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Группы : Дискографии


Raventale: "Dark Substance Of Dharma" – 2015

энциклопедия: Raventale

Состав группы:

  • Astaroth Merc – все инструменты

Приглашённые музыканты:

  • Athamas – вокал

Raventale: "Dark Substance Of Dharma" – 2015


  1. Intra-Mantra
  2. Destroying The Seeds Of Karma
  3. Dark Substance Of Dharma
  4. Kali's Hunger
  5. Red Laugh's Walking
  6. I Am The Black Tara
  7. Last Moon Fermata


1. Intra-Mantra


2. Destroying The Seeds Of Karma

There was quietness in beginning
Seasons and space did not exist
But Shiva spun up the wheel
And lotus opened and bloomed

Five divine characters
Of destroyer and lord of the beasts
Pulse in the energies' weaving
And change their patterns

Shiva wanders on the cremation areas
Inhaling malevolent intoxicants
Dancing where he fancies
Destroying the seeds of karma

Om namah Shivaya
Om namah Shivaya

When he in dance and rapture
Samsara's phosphoric irradiance fades

3. Dark Substance Of Dharma

Not the fear
But the nexus to our past
This is what we feel
A bond to the darkest ages
To those simple creatures
That we were once upon a time

Kali is drunk
Devouring meat and laughing
Inside the triple moon's domain
There is a key to the understanding
Of her dark substance of dharma

Milk flows from East
And water comes from West
Tears flow from South
And blood comes from North

4. Kali's Hunger

Sin destroyer, Ananta
Crowned with the moon diadem

Embellished with the anadem of skulls
Wandering in the blooming woods
And we are just patterns
Of your darksome hand
Encircled with the funeral fires
And howling she-jackals

Kali liberates and enters inside
With the serene washing of waves

They are fifty sharp
There is nothing but you

5. Red Laugh's Walking

оригинал: Инструкция По Выживанию

Покидая своё тело, как пожарище в смертном бою,
Наблюдая, как тональность, уходящую веру свою,
Покрывая площадями неприступную гордость в гранит,
Разворачивая знамя одиноких сердец и границ.

Цивилизация построила июль, на жёлтых пальцах чёрная смола,
И близко осень, и на асфальте мёртвая пчела...
И металлический не плачет дом, хотя в нём вешаются столько лет,
Непобедимо сострадает мне и продолжает падать чёрный снег.

Живите дольше
Живите дольше
Рожайте больше
Красный смех гуляет по стране.

За снегами, за полями, за грехом беззащитных стихов,
За хрустальными осколками безумных идей и штыков.
От вселенского позора,от бойцов за нетленную плоть,
От невинного кошмара, от обиды и боли назло

6. I Am The Black Tara

I'm black tara
I'm new era
I'm everything and nothing
And thus I'm the one
To dance in the graveyards
Beyond the end
Beyond the death
Beyond my breath

I spent into silence and carry through the Samsara ocean
Ravenhead goddess, devouring emotion
Phantom shapes of ideas and intensions
Are emerge and disperse inside of me

I dance to the heartbeat of the universe
And millions of empyreal comets
Arise within the thread of my dance
And when the dance ends
The comets fall away
And universe erases my trace
All over and over again

In the reach blue sapphire sky I sit upon the lotus
Its petals are golden, its center is velvet
My genuine form is in the depths of the space
In the silence unattainable
The world's fates are in my hands
Because I turn everything back
To the depths of the waters
And my black feathers
Glisten green and purple and blue

7. Last Moon Fermata

The darkness awaits for us
An opened and naked may
It will wait, it can wait
For its children to come home
Its black pupil absorb
As a starveling vortex
Every cell of the Earth burns
Everything ends

I call out everyone, who's ready
To the total liberation
Leave everything aside, we will find beauty
In destruction

Look upward, thus is for the last time
A cosmic night condenses
And contaminates everything with void
Do you see? The glowing crescent
Turns down its horns
This is the end

And Shakti easily walks now
In the swelter of the last sundown
Rain the ashes on the men's creations
Bringing the populace count to zero
Fermata gapes with the last note
Where previously the sun was
And the darkness enwrap the darkness

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