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Группы : Дискографии


Visceral Bleeding: "Absorbing The Disarray" – 2006

энциклопедия: Visceral Bleeding

Состав группы:

  • Tobias Persson – ударные
  • Calle Löfgren – бас
  • Marcus Nilsson – гитара
  • Peter Persson – гитара
  • Tommy – вокал

Visceral Bleeding: "Absorbing The Disarray" – 2006


  1. Bi-Polar
  2. Disgust The Vile
  3. Despise Defined
  4. Perpetual Torment Commence
  5. Emulated Sense: Failure
  6. Rip The Flesh
  7. Absorbing The Disarray
  8. Awakened By Blood
  9. Beyond The Realms Of Reason
  10. Bring Forth The Bedlam
  11. Demise Of The One That Conquered


1. Bi-Polar


2. Disgust The Vile

Existential thoughts swirling through a wicked mind.
Who, where, why am I?
Can't grasp my surroundings. What is this place? A figment of
my imagination or the place where my body dwells.

No feelings left behind this skin. Aching for my obsession,
try to fight it off but in vain. Why?

Can't get rid of this disease, a shell am I.
No compassion or sympathy.
Try to feel but no success, fall deeper inside.
Inside where soon nothing exists.

I must disgust the vile, to make myself feel alive.

No reason found for this atrocious life. Bent out of shape,
twisted to fit it's own reflection.

Disconnected from this world,
a plague amI. Carnivore to be set free.
Thrive in all things that are wicked, foul are my ways.
Hide in the shadows of sanity.

Flashes of torture awake my pulse, my breath, my being.
Ferocious will to end all life. Everywhere I look I see prey.
My instincts and senses peak. Try to repress but it's futile.

They will see my endless wrath,
vomit from the taste of my sickness.
Return to their origin they shall. Die!

I must disgust the vile, to make myself feel alive.
I'm an obscene anomaly, the bile of all combined.

Degrading thoughts swirling through a determined mind.
What will I become? Understanding my surroundings.

No feelings left behind this skin. Aching for my obsession,
they will see my endless wrath. Die!

3. Despise Defined

Entangeled in hysteria and deceiving thoughts
Mind's lost control, seeking bliss,
urging for salvation through rage.
Occupied with self reduction, deny the body control
Naked, not confined, steady gaze, endless seeking

Violent dreams of atrocity, images of bloodsoaked grounds
Perverted thoughts of twisted ways
Bring pain unto others, give onto them what they deserve
Feeble ones that lack the meaning,
their only purpose is to prance

Aggravated by the fact that mind and body can't work as one
Body rejoice when the mind is drawn into an endless battle
Recollections, shapeless memories,
penetrating and deforming
Twisted visions, bringing back the rising awareness,
mind is conscious

They're pitiful and ignorant,
their whole existence makes me sick
A soulless pile of wasted flesh,
makes me spasm and grizzle teeth
Their infected souls make me spew,
they're sending shivers down my spine
Enslave them all and bring them down
This is my time, now I will rise

Overwhelmed by abhorrence, taking over,
growing stronger. Shocks the mind, despise all living

Confront the fear to fill the void
Regain control of the body that had been disconnected

Repressed needs deep inside, I set my vice free
Darkness shapes me, possessed by unholy ones.

Violent dreams of atrocity, images of bloodsoaked grounds
Perverted thoughts of twisted ways
Bring pain unto others, give onto them what they deserve
Feeble ones that lack the meaning,
their only purpose is to prance

Astounded by the amazing power of an instinct to slay
Obliterate, annihilate, exterminate, eliminate
Without control, extreme torment
will be brought to this depraved race
To kill, to wound, to mutilate. I'm born again,
the demons are set free

They're pitiful and ignorant,
their whole existence makes me sick
A soulless pile of wasted flesh,
makes me spasm and grizzle teeth
Their infected souls make me spew,
they're sending shivers down my spine
Enslave them all and bring them down
This is my time, now I will rise

