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Napalm Death: "The Code Is Red... Long Live The Code" – 2005

энциклопедия: Napalm Death

Состав группы:

  • Mark "Barney" Greenway – вокал
  • Shane Embury – бас, бэк-вокал
  • Mitch Harris – гитара, бэк-вокал
  • Danny Herrera – ударные

Napalm Death: "The Code Is Red... Long Live The Code" – 2005


  1. Silence If Deafening
  2. Right You Are
  3. Diplomatic Immunity
  4. The Code Is Red... Long Live The Code
  5. Climate Controllers
  6. Instruments Of Persuation
  7. The Great And The Good
  8. Sold Short
  9. All Hail The Grey Dawn
  10. Vegetative State
  11. Pay For The Privilege Of Breathing
  12. Pledge Yourself To You
  13. Striding Purposefully Backwards
  14. Morale
  15. Our Pain Is Their Power


1. Silence If Deafening

Rang long and loud
Repeat 'til you're blue in the face
Ever get the feeling you're always on a losing steak?

Their silence is deafening
From the havens of thieves and kings

Empower those who serve to deflect suspicious minds
Action and answer as likely as a reversal of time

Their silence is deafening
From the retreats of tamed apologists
Their disdain is crippling
For those whose crises they have fixed

I am your "untermensh" – a trace of filth to be scraped off
A trace of filth to be scraped off

Yet when it's you who's in their debt
The strong-arm brings you to your knees
So much for "progressive authority"
A trace of filth to be scraped off

Power for the powerless – well, where?
Screaming at the wall to make more sense...

...I melt back into indifference

The silence is deafening
The silence is deafening
The silence is deafening

2. Right You Are

Waster and takers, leprous delinquents
All for not reaching your lofty standarts

A tedious high view for all occasions
Right you are!

Moral fibre spews from every crevice
Chattering class convert cleanses the masses

Conscience is clean while the (great)
Unwashed stay dirty
Right you are!

Go cut out your treacherous tongue!

3. Diplomatic Immunity

...And so it comes to pass

With a shrug of the shoulders
A washing of the hands

It was war through lies on demand

Work to live to fund their egos
With bombs and shaky claims

Make the cowboy killer's day
Take one life and yours will cease
He'll take thousands (in the) name of "peace"

Selective memory and distorted words
The methods of the untouchable

Struts away and dusts off his gun
To cast more net on his "axis of evil"

Make the cowboy killer's day
Prays on all your lethargy
Knows you'll turn the other check

4. The Code Is Red... Long Live The Code

The code is red... long live the code
Lighting the way to a panic mode

Switched up to – switched up to subdue when the masses switch off

The code is red... long live the code
Whip up a storm and they'll play along

Barricades built – barricades built to deter fictional threats

Dissected, observed
Under an all-seeing microscope
Dissected, observed

Be the perfect specimens

Lighting the way – lighting the way, subjugate, illuminate

It's ego and worse
It brings us to "zero tolerance"
It's ego and worse

To suffocate diversity
And decree it an aggressive disease

There will always come a threat once the plebs step out of line
A fabricated perpetrator biding his time
They'll take us up to fever pitch and watch intolerance spread
And you'll be noone the wiser with a paranoid mindset

5. Climate Controllers

Excuses, excuses
Fabrications, smokescreens

Manacles – no recourse
Fabrications, smokescreens

Lower than the lowest
Lower than the lowest
Lower than the lowest

Maybe, just maybe, this new world order
Is no concept for "freaks"

Straight, true and divine
Straight, true and divine
Straight, true and divine

Maybe, just maybe, plans to rein us in
Have broken to the surface

Full frontal assault on your choice
(Your) choice to spurn the flag
Waves of retribution awaiting those who dissent

Patriot – yes, it's an act
Fabrications, smokescreens

Speak when spoken to
Speak when spoken to
Speak when spoken to

Maybe, just maybe, you're an obstrucion
Blocking their asses

6. Instruments Of Persuation

A farce – so sincere
A farce – so austere
A farce – heartfelt pleas
A farce – shock and awe to force a retreat

Ten thousand corpses in the wake of his whims
Count many thousands more on the way to obedience

Duty – to uphold
Duty – to make bold
Duty – purity so skewed
Duty – break out the arms, don't spare the rod

Ten thousand corpses in the wake of his whims
Waves and flashed smiles, with the gall of an unmarked man

Instruments of persuation
Instruments of persuation
Instruments of persuation

Rallying calls to the wilfully blinkered
Hands on the heart and heads in the sand

Instruments of persuation
Instruments of persuation

Stand shoulder-to-shoulder and win the bonanza
A sweetener from death to get back in the good books

Instruments of persuation
Instruments of persuation

7. The Great And The Good

Stiniking to the bowels of high heaven
Creeping to the giants of status
Guarding protection of interests – not you!

Not you or anything that might be misconstruced (as help)

Marching through the ashes of conquests
Slapping the backs of the empire men
Selling our consent in the process – that's you!

