1. Then The Moon Came
A whistling breath suddenly escaped from my cracked lips
When I turned back to see
That the stones of the temple I had just finished building
Were lying scattered under the mocking cold rays of the sun
I was still able to hear the faded laughter of the vile ones
Who were fleeing away, forgetting as they were running
That the palace they had crushed
Was equally precious to me as my own life
The work of a life
The passion of a quest
My eyes, that had seen the sparkle in the dark,
Were now beholding the remains
Of a fervour that had been sentenced to death
By the blindness of a race
As I collapsed, like those stones had just done
My betrayed face hit the frozen ground
Then the moon came and chased away the agitation of the light
Lying there, feeding from the coldness of the earth
My thoughts started to wander in an incarnate trance
Echoing from within but beholding the outside
Thus a dark seed started growing in my veins
Blackening my vital fluids and withering my feelings
From the ashes of my broken dream I will rise
And like wolf among sheep
Spread a deserved terror within the flock
Like wolf among sheep...
For suckled at the teat of motherly presence
I was fed with poison
I know what the instinct is
Like wolf among sheep...
2. Hurle À La Mort
À peine discerné par ton œil blafard
Dussé-je incarner ton pire cauchemar
Ma soif de vengeance trouvant source en un si ridicule toi
De mes mains tu périras
La bête qui jadis sommeillait soudain s'éveille
Enfantée d'une fureur et d'une rage sans pareilles
De l'un tu goûteras à la déconstruction puis au rien
Sans même la compagnie du chagrin
Hurle à la mort, poussière patibulaire
C'est elle qui te dévore, pauvre hère délétère
Qu'importe mon nom
Déjà, tu n'en perçois plus le son
Vois tes fils s'éteindre un à un
Avant de sombrer à ton tour
Dans les milles et un détours
Que tu as creusés en ton sein
Étouffe sous le poids de ta misère
Rongeant ta chair mortifère
Ce sang qui coule est le tien
Et s'égare à tout jamais dans le lointain
3. Totalitarian Grievance
I accuse the Judas followers of nihilism
Deliberately building their world upon nothingness
I accuse the white lambs of God of nihilism
Deliberately building their world upon nothingness and saying no to life with the utmost strength
I accuse the Allah's sons of nihilism
Deliberately building their world upon nothingness
I accuse the Hindu fanatics of nihilism
Deliberately building their world upon nothingness and saying no to life with the utmost strength
The signs of the Kingdom's fall were unleashed under sad skies...
Bearing multiple names but a same ground
So are the entities brought up by man,
No matter where, no matter when
But still, how come the human race has kept misleading itself
And why do things seem to get even worse
The signs of the Kingdom's fall were unleashed under sad skies
Dismembering one by one the articulations of faith in equilibrium
Sadness and disappointment are the results of this tragic awareness
For the tearing of childish virgin eyes is always painful
But now through blood I can see what was concealed
And until death will fight for the knowledge light to spread on every ignorance shade area
A quest exceeding the measure of a single man
Or is it that it exceeds a whole race?
Mass deconstruction in order to recreate
A healthy civilisation, stronger than hate
Is there actually anything that can be done for the worms?
Surrounded by the weakness of a lazy people
Finding self satisfaction in material comfort and emotional evasion
Or maybe my quest is not of this world
And all my efforts as vain as their blindfold deeds
For the state of decadence is so advanced
That letting the corpses rot till their complete decomposition is the only solution
4. I Was
Throughout the circle of extra-sensorial revelations
There are some that deal with blindfold imagination
And there is another one
Just a single one
Shade and dust, screaming together as if from only one mouth
In one moonless night
Uttered painful words that got carved on my chest
And that went through my heart
Lifeless but still alive, emptying of so-called life fluids
I gazed at the empty night, physically motionless as death, as my own death
But yet greately agitated, somehow, somewhere
In such deepness one no eye but mine could look at
When all my blood got drank by the remorseless earth
Dust all alone spoke to me
Its hoarse voice rose from nowhere
And uttered its command
For this time shall be mine
Unexpectedly hatching upon my shrine
Beyond the steams of the will I will grow
Depriving all life form of their inner glow
An asexual vengeance
The forces of logic beyond the screams of passion
Coldly, efficiently unveiling terror and horror
To the unexpecting eye, already freezing
When all my blood got drank by the remorseless earth
Dust all alone spoke to me
Its hoarse voice rose from nowhere
And uttered its command
Oh, in an ejaculation of sudden and bitter fury the unspoken was understood
That earth had just been blessed by the messiah it had always been waiting for
I knew that neither good nor evil was...
But that I was...
5. Detestable Birth Tapestries With Snakes Embroidered
Nativity inserted upside down
Hail the lecherous masterful clown
Dawning at dusk, lovingly raping
Press record, peer at me and carry on masturbating
Unveiling detestable birth tapestries with snakes embroidered
The pseudo gods ordered birth, and flesh they gutted
Flesh-digging their forearms dripping with carnal fluids
Unbreakable life was inseminated, rising from the solids
Ejaculating love as a burning grief would be buried...