4. Perpetual Torment Commence

Rushing adrenaline tearing through my body,
clearing every doubt
Absurd amount of rage is soon to be released,
my own perfection seems so clear

What once was embryonic now forthcoming rapidly
What once was small now mounting, swiftly rising in my soul
What once was trapped and hidden,
has been gathered and built up
What once was shapeless, abstract,
now forming, soon defined

Hatred rise... as I launch into attack
Fuels my mind... mounted wrath unfold
Causing pain... infecting my unclean mind
Go berserk... to rid this sensation

My head hurts so bad, sends flashes before my eyes
My goal seems so clear, have to project my hate

Victim captured, beaten, succumb to my goal bizarre
Fury that was pending, now has been released
Every bone is broken, perversion now sets in
Perpetual torment commence

Rejecting all this unfulfilling life
Feeble one, by weakness tainted mind
Start to bleed tour innocence all over me
Blade moves quick across the face and neck

What once was embryonic now forthcoming rapidly
What once was small now mounting, swiftly rising in my soul
What once was trapped and hidden,
has been gathered and built up
What once was shapeless, abstract,
now forming, soon defined

Victim bound, gagged, tortured, succumb to my goal bizarre
Severly battered body, helpless at my will
Desperate cries for mercy, only fuels my rage
Perpetual torment commence...

Bleed for me... Bleed for me... Bleed for me... Bleed for me!

Rushing adrenaline tore through my body,
has cleared every doubt,
absurd amount of rage has now been released
My own perfection, almost complete

5. Emulated Sense: Failure

All covered in blood, heart is still beating fast,
shivering from the arousal
Take a step back to admire the work
Laughing in hysterical madness

The body's twitching still, recently deceased
This emotion is superior
Exceeding all I've ever felt, temporarily,
but soon comes to a halt
The twitching decreases, quick diminishment,
and soon comes to a stop

My previous excitement and satisfaction
Disappears entirely, gets washed away
Total panic is rising inside me,
a swift encounter with my illness

The body lies in a pool of it's own blood,
bleeding has come to a stop now
All senses numb, I'm feeling utter apathy,
as I'm inspecting the body

The truth of my survival, even though not spoken loud
Must lie within the acts of death, proceed to set me free
I must pursue what seems to be the only logical step

Look into the dead empty eyes, staring into nothingness
The expession on his face is fixed, tormented grin
His hands are tightly closed, the knuckles colored white
All the limbs are stiff, rigor mortis has set in

The body lies in a pool of it's own blood,
bleeding has come to a stop now
All senses numb, I'm feeling utter apathy,
as I'm inspecting the body

The truth of my survival, even though not spoken loud
Must lie within the acts of death, proceed to set me free
I must pursue what seems to be the only logical step

6. Rip The Flesh

The rotten body lies before me
Blood still dripping from the wounds
Can't have this fucker looking at me
Eyes wide open, intense gaze

Force my thumbs into the eyes, press them back into the head
See them burst open wide, covering my hands as it smears
Grab the skull. It's slippery, hard to find a real good grip
Hard to find the perfect grip

Insert a hook in the back of the head
Elevate the body a few feet of the ground
Remove all clothes, expose the cadaver

Swirling and rocking from side to side
Tearing from the body, removing all the skin
Rotten flesh and tissue has been revealed

Glance acroos the tools, need something sharp to open him
Hacking in the flesh with a pair of gleaming scissors
Inserting them into the abdomen and cut it up

Out spills the entrails, falling to the floor
Cleaning him out, nothing stays inside
Scrape up his waste, put them in a bucket

I seek to find redemption, salvation for my mind
Succumb to my aggression, redeem the ill treated
I find my stimulation in pain beyond control
I have to push on harder to maintain this feeling
Covet the pain – Covet the kill
Demanding pain – Demanding kill

