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Группы : Дискографии


Tourniquet: "The Collected Works Of Tourniquet" – 1995

энциклопедия: Tourniquet

Состав группы:

  • Gary Lenaire – гитара
  • Ted Kirkpatrick – ударные
  • Aaron Guerra – гитары
  • Victor Macias – бас
  • Luke Easter – вокал

Tourniquet: "The Collected Works Of Tourniquet" – 1995


  1. Perfect Night For A Hanging
  2. Vanishing Lessons
  3. Pathogenic Ocular Dissonance
  4. Twilight
  5. Psycho Surgery
  6. You Get What You Pray For
  7. Acid Head
  8. Broken Chromosomes
  9. Viento Borrascoso
  10. Carry The Wounded
  11. Bearing Gruesome Cargo
  12. The Skeezix Dilemma
  13. Ark Of Suffering
  14. The Hand Trembler


1. Perfect Night For A Hanging

Enter the mind of a man torn in two
One of the twelve but is destined to do
What the black heart of a person can feel
When he follows what he sees to be real

His eyes say He already knows
My resentment now grows
I know what I must do
To thine own self be true

I know you are who you say that you are
Branded a traitor I feel very far
My mind and my heart don't appear to agree
This is what causes my hectic quandry
I'll always regret what I'm choosing today
I realize that you love me anyway

But as hard as I try
Can't continue this lie
From the limb of a tree
I just gotta be ... me

2. Vanishing Lessons

Silently vanishing, then reappearing
Slipping away for a while
Start dematerializing before your eyes
Always a step from our grasp

At the turn of the century
Lived a Mr. Houdini
Shrouded in a mystery
He fooled all humanity
Why is it a mystery
The very thing that seems to me
Explains itself so easily
The love of wealth brings misery

Things we acquire means fuel for the fire
The feeling is gone, then our soul we will pawn
Things we acquire means fuel for the fire
The feeling is gone, then our soul we will pawn

Chinese water torture cell
And metamorphosis
Jail escapes, buried alive
Walking through a solid wall

Suicide among the rich
Defies the laws of reason which
Tells us those who have it all
Must often answer to death's call

Things we acquire means fuel for the fire
The feeling is gone, then our soul we will pawn
Dollars for happiness, that's what the world tells us
Pour all yourself in the pursuit of wealth

Things we acquire means fuel for the fire
The feeling is gone, then our soul we will pawn
Dollars for happiness, that's what the world tells us
Pour all yourself in the pursuit of wealth

"There are chords in the hearts of the most reckless
which cannot be touched without emotion. Even with the
utterly lost to whom life and death are equally jests,
there are matters of which no jest can be made."
(Quote from The Masque Of The Red Death by Edgar Allan Poe

Ever since I was a boy
I have always kept your laws
Now I want to follow you
Join you in your noble cause
Jesus turned to him and said
Sell all you have, give to the poor
The rich young ruler hung his head
Not to follow, walked instead

3. Pathogenic Ocular Dissonance

The iguanidae sees East and West simultaneously
The praying mantis sees three hundred flies from three
Orbit of man, divergent strabismus and
Compound eyes alien by design

Pathogenic Ocular Dissonance

Unravel the surcingle, clotted and much
Excoriated eons of life unsound
Avert your gaze, the horrific pestilence
You are spared and standing on Holy ground
Searching nystagmus, it's no wonder
Spiritual migranes still persist
The scales fall, the cataracts desist
The life you once led is not even missed

Pathogenic Ocular Dissonance

When red is green and green is gray
You've failed the test in column A
You see at twenty what we do at fifty
The wisdom of sight comes from the father of lights

The treasure you see, the treasure you know
There will your heart be found also

4. Twilight

When Father Time begins to run out on you
There's a place we take you to
"Just a burden now", I heard them say
I know I'm just in the way
You watch the car as they drive slowly away
Their guilt will hang on them for just today

All alone you sit, the phone never rings
Each day new sorrow brings
And the holidays, they come and they go
But there's one thing that I know

Even though my family counts me for dead
I never see them anyway
My life to God is not a worthless mistake
He's right there with me in my endless heartache

Can you look away from all this pain
Or do you think it isn't there
Can you look away from all this pain
Say you just don't really care

As we lock our priceless heritage away
Our kin the elderly
Do you know someone who stares at the walls
I think you know what to do

5. Psycho Surgery

Cranial vault the mind's map paved by heart and soul's aim
Transfer of DNA forms the cerebral mainframe
Just like a computer garbage in – garbage out
Subdural detour shuns the embrace of logic and reason
Shrouded in doubt

