1. Oceans Of Blood Over Paradise
Once the sun was shining over his kingdom
The god from the cast – the bringer of love
People there lived happy the people lived in peace
The birds were singing a song and the sun shined in the fields
Till that day when the wizard arrived
The wizard from the woods
The wizard he was evil
Evil damned and mean
And he cast his spell
Upon this godly kingdom
Black clouds filled the sky
And blood was falling downwards
Blasphemed the heavenly scene
The kingdom was caught in damnation
The wizard so evil and mean
Destroyed this once heavenly kingdom
Once the sun was shining over his kingdom
The god from the cast – the bringer of love
The sun drowned in clouds and the kingdom was burned to ashes
The god was impaled and his love turned to lust
2. Haunt To Guard
In a long lost forgotten place in the forest
The trace of his castle is rised like a monument
An ancient building of stone points to the sky
The remnant of the northern tower of withcraft
In which he used to spend the darken fullmoon nights
Committing bloody rites to serve the mighty master
But a great infernal storm the moisty ground
With water from the sky the rain seemed eternal
The mighty castle sank with him – the blackest wizard
Down into the jaws of an unknown destiny
Centuries have passed since the tragedy
But demons haunt the place to guard their servants home
The long lost forgotten place in the forest
A trace of ancient evil
A trace from the past
3. I Blod Skall Syndaren Vakna
I syns skall jag möta min död
I synd skall jag uppsta i blod
Ett liv utav mörker mig väntar
Färgat av helvetets glöd
Jag vistas i dimmornas skog
Besatt av demoner jag plågas
Snön lyser vit i natten
Mästarens eviga natt
Vargar ylar i mörkret
När jag sakta fryser till döds
En djävulsk resa mig vänter
Genom gangar av mörker och jord
Under den nordiska himmel
Som sett mig födas och dö
Döden har slukat min kropp
Den djävulska resan är gjord
Förblindad jag skriker i mörkret
Förblindad av ondska och hat
I synd jag mötte mitt liv
Och i synd skall jag möta min död
Jag vilar i dimmornas skog...
4. Reformation Divine
Wrath of evil is mighty
Wrath of evil is strong
All evil shall crush (god) the almighty
Blood shall cover his throne
At last our forces are faced
To crush the weak by hate
We are the bringers of evil
We are the bringers of war
We are the children of darkness
And darkness was here before god
1000's of demons are howling
Waiting for sign to break free
Face the swords of immortals
Face the hate in their eyes
There's no return for jehovah
There's no return from this night
...The human soul is a beast
Fed on hatred and lust
So serve your infernal soul
Follow all urges from hell
5. Den Svarta Gudomligheten
Människosjälen är ett odjur fött på lusta och hat
Så tjäna ditt djävulska hjärta och föli dess onda begär...
6. Laughter Of The Funeral
The sound of cries in agony
Awakes my sleeping demon
The mood of grief excites me
The mood invert my grief to joy
The demon makes me laugh a demonic silent laughter
My tears are filled with joy cause I enjoy the death
Laughter of the funeral...
This ceremony is boring
Have no understanding
May my feelings are gone
And may my soul is cold
The hymns are raping the souls
Of the ones which I hate
I feel their anger against me
I feel their anger against me
But I laugh a their fault cause I'm stronger
Laughter of the funeral...
7. Mörker Och Hat...
Tusen svarta själar vilar i vredens borg
Tusen födömda bröder begravda i ondska och sorg
Till sist skall ondska segra och krosso allt som är gott
Lyss till vishetens list och frukta de starkas hat
Vi har kommit ifrån graven
Vi har kommit ifrän graven
Upp genom marken och vi dansar som en virvelvind
Himlen känner oss inte inte heller vår väg
Tusen mörka gestalter skall vakna och aldrig mer dö
Tusen svarta demoner skall höja vapnen mot skyn
Godhet skall malas till stoft och sopas ned i sin grav
Allt ska förrintas för gott
Ty mörker och hat är vår dygd
Vi har kommit ifrån graven...
8. As He Rides The Nocturnal Skies
I rode to see the twilight to welcome the dark
Awaiting the sky to reflect the colour of my inner
The night is breeding harmony of evil
Confirms the existence of 'the horned one'
The night is breeding power to my soul
What other people fear is my virtue
Then so subconscious he finally arrived
Destroyer of the light
The master of the night
As he rides the nocturnal skies
The angels hide in fear
Cause of his evil (ness)
In my eyes the night became his mantle
The one breeding harmony of evil
The one breeding power to my soul
The one that almighty of the night
9. Velvet Chains
Watch the ravens in the sky prepare for my return
Greet my arrival with knowledge
And on the wings of the storm
I come riding in the dark
On the back of my great black horse
Followed by wolves and entities
All of the darkest breed
Come to me so that we through magic can unite
Unite and haunt as one
Together reach the highest level tear down and break the stones
Come to me you who's blood run in my veins
Who in fire the flame
Come caress me with your velvet chains
So in the morning mist we hide
As lovers we embrace earch other fiercely
Generating powers and so my pale enchantress dance for me
Dance with blasphemous grace – snare my flesh
Drain the portal in blood
Snatch the treasures of eden
Shred them crush them
Render their bones to dust
In our unity we'll abolish the denial and the sin
Tear down and break the stones
Come to me you whos blood runs in my veins
Who is fire the flame
Come caress me with your velvet claws
10. The Ancient Rebirth
Shadows of the twilight
Suffocate the light of day
Fog rise in the forest
The breath of lucifer
The moon shines on the holes
Of evil entities
Soon they will awake
Hail to their return
100's of years asleep
Suddenly they're here
Killing all of light
They will bring us to the dark
Evil rides the earth
The ancients are reborn
Lucifer we greet you now
We'll serve you as your slaves
No one can stop thy unknown hordes
In this mess of obscurity
We'll join you in the evening
As the twilight rapes the day
We've been waiting for you
Ancient ones
To avenge your destiny
We'll evoke the darken centuries and kill the holy light
We'll stay here for all eternities to crush the name of delight
We'll turn into demonic shapes and take away some lives
Rape the mortal humanrace the eternal sacrifice