Grab my pliers and cutt the spine
The nerve chords are pouring out into his chest cavity
Moving up onto his skull, crack it open even more
Clutch the brain firm and steady, start to pull
It gives in easily, the head is emptied, brain put in a jar

With a jigsaw I open up the torso
The heart and lungs now lay exposed
The scissors release them from their attachments

The body's now been emptied and all has been taken out
Leave the butchered carcass hanging from a shining hook
Turn off the lights and leave the room, yet still I'm not fullfilled

I seek to find redemption, salvation for my mind
Succumb to my aggression, redeem the ill treated
I find my stimulation in pain beyond control
I have to push on harder to maintain this feeling
Covet the pain – Covet the kill
Demanding pain – Demanding kill

7. Absorbing The Disarray

Return exhausted to the furthest corners of existance
Contemplating the actions executed
Still no reaction, no mental spark
Nothing ignites, nothing triggers the soul

The only awakening drug is mayhem and chaos
I reek of indifference
Disillusioned by my perception, there's no way back

Spiralling down this horrid path with no return
Absorbing the disarray
Morbid attraction consumes my sanity,
as I'm feeding off the frenzy

Red is all I see, black is all I feel
Dreams and thoghts turn against me
They seek the devastation of my mind to free themselves

The ignorance possessed by me gnaws at my humanity
Oblivious to this fact, hatred plants it's seed in me
Inside I'm rotting, I'm slowly disappearing
as my madness is spreading like ripples on water

Everlasting inner battle between sane and insane
Co-existence is not an option
The eradication of one kills the other

They churn and grind at eachother
Causing lethal friction to close prey

The rotten core of my inner self,
screams and spits at all living matter
Contradicts my own being

Absorbing the disarray

Gone seems all hope of recovery
I'm engulfed in a vile mental world

8. Awakened By Blood

My previous deeds are considered vile

My wicked self triumph, the weaker one will perish
The smell of blood gives me the ultimate high

This realization only makes me yearn for more
Lost this high, I once had and greatly crave
I have to claim the right to feed my deepest urge
To silence my weak self, that no more slumbers

Fighting within my self to keep each other down,
have to make it stop

Need blood... Crave blood... Sweet blood... Fresh blood...
Silence the voices, bring my relief
Need blood... Crave blood... Sweet blood... Fresh blood...
Force back the feeble that dwells in my head

Sinful are my thoughts of blood,
gushing through open wounds
Tremble by the thought of blood,
flowing like rivers wide

Without it I am just a shadow of myself
Transparent, meaningless, powerless
With it I will rise and rule over you all
This is it, the need for blood, is in control

Need blood... Crave blood... Sweet blood... Fresh blood...
Silence the voices, bring my relief
Need blood... Crave blood... Sweet blood... Fresh blood...
Force back the feeble that dwells in my head

9. Beyond The Realms Of Reason

Driven by hatred, repulsion boils up
Direct it towards the plague of the earth
The need for the massacre haas fully set in
The rotten part is in control, enthralled by disgust

Time to take the next step, what rules should apply?
Time to find a new prey, will I be able to decide?

The hunt has commenced
Seeking out my prey

Hiding in the back. Lurking in the dark. Keeping out of sight.
Pot a victim soon. Closing in on it.
Sneaking up on her. Feels me coming near. Panic's setting in.
Heart is beating fast. Rigid from the fright.

Kick her down, shut her up, drag her to my nest
By the time she wakes up everything is dark
Strapped down hard to a chair in a filthy cell

She's fighting violently, screaming profanities,
cursing at my name, irritate my mind
Getting on my nerves, spitting in my face
Makes me burst out with hysteric madness
She will die

By my blade. Take her life. Strike her down. Make her bleed.
Hit her hard. Force her down. On her knees. Make her plead.
Weeping, crying, moaning, screaming, begging for her life
Break her bones. Hear them snap. See her pain. Make me laugh.
Cut some more. See the flesh. Blood is shed. Filthy whore.
Fighting, spitting, twitching, struggling, trying to get free

