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Группы : Дискографии


Qntal: "Qntal V: Silver Swan" – 2006

энциклопедия: Qntal

Состав группы:

  • Syrah – вокал
  • Fil – клавишные, вокал, гитара, программирование
  • Michael Popp – вокал, саз, шалмей, уд, тар

Qntal: "Qntal V: Silver Swan" – 2006


  1. Monsieur's Departure
  2. Amis Raynaut
  3. Levis
  4. Von Den Elben
  5. Lingua Mendax
  6. Falling Star
  7. The Whyle
  8. Winter
  9. Altas Undaz
  10. 292
  11. Silver Swan


1. Monsieur's Departure

I grieve and dare not show my discontent,
I love and yet am forced to seem to hate,
I do, yet dare not say I ever meant,
I seem stark mute but inwardly do prate.

I am and not, I freeze and yet am burned,
Since from myself another self I turned.

My care is like my shadow in the sun,
Follows me flying, flies when I pursue it.
Stands and lies by me, doth what I have done.
His too familiar care doth make me rue it.
No means I find to rid him from my breast,
Till by the end of things it be suppressed.

I am and not, I freeze and yet am burned,
Since from myself another self I turned.

2. Amis Raynaut

Quant vient en mai, que l'on dit as lons jors,
Que Franc de France repairent de roi cort,
Reynauz repaire devant el premier front.
Si s'en passa lez lo mes Arembor,
Ainz n'en dengna la chief drecier a mont.

E Raynaut amis, amis Raynaut!
Jal mesfaites, fille d'empereor,
Autrui amastes, si obliates nos.

Sire Raynaut, je m'en escondirai:
A cent puceles sor sainz vos jurerai,
A trente dames que avuec moi menrai,
C'onques nul hom fors vostre cors n'amai
Prennez l'emmende et je vos baiserai.

E Raynaut amis, amis Raynaut!
Jal mesfaites, fille d'empereor,
Autrui amastes, si obliates nos.

Li cuens Raynauz en monta lo degré,
Gros par espaules, greles par lo baudré ;
Blonde et lo poil, menu, recercelé:
En nule terre n'ot si biau bacheler.
Voit l'Erembors, si comence a plorer.

E Raynaut amis, amis Raynaut!
Si s'est assis en un lit point a flors,
Dejoste lui se siet bele Erembors.
Lors recomencent lor premieres amors.
E raynaut amis, amis Raynaut.

3. Levis

Levis exurgit Zephyrus
Et sol procedit tepidus
Iam terra sinus asperit,
Dulcore suo diffluit.

Tu saltim veris gratia
Exaudi et considera
Frondes, flores et gramina,
Nam mea languet anima.

Quod oculis dum video
Et auribus dum audio,
Heu, pro tantis gaudiis
Tantis inflor suspiriis.

Ver purpuratum exiit,
Ornatus suos induit,
Aspergit terram floribus,
Ligna silvarum frondibus.

Cum mihi sola sedeo
Et hec revolvens palleo,
Si forte capud sublevo
Nec audio nec video.

4. Von Den Elben

Vón den elben wirt entsén vil manic man.
Só bin ich von grózer liebe entsén
Von der besten die ie man ze friunt gewan.
Wil si aber mich darumbe vên,
Mir zunstaten stên, mac sied an rechen sich,
Tuo des ich si bite: si fröut sô sêre mich,
Daz min lip vor wunne muoz zergên.

Mich enzündet ir vil liehter ougen schin
Same daz fiur den dürren zunder tuot,
Und ir fremden krenket mir daz herze min
Same daz wazzer die vil heize gluot:
Unde ir hôher muot, ir schône, ir werdecheit,
Und daz wunder daz man von ir tugenden seit,
Deist mir übel und ouch lîhte guot.

Swenne ir liehten ougen sô verkêren sich
Daz si mir aldurch mîn herze sên,
swêr da enzwischen danne stêt und irret mich,
dém müeze al sîn wunne gar zergên!
Wenne sol mir iemer liep geschên?

5. Lingua Mendax

Que me dicit deceptorem
Et non fidum amatorem
Quem amabam, dimisisse
Et ad alterum transisse!

Unde iuro musas novem,
Quod et maius est, per iovem,
Qui pro dane sumpsit auri,
In europa formam tauri

Lingua mendax et dolosa,
Lingua procax, venenosa,
Sciat deus, sciant dei:
Non sum reus huius rei!
Lingua digna detruncari
Et in igne concremari,
Sciant dei, sciat deus:
Huius rei non sum reus!

Iuro phoebum, iuro martem,
Qui amoris sciant artem,
Iuro quoque te, cupido,
Arcum cuius reformido

Arcum iuro cum sagittis,
Quas frequenter in me mittis:
Sine fraude, sine dolo
Foedus hoc servare volo


Et dum mare sine velis
Et dum parthus sine telis:
Carus mihi semper eris,
Nisi fallar, non falleris.