Divine mental biopsy reveals you need psycho surgery
The renewing of your mind by cosmic mirror

Spiritual angiography illustrates the mind's sorry state
Barnacle ridden psyche man's own demise to demonstrate
Burrowing mole exposes the dry rot within
Abundance of wormwood, euphomism for sin

Divine mental biopsy reveals you need psycho surgery
By His Spirit the symptoms are starting to clear

Blind cavefish, inbred victim of ocular atrophy
Inky blackness everywhere, there's no reason to see
Wait is someone there? I can feel the heat
Limbs wax useless, help me, can't rise to my feet

Divine mental biopsy reveals you need psycho surgery
A shred of truth is illuminated by miner's light
Divine mental biopsy reveals you need psycho surgery
From the first touch a faint pulse begins to appear

6. You Get What You Pray For

All of a sudden
this big world will end
Billions of people
will wish it never began (Rev 9:6)

Let us pray
No amount of wisdom (John 5:39-40)

stature or wealth (Matt 19:24)

will impress the ever-loving God
or (that is) Christ Himself
Let us pray
You get what you pray for (Matt 7:7-10)

Forgiveness and grace Lord
Ohh – That's what I need
You get what you pray for
Salvation is there for you
Get on your knees
Do you really think that God grades on a curve
when all of the answers are found in the Word (2 Ti 3:16), James 1:22-25)

Let us pray
Who shall you blame
when you're standing in flames
Ya can't pray to Jesus
He won't know your name
Let us pray (Rev 20:15)

You get what you pray for (1 John 3:22)

and that's what it's there for
Ohh – that's what I need
You get what you pray for
and God knows what's best for you (Mark 4:24, Mal 3:10-11)

Oh – Get on your knees
You say there's so many things that you need (Duet 28)

You never get them cause they would deceive (you)
A man can't stumble
when he's on his knees (John 11:9-10)

So let us pray!
All of a sudden God's grace will be torn
Billions of hell bound will wish they never were born (Matt 23:33)

Let us pray
None of your excuses
or shattering yells
will turn the head of God
who once called for your help (2 Ti 2:12, Matt 25:41-46)

You get what you pray for (John 15:16)

and that's what it's there for
Oh – that's what I need
You get what you pray for
what more could you ask for
Oh – but you gotta believe! (Mark 9:23)

You say there's so many things that you need
You never listen so you won't receive
Seek first the kingdom He knows what you need before you pray
You get what you pray for

7. Acid Head

Johnny is a chemist's son
But Johnny is no more
What Johnny thought was H20
Was H2SO4

Water cleans the system
Acid eats the flesh
Squirm yourself much deeper
Into the pit of selfishness
The burn of death is what you crave
I'll gladly bow and be your slave
To serve you all the days I live
My chemical god to you I give

Acid head – walk like the dead
Acid head – life in the red

Pacify your emptiness
It becomes more, you become less
All the platitudes you need
Planted by the demon seed
Hurting only me not you
To those around, it isn't true
The life you wreck is not your own
He grieves upon His holy throne

Acid head – walk like the dead
Acid head – life in the red
Acid head
Acid head – walk like the dead

Walk like the dead
Life in the red
Walk like the dead

Close the book, it's time to die
Don't get up, don't even try
Think about your soul instead
Where will you be when you're dead

Johnny is a chemist's son
But Johnny is no more
What Johnny thought was H20
Was H2SO4

Acid head – walk like the dead
Acid head – life in the red
Acid head – walk like the dead
Acid head – life in the red

8. Broken Chromosomes

I want to take my life today
I don't belong here anyway
My God if you can hear me now
See if Your hand can reach this far

You stopped playing father
as soon as mom conceived
The only time we touched
was just before I screamed

The gift that keeps on giving
your father gives to me
History repeats itself
Now history meets me

So what if I'm retarded
Mentally delayed
I'm sorry for annoying you
but I was born this way

You speak so much better
Got an aerodynamic face
Mega-babes and tons of friends
so why show so much hate

Vultures are circling again
My open wounds are food for them
Oh God if you will reach your hand
You can deliver me from man

But I'll get up
I'll get up
Watch me get up

Men fail me...
But the Son of God saves

When I'm face down
and I'm scared and lonely
You are by my side

I'm talking face on the ground
My back is painted with footprints
You're the only one
that hears me cry

I seek I find just one name
by which a man can be saved
And He comes before
my tears can dry