This is not enough, not enough to please, not enough for me
Must increase the dose of this brutality to satisfy my needs

The bitch is screaming in excessive pain
Begging for forgiveness in hope to save her soul

The desperate look of trepidation fuels my hate
Builds up my need to aggravate her situation

Grab a sharpened knife, cutting off her heel, unable to walk
Loosing all the roopes, she falls to the floor
Now she starts to crawl; trying to escape
Laughing at this whore, bleeding on the floor,
reaching for the door

With a kick to her face, I stop her lame attempt
She regurgitates, choking on her blood

By my blade. Take her life. Strike her down. Make her bleed.
Hit her hard. Force her down. On her knees. Make her plead.
Weeping, crying, moaning, screaming, begging for her life
Break her bones. Hear them snap. See her pain. Make me laugh.
Cut some more. See the flesh. Blood is shed. Filthy whore.
Fighting, spitting, twitching, struggling, trying to get free

The glimpse in her eyes has now disappeared, she has given up
No struggle, no noise, no movement, no spark,
no will to live on

Suddenly all this behaviour seems insane
What am I doing? Hesitates
A suddenweep brings me back
Fuck this bitch, she will die

10. Bring Forth The Bedlam

I rule them all, still no one gives me praise
I dominate them all, still no one gives me awe
I control them all, still no one bends their knee
I dictate them all, still no one will succumb

Obedience and full surrender is what I demand
From those I chose to let live
Yield to my awesome strength
I am an overwhelming force

Weak, pathetic, wretched ones,
still makes pitiful attempts to struggle

Their weak resistance will be useless,
my powers go beyond time to right what's wrong
And punish those who won't obey
Full confrontation now seems certain,
chaos will be wrought
Slaughter will be brought upon those who stand in my path

I'm in a manic state, with a hollow gaze
Hatred boils, and needs to be set free
Weak ones are cast down at my will
Surrender or be conquered

As a flock of sheep, I preside over their souls
I shall see that in their hearts nothing but fear will reside

I will be, bringer of mayhem
I will be, bringer of disorder
I will be, bringer of chaos
Bring forth the bedlam

Your time is out. The march towards oblivion begins
I will lead your way. Whipped towards extinction

As my judgement upon the world is about to be carried out
A splinter in my mind stops my final ruling
What is right, what is wrong? Everything. Nothing.
A subconciousness I thought repressed starts to rise

I will be, bringer of mayhem
I will be, bringer of disorder
Bring forth the bedlam

Once again the existential thoughts runs through my mind
A distant part still dwells inside me, feeding me it's doubts
Been disconnected from this world. What have I become?
Bi-polar needs through satisfaction of mind detachement

11. Demise Of The One That Conquered

Benign virus, on the verge of solitude
Malignant cure, on the brink of extinction

A flawless black, with an endless wrath
A tainted white, on a cleansing path

Both shackled by the face of red

A shadow of aggravation and indifference
An entity of desperation and short-termed bliss

The schizophrenic emptiness flowing through my veins
Burns and stings like a venomous bite
Abysmal loathing for the inner gemini
Catalyst for the final struggle

The mind floats between a two-dimensional world
Dividing the body, straining it's movement
Only one can reign this organic paradox
I need to shed my mirrored self

I am the final and the absolute
We are the just and the unjust
I am the beginning and the wavering
We are the irony of ourselves

The logic of this realm is clear
Yet distorted with no sense
It's purpose both revealed and hidden
Depending on the angle of sight

Bouncing violently in a vortex of tranquillity
A vivid calm showers me, leaving me dry and withered
Now a moving stagnation, forced to a standstill
Due to the imminent failure of the soul

Benign virus, on the verge of solitude
Malignant cure, on the brink of extinction

I am the final and the absolute
We are the just and the unjust
I am the beginning and the wavering
We are the irony of ourselves

I am the final and the winner
We are the end with no beginning
I am the final and the loser
We are the reversal of the living

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