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Группы : Дискографии


Sideris Noctem: "Wait Till The Time Is R.I.P." – 2010

энциклопедия: Sideris Noctem

Состав группы:

  • Pavlo Razvodov – вокал
  • Denis Badayev – ударные
  • Urganda – бас
  • Valentin Chernyak – гитара
  • Valentin Falin – гитара

Sideris Noctem: "Wait Till The Time Is R.I.P." – 2010


  1. First Day
  2. Wait Till The Time Is R.I.P.
  3. Binary
  4. Behind The Mirror Of The Winter's Fall
  5. Time Comes To The End
  6. Moonlight Snakes
  7. Without God
  8. Потерявшиеся В Обломках Прошлого
  9. Last Day


1. First Day


2. Wait Till The Time Is R.I.P.

Years run and change each other
Time runs to nowhere
Millions die and millions born
What for and why?

One day all things will change
The new epoch will come
What can we do?

Just wait until the time will die
Blindness in our eyes
Will be healed when time will die

Everything will go
In other order
Esoteric will be discovered
And shown to everyone
New existence will appear
Life in the form of immortal soul

Time will die
Things will go in other order
Blindness in our eyes
Will be healed

Esoteric will be discovered
And shown to everyone
New existence will appear
Life in the form of immortal soul
Everyone will be equal
Tolerance will be law
Now we just can wait
Until the time is R.I.P.

3. Binary

Autumn –
Time of sadness
Gray skies slowly cries

My depression
Inner feeling of demise

Nature dies again
To reborn
After winter sleep

I see all this things
And I want to die
To reborn again

Mother nature resurrection
Endless process of life cycle created
By someone oldest

Hundreds years it has happened
Thousands it will be
Cause it is fight of death and life

Binary way of all things go

Binary no good at all

Binary no bad at all
Everything is important

4. Behind The Mirror Of The Winter's Fall

Sometimes I hear
As day is crying
As trees are spiking with me
Strange voice
In my imagination
"What did you say?"
I agree

My eyes are blind
And mind is weak
I'm like bird that flies
To the sky
You were born
In the ocean
Raising from abyss
In order to die on the stones

Die, or let me die
Fire at the gates of mine

Your world is dead
The winds are spreading
The millennium dust.
Winter will come
And belief will be the distrust.

Behind the mirror
Of the winter's fall
Behind the mirror
Is the devastation world.
Behind the mirror
Of the winter's fall
Behind the mirror...
...My world

My frozen mind
Told me that in
But winds power of autumn
Is waiting for winters

5. Time Comes To The End

Nature as owner of universe
As creator she looks to my mind & keeps.
The fear of novel you'll feel her strength
In moment of your death.

Die like the autumn's leaves
Vanishing like the morning dew...
Time comes to the end... and you!

Die like a candleflame
In moment of death of the earth.
Make for me symphony of life.
Kill for me sympathy of wrath.

Dead... dead water
Children that keep madness
Your flesh is like flower
Which life is not endless.

Black clouds of cold sky
Moaning of pain of the acid rain
Forces of winds destroy all around
People is dirt must disappear

Dead... dead heaven
Left the earth without water
Stop! You are bastards
The day of reckoning will come.

Spirit of nature for me and for you
Is like closed book. But fear to open.
The moaning of earth is heard to you.
But you like the rest forget it so often

6. Moonlight Snakes

My will is crushed by your
Overwhelming might
I can't resist your persistent call
I come to you, oh, the perl of night
You possess my morbid soul!

Your enjoys are dancing
Here for my sake
Forms of a bright white light
In my sight they're
Turning into snakes
I can feel their countless bites...

Poisoned fangs that pierce my flesh
Take my soul to the other side tonight
My deliverance and death have clashed
I dance with snakes of the moonlight...

Their emerald eyes are my guide
Into my very soul they peep
Full of the unearthly delight
Leading to the eternal sleep

7. Without God

оригинал: Katatonia

Human Birds Watch the Sky
Where Dark formations sail
Infecting the area of God

I am God creator of Life
I am God Enchanter of Death
Death – that now marks you
Life – that slowly pass away

Screams of fear, dismembering the wind
Helpless souls drowning in Pain
But storms of dawn...
A dawn without God

My spirit filled with hate sets free
The force of the Golden Dawn
Without God
Entomb your fear

The spirit is free
Jhva Elohim Meth
Satan laughs
Jhva Elohim Meth

I raise my fist
To the sky
Swear the Ancient oath of Black
The lambs shall bleed
Eternally bleed
God is Dead and shall forever be

8. Потерявшиеся В Обломках Прошлого

Палящее солнце над головой
Гладь океана непорочна от ветра
Вдали видны те, кто плывут за судьбой
И каждый оставил свои мечты

О родине – ставшей для них чужой
О детях – ставших рабами врагов
О силе – что отошла в мир иной
О воле – что стала лишь частью их снов

Сорвавшись с высоты ты спасаешься бегством
И на осколки разбиты мечты но назад нет пути
В отражении воды не узнать свое отраженье
Из глаз льются слезы, а ты скрылся во время сраженья

Дай мне сил, дай их мне
Ведь я давно просил
Просил для тех, кто скрылся во мгле

И не осталось места для боли
Душа переполнена скорбью
Может, есть надежда
Остаться в живых... но!
Каждый шаг отдаляет
Тебя от свободы
Ровно на столько, сколько крови
Было пролито твоего народа
Земля, сожженная пламенем битвы
Стала серой от пепла
Летящего по воле ветра
Прислушайся и ты
Услышь стоны матерей
И боль утраты, грузом,
Упавшим на их плечи

Скажи за что эти муки: просыпаться
И не ощущать земли под ногами
Будто вечные странники
Незнающие, куда они идут

Отпустите мои корни я пораздирал ладони
Алой кровью поле бойни все омыто, стихли вопли
Стихли вопли, смолкли крики
То, что было, стало пылью
Нам осталось только помнить
О погибших, ставших былью
Нам осталось только помнить
О погибших, ставших былью

9. Last Day


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