That is you and everything you'd be reduced to do

A pledge is a pledge
But only 'til it doesn't suit your friends
The art of double-talk
Adamant on what you really meant

A pledge is a pledge is a pledge is a pledge

For lesser, for poorer
Pluck out their eyes – they offend
Dumb animals can't precede the lucre of barbaric tests

Big noise says jump now
The chasm is never too high or wide
The corporate slow-killer
Punished with a lenient smile

A pledge is a pledge is a pledge is a pledge

The arrogance, the hand in hands of despotic freaks that defend
An oversight where human rights fall at the fence of "good trade"

Yes man? Always

Drop the high and mighty fa?ade
Do the decent thing
Consider mouthing one word of truth
Blow open the grand scheme

Yes man? Always. Yes man? Always. Yes man? Always

Drop the high and mighty fa?ade
Do the decent thing
Consider mouthing one word of truth
Blow open the grand scheme

A pledge is a pledge is a pledge is a pledge
The man is the bubble smiles – berates the condemned
Back to his crusade, fights off more cries of dissent

8. Sold Short

Red's the given colour of you resist the will to hate

You're a bit part
Outliving your worth
Where do you stand in the aryan pecking order?

We are "faggots", "jews" and traitors
Because we resist the will to hate

Here's supremacy: to rise above paranoia
Is it others who're diseased for dismissing your flawed criteria?

You've been sold short to a scam

Survival of the fittest?
How you seem expendable, vulnerable – a runt
Better keep your mouth shut
Should they find the quirks in your pureblood

You've been sold short to a scam

You can pill all slurs to me
But I'll choose humanity

You're a bit part
Outliving your worth
Where do you stand in the aryan pecking order?

You've been sold short to a scam

9. All Hail The Grey Dawn

When I look out of my window
The feelgood factor doesn't feel so great and good

Minors feed the majors
All hail the grey dawn
Where hopes dissolve in rainstorms

When I stare into the TV
There's wealth and health and optimism

These grinning clones are way off
All hail the grey dawn
Where there is no "ideal home"

You're either a have-it-all or a have not
And when you have it all there's a license
To spin the line: all this could be yours

All hail the grey dawn

Because clean lines won't enhance your life
When toxic clouds pervade your nine-to-five
And leave you twisted, stunted, stumbling

All hail the grey dawn

For pulloted minds contentment only reigns in paradise

Yet sombre TV faces tell the plight
As deprivation's straddled by designer might

All hail, all hail, all hail, all hail

It's not who you are – it's what you should have
To elevate your reason for being
Scrabble around in the bare earth
And climb back on the wheel of drugery

All hail, all hail, all hail, all hail

10. Vegetative State

In the end it comes down to this
Want, want, want for a blanket of material bliss

Can you love it?
Does it gleam?
Feel it rid the heart of ideals

This is a vegetative state
It's a vegetative state
A vegetative state

What you gather – is that all you're worth?
Playing catch up with opulence
Want. Want. Want.

A get-out clause
Away from the dregs
Leave the dogs to borrow, steal and beg

This is a vegetative state
It's a vegetative state
A vegetative state

I'd llike to know who they're fucking kidding
When they call this a classless society?

I'd like to know why the weight of the law is brought down
When desperation knocks you off course?

Not in the vegetative state

I'd like to know how the high-rolling movers
Manoeurve around the rules?

I'd like to know why "opportunity for all"
Remains a worthless slew of words

This is a begetative state

I'd like to know

Uncivilised – that's me
A mongrel too
A botteom-feeder who sees right through

This is a vegetative state
It's a vegetative state
A vegetative state

11. Pay For The Privilege Of Breathing

Nothing comes to nothing
When there's nothing there to give
The powers want to strip you clean
A charge for every breath

A price on skin that we walk in

They call this civil liberty

So-called champions for the poor
Tax us against the wall
Find it now or forfeit
The chance to be in peace

A price on skin that we walk in
A price on skin that we walk in

Grab thin air in one hand
A pound of flesh from the other
Crushing burden on the shoulders

An end to poverty?
Only if you pay up first
Meet the fee and keep your soul

12. Pledge Yourself To You

God can take his eyes off me
Love is there – it's mine and mind alone

This soul is strong
Our bodies our own
To use, explore with no roots in those laws

Don't class me as a wayward waste
Open your eyes and shake your bondage chains

Decreed chastity has no basis
Geared to curtain our loving instincts

Family fucking values – I've heard it all before
Passionless fucking robots – it's how we will function

So pledge yourself to you (not forced)
Pledge yourself to you

No urge to procreate – no crime to stimulate
To stem the flow of love – a weary, by gone age

So pledge yourself to you (not forced)
Pledge yourself to you

Family fucking values – I've heard it all before
Passionless fucking robots – it's how we will function

13. Striding Purposefully Backwards

What do I have to do for once to make the mark?
What do I have to say to register a point?

Overtaken – all desire and no connections

I recall these friends in tune
Never would they stoop so low
And turn on those who built them up

Where I'm advised to move
It sickens me to think
When do I reach the place where I will fall from grace?

Conscientious – to the point where I self-implode

I recall these friends in tune
Never would they stoop so low
And turn on those who built them up

Protective – omnly when I just might get what's due
Steal a march on a friend whose work you'd prostitute

How quickly you discard those around when usefulness is gone

Beating sense into you sadly sits well
However, blows are dull on an empty shell


14. Morale

Odds are stacked with hooks to catch
The creeping doubt that strains the cracks

Morale – blitzed – morale
Culled – morale

Invite the plague to hasten the conversion
Or piss upon the incorrputible
Deny a way in

Morale – sheared – morale
Drained – morale

The pasage of the scapegoat
In acceptance
An endgame from a platform
A mortal wounding


15. Our Pain Is Their Power


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