1. Black Dove & White Raven
THE LAST ONE:... and so it came to be, that from somewhere came a creature purely unknown and
started to call himself human. From the beginning he appeared to be the friend of the Order of the
Universum, but as the time passed by he changed to be the worst creature we have ever learned.
Black Dove or White Raven?
2. Human
Mala mens, malus animus? Evil mind, evil soul
Monstrosity of all monstrosities shackles with him
the madness of the Spirit scrambles up
As if the flaming Swords of Truth
were finishing their work of doom
torn his Entrails in two.
Alegory of situations seems like panopticum
of lost souls, lost people
deep under the cover of disguise.
Thousands of truths, thousands of lies, thousands of masks
angles like lightning through the night
reveal, malform, cover.
What will be the end to all
well immortality is just a dream
will everything return to the Womb?
DAEMON:... but Universum decided to defend us.
Us Deamons, who dwelled the Earth since her rise.
We ourselves hadn't powers enough anymore. So, She was sent.
3. She
Semel pro semper? All once for
Dark diamonds in your eyes
oh, how bewitched they glow.
What are you hiding mysterious Goddess
do you know my Secrets, maybe?
I can see your face by day, by night
i can see you in ponds, in rocks.
I can hear you in the leaves, in the wind
i can hear you in the rivers, in the seas.
I know you from the very Ages
you are everywhere I am.
DAEMON:... and She called upon her Dead. It was the last hope.
For everyone. However, our fight with the human just started
and our mistrust of succes had its deep roots inside us.
4. Who're They?
Candida candidis? Pure to the pure
I know the thoughts of the dead
even the thoughts of the unborn
I can feel their touch when I dream
when dreams come true...
They talk to me, they sing to me
I blend with their breath
I become one of them
I don't want to go back...
Once I will not return.
DAEMON:... well we woke him up from a deep Slumber.
He was the Last of us who overmastered all the Secret Formulae.
We knew he would stand by our side. And so it came to be.
5. Awakening
Tabula rasa? The clean sheet
I held his arms
when he was dying.
Glowing Universes in his eyes
when he was dying.
His mouth whispered legends
when he was dying.
He wished to become me
when he was dying.
I wished to become him
when he was dying.
He fell to dust
when he was dying.
I put out his candle
when he was dying.
And then...?
I was born
as he died.
DAEMON:... He decided to tell us a story of ancient, forgotten, Immortals.
Finally he gave us the Power we needed to destroy the abomination called Human.
6. Immortals (Tears Of Stone)
Nulla potentia longa est? No power lasts long
Extinct looks of the stony Giants,
witnesses of forgotten Aeons
They talk each other?
when all go to sleep.
Allegorical stories they tell together,
of the times when the GREAT ruled.
They remember?
when all go to sleep.
Then the Right was the Right,
and Lie was its reverse.
The Stone lives?
when all go to sleep.
They saw it all therefore they know,
how the Creatures came and left.
They sing? when all go to sleep.
Then the Wise came, created Things,
they turned to nothing, but who knows...,
The Stone breathes?
when all go to sleep.
The Ages passed, the World was incubating,
which for long forgotten is.
Tears of stone?
when all go to sleep.
Memories turned to dust,
so why to wake the dead from sleep.
We stand here?
even if all go to sleep.
DAEMON:... we put a seed of Fright, which he so loved and feared, into the soul of the human.
We had to use all the devices we had known. There's no description for the effort we dedicated to
our quest.
7. Strange Beauty Of Fright
Nosce te ipsum? Learn to know yourself
It creaps in our dreams
the flowers of lotus with wolfteeth
amazing sceneries with dead
breathtaking beauty of death
Amazing feeling of fear
which we love with abandon
fantastic pictures of life
turned into cruel pain
We cannot fight it
we are overcome with the feeling of sorrow
we are crying upon the dead beast
anyhow we love the
DAEMON:... the human was frightened. The tables had turned against him.
He didn't have any idea, that We stood behind everything.
He did not realize we had become his enemies.
He called us, but in vain. We kept ourselves silent.
8. And They Are Silent
Cum tacent, clamant? Through silence, they scream
Just silently lay the Messengers of Time,
as if Death suddenly caressed them.
Autumn painted leaves,
gently cover the Earth,
just as if drowseing, protecting,
but who against?
What shall come?
...and They are silent.
Mankind going to sleep,
not aware of any evil,
its quest is done,v but for whom?
What shall come?
...and They are silent.
Animosity of the moment of Doom,
everything that was, is breaking down,
bound by the eternal Cycle,
whose Order it is?
What shall come?
...and They are silent.
All has been considered,
all has been counted,
and will fade in void.
So has been decided!
What shall come next?
...and They are silent.
That was the Universum rising and told the Verdict,
upon all the Mankind and its deeds!
They are silent no more.
They spoke...
DAEMON:... we created a cacophony of tones, which we send into the Universum,
to warn all dead and alive against the abomination that calls himself human.
We knew it would accomplish its mission one day.
9. Sonata Of The Chosen Ones
Vita humana brevis est? The human life is short
Sentimental tones sound along the Universum
flying per neverending void
contractile impulsion of dead souls
carries away beauteous melody of tommorow.
No more are alive the ones who sent them
there's no one to listen
so they fly alone and clang and clang
grow strong and swell by their beauty.
Maybe once they will reach where they should
Maybe they will be heard by someone
and will amaze with their harmony
their perfection of the Universum laces.
I believe they will gain the ear
that the Chosen Ones will get the mystique of tones
and once, once they will catch them
and send them further on their journey
through INFINITY.
DAEMON:... we spread our formulae, that He tought us,
all around the Earth and there was no choice but to wait.
All has its time, all has its Order.
Ever we have known this. Only human forgot about it.
10. What Will Be Next
Ad finem saeculorum? Till the end of ages
Forces encountered
in unequal fight
bridges of knowledge
burn and vanish.
Spirals of the Order
reached the End
creation is overturned
destruction of perfection.
All ruins all
selfdestructing doom
the end of Life
the end of Death.
... and so NOTHING rose from NOTHING!
DAEMON:... we have to admit,it was a sad look on the dying mankind.
They beg, they cried, they raged, they murdered each other in agony...
But we musn't have gone under mercy.
We took the last hope away from the mankind.
11. Hope Dies At Last
Spes non confunditur? Hope cannot be killed
... but a slight particle
bare fragment of Life
still glows in the Void
will it be saved?
Is it convicted to burn out?
Is it really the End?
Does anybody care for it?
May anybody want it?
Slowly it burns out, fades
glimmers of memories vanish
all ends, DARK came
Hope Died at Last.
DAEMON:... so ended our story, that we wanted to tell Thee, Thee,
The Last One, who taught us everything.
We accomplished our quest and started to live again.
Never again we want to see that strange beeing called human!
12. A Good Affair Turned Up
Finis coronat opus? The end crowns the creation
Human doesn't exist anymore!
Daemons to Humans:
"You Can't Always Get What You Want!"
Daemon Viam Invenient!
13. We Shall Never Surrender
Stat sua cuique dies? Everyone's time will come
As the Rock resolutely on the Earth stands,
as the Ocean with energy storms,
as the Universe full of Power is,
We shall not yield to Despair,
let Fury rule through us!
Because We Are Daemons!
Because We Are Daemons!
Because We Are Daemons!
Because We Are Daemons!