1. My Effigy Unfurled And Withered
Torn everywhere by the upheaval of fallen trees,
scattered by decaying shades behind the forest proper.
I screwed up my eyes against the shimmering water
That drew to a point of infinity of all shades and shadowy blue and purple. I could see.
The forest slides over me
As I stand here naked at the dazzling water
My mildness about my mouth
And eyes proclaim my life.
Now I wipe away all ancient memories.
The flavour of flowers unfurled
The rustle of spruce-firs,
drops of flowing streams will fulfill
Leaving his motive landscape behind
As my body sinks gradually and in composer into water... enshrined.
Line trees have enshrouded ne for four seasons
Past flowers have withered
And woods have lasted through centuries
Immersed into water leaves have covered me
Like a moist of autumn mist
The sky whirls above me wiping
my ancient effigy away
Nature embraces me into a warp of celestial dreams
so pale and so white
I lost my effigy and now everything seems so bright.
2. Blazeheart
Philosophers of the modern world,
You dare to challenge me
Those who will foil me us such weapons as I do.
I am the king for those who must kneel.
Out of this darkness such pleasures you feel
I am the serpent out nothing created.
Giving shape to fear through tempеation.
Holding a candelabrum
In the uphigh towerchamber
where the walls are dressed with scarlet velvet
Winds blow from east to west
as the forest weeps.
3. Firestorm
The north wind brings the feared ones
From the sea they swarm causing mayhem ashore
They have crushed a dozen landlords
And their ruler still thirsts for more
I've been entangled in so many a conflict
I've raged in so many a war
I'm aware of the blaze beyond the horizon
I have never been frightened before...
Their vessels reached my shore
From the sea I hear them roar
Staring down from my banisters
I fear the outcome of this massacre at hand
My warriors never backed away from anything...
We are sadly outnumbered
But prepared to take a last stand
The last calm moments before the storm
A dark secret is revealed to me
It's like I have known it for all my life
But until now too blind to see
Still puzzled by this strange event
In my hand appears an ancient key
Release whataver is trapped in your dungeon
And at a price it will slay your enem!
Among the archways beneath my castle
I find a door unseen before
I am not surprised the key fits with ease
And with a turn of my wrist
The door is locker no more
Dark clouds unite in a firestorm
It's a demon's rage in infernal form
I must protect my eyes while...
Viking warrior numbed with fear
Cry to their wargods in rain
The hellish flames strike with utmost precision
Depriving the fools of their swords
Before they are slain
Seven prosperous years have gone
In the blink of an eye
I never spoke a word of the price we were to pay
But with seven deadly plagues
Now feasting on our souls
My people turn to me for an explanation
Wallowing in guilt I realize my wrong
For in a moment's fear, I damned my very kingdom to hell
4. The Draft That Scourges The Innocence Of Ages
Unstained innocence irrevocably ensphered
In a moist cellar vault
In darkness enshrouded enthralled
To receive clandestine lasciviousness
Lord of hinterland hermit in his own labyrinth
Spirits roaming sidelings along crumbled battlements
Feathered innocence languishes away as the moon illuminates
Chained through ages as the ravens picked her eyes
Snorting black horse pulls
A hearse through the full moon night
Phantom knight tranquil in his coffin
Deceased by the debt of nature
Now I'm doomed, entombed and enslaved
I ask you father what dreadful path have you paved
Condemned to shiver in my own misery
Tell me father why has thou forsaken me
Bitter tears falling from heaven
Grinding organ, fading orchied
A funeral under a weeping willow
To embrace as a dying wish
The draft scourges the innocence of ages
Menacing blackness armed with awls
Into eternity... as the ravens picked her eyes
5. Everlasting Winter Breeze
Rising sun above the trees
Everything seems so pretty – but not to me
Sky turns blue as darkness disappears
Clouds wander with no destiny
Lost your identity like a birch losing it's leaves
Seek for this spruce fire
Which will never lose it's needles
Even in the coldest winter it stands with pride
Carrying the misery of mankind
Desire for landscapes of snow and ice
That is the way you see your paradise
Embittered soul, no love at all
Emotions frozen by the everlasting winter breeze
Drinking from the chalice
Filled with decoction of herbs
Becoming one with nature
You can hear the wind whisper
This winter will last forever
6. Mellow Dance Within The Wicked Circle
All the elements gathered with care
Fly fungus, witches cauldron
Valet comes forward with
Chalice filled with an elixir my face, grimace
I will dance among the shadows (naked!!??)
Dying meddler's scream my everlasting dirge
An autumn breath chimes
When passing the gateways of redemption
Circle of twelve prepare thy gift
Oracle in turmoil, warped in mist
Seven whistlers, scent of sulphur, it looms
Altar of seven deadly sins, entice weaver of dreams
Chords of darkness, surrounds in unknown
Secven faces covered with black roses foretell:
This is thy last dance on this hallowed ground
I lose my life, deprive me of my unborn skepticism
Melancholic prophecy seems to be coming true
As now this violet dusky light appears at the horizon
I know that I must dance in the name of
Lucifer can fill this grail with my blood
When I stop dancing
Irrational rhythms take me on cold winds to unsurpassed heights
Now with tears in my eyes
I depart whilst I dance dance dance
7. Salacious Gods
Standing before this forest
What is if we seek
Where can we reach for
Knowing we are cursed
Our tears on which they feast
Staring with lascivious eyes
Lilith queen of fallen angels
Takes us to places full of might
Where only salacious gods can rule
Come on, let's fly to the moon
On our four winged horses
Unendless, the visions of crystal balls
But endless, hallucinations of a dark world
A world, someday in future our home to be
Take shelter in the shadows of an old oak
A shadow brought forth by blue light of the moon
Behold the great monarch, veiled in this mist
Gives us the strength to see, to rule
Can't you see? As long as we rule there will be pandemic
8. Askengris
I was born in a dark and hazy night
Thunder and lightning greeted me
I'm the black winds suddenly hear
Like a winter's blizzard insolent tyranny
Hiding, waiting till the next burning
May their souls smoulder Askengris
Anxious lurking
Soulless victim
Stars like cold white cinders
The smooth black skin of the night
Is trembling giving shape to the symbiosis
Of the surreal shaped skyline
For me this is a night of splendor
To see you crawling in the sparks
Smelling the smoke that rises
From your raw and hairy skin
I am the nocturnal by the baptism of fire
Spreading a golden rain
Creating the supreme blight
In Tierra del Fuego
So I light my candles like so many times before
To praise the element by which my masters have sworn
I was born in a dark and hazy night
Thunder and lightning greeted me
I'm the black winds suddenly hear
Like a winter's blizzard insolent tyranny
Hiding, waiting till the next burning
May their souls smoulder Askengris
Askengris, grasping, burning
A thousand faces turned ashes Askengris
Burned by impotence on uninitiated grounds
Untold misery brought forth by impurity Askengris