearts of the nation with great expectations
while focusing efforts on discrediting others.
Always the same!
The naivety of trust could be a means to an end.

43. Insanity Excursion

Dragged down deep in the shit,
an unemotional vacuum.
Fatigue replaces concious thought.
Awareness ends.
To carry a cross we cannot bear.
Falling hard without an end,
chaotic insight of times to come.
Pressuring insane demand.
The tightening noose of the consumers
might snaps in time.
To feed the fire or feel the flame.
Falling hard without an end,
chaotic insight of times to come.
Relentless and leaning,
no fair warning.
Falling hard.
Pushed against before we stand.
Chaotic insight, which way to turn?

44. Truth Drug

45. Living In Denial

46. Food Chains

Artificial for these strictly conscious times.
Organic prothesis with a view to paying in kind.

To ease (the) guilt of scores of undignified ends.

Strung up, disemboweled right out of the pen.
So unbeknowing in their anonimity.

'Cause when you're marked for death,
ears switch off to the screams.

Primal urges.
Blindly cull, tear and chew.

Remember – Don't scorn what God gave to you.

What God gave to you.

Reverting, technologically advanced
yet bloodily we regress.

Reversal – Looking forward to a pressure bolt
through the head?

Numbness – second only to dumbness.
Sure, they don't feel a thing!


Communication block ensures no further usage.


47. Upwards And Uninterested

48. I Abstain

I abstain!

Summon my pride?
What? Pride behind your blinkered eyes?
Your vigilance is shit
"The lads together" – you fall!

Smug complacency,
Notions of reserving the right to think with your fists,
I abstain from this mundane apathy.

Commited to "All for red, white and blue"
In effect you're fighting for what's really fighting you.

"Grit those teeth, push out those chests"
Tears only for the flag,
Always the brave patriot as you slip to second class.

But you stand stead fast?

People are not subjects,
Why should the few get more respect?
Open your eyes!

Imperialism feeds off you,
Not patrons but patronised,
Open your eyes!

They're shaping you – you're trapped with 'pomp and
Lose your discretion,
Sodom, you'll not fall from grace
Endorse their rhetoric
You fade, they prosper.

I abstain!
Don't be a colonial slave,
Don't substantiate the act.

49. Politics Of Common Sense

50. Internal Animosity

51. Scum

In your mind
Nothing but fear
You can't face life
Or believe death's near

A vision of life
On television screens
An existence created
From empty dreams

Hide behind T.V.
Hide behind life
You should be living
But you only survive

Life holds nothing
But pain and death
Don't look for love
There is none left

52. Life?

Brought into this emptiness
Never hope or choice
Emotionless and cold
This is life?

Illusions shattered
An existence of lies
A constant struggle
Freedom denied

At their feet – submission
No sanctuary in death
Drugged up, fucked up
Is that all you're worth?

53. Retreat To Nowhere

A clash of eyes, resets my mind
Perhaps this time

Retreat to nowhere

A social skill that I lack
Holds me back.

Retreat to nowhere

54. Remain Nameless

No place.
My number's up.
Still not good enough.

Sequested, should I bow my head?
Not to be a part.

Accept the ordeal, bar-coded.
Cut the deals, downloaded.
Succession strains.

Denied, your words shattered.

I'll breath the free air, and remain nameless.

55. Twist The Knife

Gut level, below it all.
Out of duty – just here.

Feeling like a knife's being twisted in the hole of how it is.

False hope, an inch of pride that died when I left to hide from non stop
battering of conditioned opinion.

Rest assured but not assured, all is well, but I think we've dealt
with the fear for far too long.

Unborn suffer the norm.
Born to this – I thin not!
I stand against till the shit drops.

We see all but do nothing, in the hole of "How it is".

56. Deceiver

Becoming weary of your lies
You disguise the truth belies

Only fooling yourself

Pretend to bite the hand that feeds
But you won't discard your security

The transparency of your fantasy

57. The Infiltraitor

Shaped thus, shipped'em out
a new deal to flog and flout.
Buried up to the neck in socio-aggregate;
Twist an arm and drag it back.

Infiltraitor reclaims the rhetoric.
Infiltraitor turns the kindness milk.

A now and later policy
suits privileged contingency.
A now and later policy
crowns privileged contingency.

Firmly entrenched, flip the cards.
Buy it up and starve it under
cultivating on the middle thatch
all withers through the barren patch.

Market the proles – the ornemental and quaint.
disbanding in union.
Spine snaps on the make.

Throwing stances,
juggling a standpoint so it won't offend.
Tailored muses;
sharp, econo-friendly.
Spine snaps on the make.

58. Abbatoir

Feel my hate for you and your kind,
for the shit you believe in your minds.
You feel nothing – you just lied to me.
You have no emotions – just satisfied smiles.


Your mind is like an abattoir
You used me like a lamb for slaughter.
I never believed a word you said.
I'll piss on your grave – laught when you're dead.

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