Now I'm not alone
No I'm not alone
And I'm free now Cause
I've got no pain to pass on

9. Viento Borrascoso


10. Carry The Wounded

We all have known someone
Whose life has come undone
But careful lest you fall
For help you will call

The Word was my desire
To calm the raging fire
Within me burning
And solace I did find
My wounds He did bind

The trials were sent in love
To make me rise above
And like the prodigal son
Thy will be done

It's been some years I fear
Since I to Him drew near
I feel no pain inside

The trials were sent in love
To make me rise above
And like the prodigal son
Thy will be done

Will I ever fell Your love again
And is this empty heart something you'll mend
Carry the wounded
Can my mind and will on you depend
Or will I fade into oblivion
Carry the wounded, carry the wounded
You are the lost sheep I long to find
My love for you the unconditional kind
Carry the wounded
The plans I have for you are not to harm
But you must listen, this is your alarm

11. Bearing Gruesome Cargo

This is why I am the way that I am
This is why I am the way that I am
This is why I am the way that I am
This is why I am the way that I am

You know I'm carrying with me
Over twenty years of pity
My whole personality
Was formed by others, not me
When I look back on my life
One that's always filled with strife
I rode down a bad course
Nobody's fault but yours

My step always threw me right down the stairs
So forgive me when I do the same thing to you
I know it must seem like your daddy never cares
But if you knew what I've been through
You'd do the same thing too

Well I can't make a move
Without draggin' all my baggage
My father always cussed
So forgive me for my language
Please excuse me for yelling
Pardom me for telling you to stop
Selling to me your God in Heaven

This is why I am the way that I am
This is why I am the way that I am
If I can keep this up for the rest of my days
I may never have to take responsibility
For my ways

12. The Skeezix Dilemma

Silly childhood game – Uncle Wiggly
I cower in abject horror
Approaching space number 109
Home of the gaunt and haggard shell of the Skeezix

The emaciated figure
Harboring the greed of a thousand
Invading, thriving, ascaris whittles away
The self confidence of young minds
Casting doubt that they will
Ever reach the finish to see for themselves
The sagacious Uncle Wiggly

His mission now is complete
The arboreal king of misery and woe
Skeezix reposes high on a knotty forest crag
And the child still tries his best to
Stay into the game
But with insufficent, no volition
Plotted course of demolition
Goes through all the motions
Musing caveat emptor and
A predetermined failure

He draws a card and all his fears come true
Advance to 109
That's what you have to do

When Mr. Skeezix becomes Mr. Jones
Or you, or me
Just think of what that does to wreck
A child of two or three
They know and feel much more than
We will give them credit for
And all they want in life from you
Is love and nothing more
When painful eyes begin to cringe
When you walk through the door
Remember children are a gift of love
Sent from the Lord

13. Ark Of Suffering

You think it's alright to destroy God's creation
They don't have a voice so who cares how we're treating them here
If you read his word you should know that he blessed them
I know your defense is to say "God said dominate them"
Do you think dominate means to kill just for sport
Wear the fur from their backs
train them for circus acts
Take our pets to be gased once their "cute" age has passed
Don't you see in their eyes how they trust us
but man in his sin turns that trust into horrible pain
When God says to man give account of you life's work
we must be prepared to reply "Your creation I loved"
Locked behind steel cage
forced to take drugs we've made
Cut them up just to show
what we already know
Before they die...
who will hear them cry
Gen 1:20-30, Hab 2:17, Ps 145:9,16-17, Ps 150:6, Ex 23:11-12, Jon 4:11, Prov 12:10

14. The Hand Trembler

Is the God that I worship like an eight ball that says yes, maybe, or no?
Or like ouija board that points the direction to go?

A family looks on forlorn and sad
The outcome will determine thankful or mad
Temperature soars to 107є
Passing hands not yet ready for Heaven
He sees himself floating somewhere overhead
A haunting apparition high above his bed
It's me – I think
But I seem to resemble the soul of a ghoul
The hand trembler walks out
Not a word did he say
Is his power for real
Though he failed today
The family has scorned him
Hand trembler denied
The life of their son
Snuffed out as they cried
You left us in agony
Your power is fake
Though we trusted in you
This answer we'll not take

Do you have the faith to let God be God – that is the question
Not a question of outcome but a question of trust
For He is truly God and we are but dust...

There are things in this life we can never explain
On the wicked and righteous come sunshine and rain
I am not God though at times I have tried
"You don't need Him" – the deceiver has lied.

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