1. Spirits Of The Dead
2. From Wolf To Peacock
Since the first of hours
of childhood and thereon
In all my views and pond'rings
I have felt alone
Beauty I had savored
in other sights than all
and a twisted grandeur
I've seen in things that fall
I always found fulfillment
being on my own
and in my plays and passions
I hit my distinct tone
From their source of delights
Peace I never found
But from deep within me
my true self was unbound
Enter the wolf
So Cold
So lone
so Blind
so Bright
Sprawling was my anger
being chained to their
notions uniforms and
ambitions so austere
But that wrath transcended
to a thing divine
Creations and catharsis
and Pride! – they were all mine
Pride! – alike the peacock –
I felt it to the core
From every cell and marrow
its results did outpour
Like the bird's adornment
the wheel magnificent
it had manifested
in beauty of no end
Now spread thy wheel...
3. The Kindred Of The Sunset
Like a drapery falling downward
The dark spreads out in exquisite elegance
Melancholy reaching climax
Betimes you feel its wraith in all the elements
Aflame – the heavens seem to burn now untamed
While the earth is clad in a luscious blueish dress
Ignite – these candles need to burn now
The night unveils its echoing spook of death!
We are the kindred of the sunset
We are – to fade
We seem like a blackened silhouette
We are the children of the sunset
We know – we are
To burn – a blaze of night ahead
We are the kindred of the sunset
We are the children of the sunset
We are to fade – we seem...
We know – we are to burn...
Nocturnal haze coming forth
A ghost... devouring my secrecies
Gliding over fields as mist wailing grievously
Extinct! The heavens seem to burn no more
The Earth is clad in a funeral dress
Elapse! The hourglass got turned once more
So pleased we sip the elixir of death
We are the kindred of the sunset
We are – to fade
We seem like a blackened silhouette
We are the children of the sunset
We know – we are
To burn – a blaze of night ahead
We are the children of the sunset
We are the kindred of the sunset
4. Into The Unknown
Step into the dark
Drag yourself along the twine
That's been out there
and was spun for you
since a long time
Allow the pain
So agony can teach
Its exalted secrecy
Overcome the fear
Take yourself into
The great maelstrom's whirling eye
With mind aloof
And heart aflame
I shall never be the same
Into the unknown
Where the obscure reigns
I shall never be again
– the same again
Nocturnal pathways call
– Harken now! –
they summon you
Heavy fogs
That enshroud the mind
Dim your view
Look upward
and from the firmament
Pluck the stars inflame
From the light
and from the dark within
You will know your very name
5. Ancient Heart
et fortis
The heart, the heart is old...
Precious and strong
Unrivaled heart
Invincible and never wrong
Wise from the start
Let loose from the chain
Untamed and arcane
is my ancient heart
Most sublime blood
In endless flood
Through my ancient heart
Fire and flame
(of) unwavering aim
My ancient heart
The heart, the heart so pure...
Most sublime blood
In endless flood
Through my ancient heart
Let loose from the chain
Untamed and arcane
is my ancient heart
Ravishing pride
The Self undefiled
In my ancient heart
6. The Whine Of The Cemetery Hound
Forgotten and forlorn
Graveyard corridors
Remains with mold adorn
Voiceless orators
Been haunting here so long
Observing everything decompose
Tombstones that sink into the ground
until they are gone
Assimilating stillness
into grave poetry
In these vaults so lightless
Being home to me
This is my kingdom
Reich of the Dead
Where shapes sepulchral
In patience outspread
The Quietus
The Fall
O Ruin and Decay
Ash and Dust
Earth and Stone
O gray pits of dismay
Time has no sense
in the realm of the dead
Where silver-tonqued souls
are quietly met
This is my kingdom
Reich of the dead
Shrouded in myth
– the idle imbed
7. How Deep Lies Tartaros?
Where dark shadows reign
Once you've fallen in disgrace
in their spell you will remain
Chasm vast
Abyss of past
Trembling, naked I lie
Licked by tongues of flames so cold
Here abandon has no ally
Notions so cruel that endlessly unfold
Where the painting
Where regret
Where the dark compulsion
There is no exit from this place
Where past shadows dwell
For in their tight embrace
Lies the deepest hell
Where the pain
Where regret
Where the dark
is the truth
No way to flee
Abyss within me
8. Who May Oppose Me?
9. The Fragrancy Of Soil Unearthed
At last
join the enigma
The call Ponderer
unto the omega
In the truthful light
of this starlit hall
I am yet to fall
Until the stars die
Until the fate
Until the end's nigh
and all the hollow mirth is spent
Until the sun fails
Until the worm
Until the earth hails
until my body shall descent
Here I am king
Here I am truth alone
Star-dome extend
Wanderer into night transcend
When silence then
encompasses all
I am yet to fall
Here I am king
Here I am truth alone
Fall, fall
light is gone
Fall and fall
O dying sun
– be my guest
When all the hollow noise
the soundless shrieks
and senseless words
are gone.
Gazing up into the stars
Into velvet crimson skies
Conducting from the earth
the great orchestra of silence