1. Gone
Will stars shine on thy ceiling?
When you collapse onto the soil of the night
Will streams of the meadows be filled?
When you spill the light of thy breath
Into the soundless horizons
You've sowed the tree of evident
On your illusive field
The flaming rye burns jealously your toes
And nothing you have left but to move on
Upon the neverending path
Across the serpent's labyrinth
So your could gone at once
Into the well of time
2. After
Fading lines amidst the clouds
Quiet snow upon the still face
Beneath the eyelids closed, shreds of memories
This shall follow after
On your paintings of white
Black ulcers emerge slowly
And spread as ink of death the poetess
And seizing the moment inside your open hands
You pass beyond the threshold
Of the gates of empty
But all shall follow after
3. Youth
4. Flames
В небе солнце дотла догорает
Кромсает огнем небеса, убивает
Тьмой наполняется лес одинокий
Вечер супстился с небес по дороге
По осенней дороге...
Солнце сбросило крылья огня
Песню о злате допела сырая земля
Искры огня...
Вновь уснет земля под листвою
Осенний лес...
И серебро небес я вижу над собою
В небе солнце дотла
Кровью плывут небеса
Тьмой наполнился лес
Вечер спустился с небес
5. The Northern Hemisphere
оригинал: Carpathian Forest
The night is cold and brilliantly clear.
Peak after peak of glorious ice mountains
rose into the dome of the darkened skies.
Jagged crystal teeth squeezed between
the depths of the jet-black fjords.
The mountains lost their sharpness and became
soft and blue-tinged as the great winter day.
Which would grow on to be a dim twilight
that glimmered slowly to life.
Above the peaks the Polar sky flickered with
the ghostly radiance of the northern light.
A frozen lake discharge into an equally frozen stream.
The cold is cruel and unforgiving like the landscape.
Up north.