6. Falling Star

Go, and catch a falling star,
Get with child a mandrake root,
Tell me, where all past years are,
Or who cleft the Devil's foot.

Falling star, shine with the pale moonlight
Elfin come, elfin fairy dance by night.

Go, and catch a falling star,
Get with child a mandrake root,
Tell me, where all past years are,
Or who cleft the Devil's foot.

Falling star, shine with the pale moonlight
Elfin come, elfin fairy dance by night.

If thou be'est born to strange sights,
Things invisible to see,
Ride ten thousand days and nights,
Till age snow white hairs on thee.

Falling star, shine with the pale moonlight
Elfin come, elfin fairy dance by night.

7. The Whyle

Alas, alas, the while
Thout I on no gile,
So have I good chaunce.
Alas, alas, the while
That ever I coude daunce.

Lad I the daunce a missomer day,
I made smale trippes, soth fore to say.
Jak, oure haly water clerk, com be the way,
And he lokede me upon; he thout I was gay-
Thout I on no gile.

Alas, alas, the while
Thout I on no gile,
So have I good chaunce.
Alas, alas, the while
That ever I coude daunce.

Jak, ic wot priyede in my faire face;
He thout me full worly, so have I good grace.
As we turnden oure daunce in a narrowe place,
Jak bed me the mouth, a kussinge ther was-
Thout I on no gile.

Alas, alas, the while
Thout I on no gile,
So have I good chaunce.
Alas, alas, the while
That ever I coude daunce.

8. Winter

Diu werlt was gelf, rôt unde blâ,
Grüene, in dem walde und anderswâ,
Die kleinen vogel sungen dâ,
Nû schrîet aber diu nebelkrâ.
Hat si iht ander varwe? Jâ,
Sist worden bleich und übergrâ.
Des rimpfet sich vil manic brâ.

Ich saz uf eime grüenen lê,
Da entsprungen bluomen unde klê,
Zwischen mir und jenem sê.
Der ougenweide was dâ mê.
Dâ wir schapel brâchen ê,
Dâ lît nû rîfe und ouch der snê.
Daz tuot den vogellînen wê.

Die tôren sprechent, sniâ, snî!
Und arme liute, owî, owî!
Des bin ich swaere alsam ein blî.
Des winters sorge hân ich drî:
Swaz der und ouch der ander si,
Der wurde ich aller schiere frî,
Waer úns der sumer nahe bî.

9. Altas Undaz

Altas undas que venez suz la mar,
Que fay lo vent çay e lay demenar,
De mun amic sabez novas comtar,
Qui lay passet? No lo vei retornar!
Ft oy deu, d'amor!
Ad hora.m dona joi et ad hora dolor!
Ft oy deu, d'amor!
Ad hora.m dona joi et ad hora dolor!

Oy, aura dulza, qui vens dever lai
Un mun amic dorm e sejorn' e jai,
Del dolz aleyn un beure m'aporta.y!
La bocha obre, per gran desir qu'en ai.

Mal amar fai vassal d'estran païs,
Car en plor tornan e sos jocs e sos ris.
Ja nun cudey mun amic me traÿs,
Qu'eu li doney ço que d'amor me quis.
Et oy Deu, d'amor!
Ad hora.m dona joi et ad hora dolor!
Et oy Deu, d'amor!
Ad hora.m dona joi et ad hora dolor!
Et oy Deu, d'amor!

10. 292

Muito demostra a Virgen, a Sennor esperital,
Sa lealdad' a aquele que acha sempre leal.

E de tal razon com' esta, vos direi com' hua vez
A Virgen Santa Maria un mui gran miragre fez
Polo born rei don Fernando, que foi comprido de prez,
D'esforc' e de granadeza et de todo ben, sen mal.

Muito demostra a Virgen, a Sennor esperital,
Sa lealdad' a aquele que acha sempre leal.

De mannas e de costumes, per quant' eu del aprendi,
Nonas pod' aver mellores outre que el ouv' en ssi ;
E sobre tod' outra cousa, assi com' eu del oy,
Amava Santa Maria, a Sennor que pod' e val.

Muito demostra a Virgen, a Sennor esperital,
Sa lealdad' a aquele que acha sempre leal.

Se el leal contra ela foi, tan leal a achou,
Que en todo los seus feitos atan ben o ajudou.

Muito demostra a Virgen, a Sennor esperital,
Sa lealdad' a aquele que acha sempre leal.

Assi que en este mundo fez-ll' acabar o que quis
E morrer onrradamente e morrendo seer fis
Que a parais' yria, ben u éste San Denis,
U veeria seu Fillo e a ela ouro tal.

Muito demostra a Virgen, a Sennor esperital,
Sa lealdad' a aquele que acha sempre leal.

11. Silver Swan

The silver swan, who living had no note,
When death approached
Unlocked her silent throat;
Leaning her breast
Against the ready shore,
Thus sung her first an last,
And sung no more:
Farewell, all joys;
O death, come close mine eyes;
More geese than swan now live,
More fools than wise.

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