Thus the fruit was gnawed
And the pips crunched
Melting my waxed bones
Snatched into bitter breath stems
Let hatred divine molest the decapitated
Chew the corpse and rejoice from the blood loss
The eye-piercer cannot be bathed in a halo of inner beauty
Cast by the mutilated darkened soul floating in the collapsed
But bruises shall mute into a war paint
As the dead scoffed symphony shall regenerate
And flow fiercely through the flies' flight
Scarring sights with tight dry fright
Forcing the testoestrogen marionette to kneel down
And taste the loss of the power it had possessed
Enslaved master succumbing before what unleashed desire
Had let innumerable straw bodies to do, and do, and do, and do...
But yet, with such so-called humanity engraved so deeply
A pure state of vision could not be reached
The absurd piece of flesh on its knees
Could not, therefore, apprehend, consider and comprehend such roaring life form
Roaming foam throning upon reason
Threw the mass over the exception
Nativity inserted upside down
Hail the lecherous masterful clown
6. Der Tanz Der Toten
Rise! Rise! Tragic hatred, rise!
I summon you, I invoke you
Rise from the cradle where you have been silently dwelling
Ever since my very first breathing
One in me, may our two bloods mingled be
Sharing the same pulse deprived of mercy
For such was the burden
Under which man was sunken
Telle était votre danse morbide, maintenant moribonde
Rongée par elle-même tant elle était immonde
Un non à la vie gémi par milles pores suintants
D'un accablement haletant et purulent
D'abord simplement égarés puis lamentablement effondrés
Rassemblés par la démesure qui vous avait éparpillés
Voila que s'avance l'ombre du glas qui déjà au loin résonne
Et de sa lourde voix votre extinction pure coordonne
Also sprach der Lebende, der keine Heimat hatte.
Also sprach der Einzige, in seinem Eigentum eingesperrt.
Es gibt nur eine L?sung, die von selbst durchsetzen wird
Zerst?rend die unz?hligen Abirrungen: der Tanz der Toten
Avec pour seules armes nécessaires
La résignation, la patience et l'observation
L'homme regarde le sous-homme s'étourdir
S'évanouir, croupir puis enfin mourir
Délivrant le sol de sa présence aberrante
Aussi calamiteuse que désespérément persistante
Un jour un hourra épuré s'élèvera
Mais jusqu'alors, seul le fracas du tonnerre retentira
Puis vos petites oreilles se résorberont
Afin de ne plus percevoir aucun son
Vos yeux fuiront vos orbites
Votre cœur deviendra granite
Alors votre sang perlera
Faisant ainsi éclore votre aura
Et tel un fruit mûr vous tomberez de l'arbre
Pour pourrir sur vos constructions de marbres
Und schliesslich wird der Tanz aufh?ren
Und schliesslich werde Ich aufstehen k?nnen
Et enfin le rire s'élèvera et, parmi les décombres de la folie, soufflera
Les dernières cendres des inaptitudes démentielles de la foi
Que le sang jaillissant des jugulaires bouchées par un magma de Grâce
Avait mis à mort en un ultime mouvement moral contre lui-même
La fin de l'Histoire, la fin de l'Homme
La fin de la Masse, la fin du règne aberrant de toute Meta-
7. Vaginal Secretions
The menstrual blood-red wine is muting into tears
Come to life
Eat the dirty breast of your womb
Feed from her lying gazes and grow
You, cursed bleeding worm
Behold the rising moon
And fear the rage of the sun
Tremble, miserable
Suckled at the teat of a cadaverous female body
Eat the rotten flesh
Defecate on your soul
The dead foetus is sucking the cunt
Lulled in the disgusting moaning
Of the motherly orgasmic whore
Vaginal secretion instead of breast milk
This is love
Feel the fatherly hammer flooding your entrails
This is love
See your mother masturbating with your umbilical cord
Cold! Cold is the wind on your naked skin
Her breath, so cold...
Suffocate in your frozen vomit
But don't you dare weep
Your eyes are stuck
By blood and sperm
Don't try to open them
Your parents are already dead
And so are you
8. Orgasmic Fetid Breath
Can the lifeless newborn child feel
The true essence within animated and unanimated things
Or can this pathetic crawling non-being
Only see through the womb's single purulent eye
Hidden contemptuous sexual existences
Spreading consciousnesses and shattering essences
... The first thing this flesh of abhorrence saw
Was such hideous incestuous eye dripping with blood
Euphorically vomiting life and lies
An anosognosic industry of the I
A biomechanicalized pseudo godlike flood
Tetanized by the enthralling hysterical whispers
Murmured by the unexpected and opening
The carrier of life painfully defecates
What she shall unconsciously scorn and hate
For her eyes got burst as well
By the acid tongue of her own perverted mistress
Thus has gone on the sharing of the enslaved blood
Since ages and through time
Hidden contemptuous sexual existences
Spreading consciousnesses and shattering essences
Smell the orgasmic fetid breath lulling you
How can you think you are?
Hear the raging laughter lulling you
How can you think you are?
Feel the frozen hand lulling you
How can you think you are?
Taste the death milk feeding you
How can you still think you are...
9. Love, Death's Betrothed
Voluble existence
An unaware desperate cry
Echoing from nowhere
In an endless death rattle
By convolvuluses and creeping brambles
Milliards of hollow shades of pretended souls
Caught in the thorny and grinning web
Of decadence
Dead eyes that do not see
Dead ears that do not hear
Seemingly blown by the wind of life...
But these are only dead leaves
Weakness Enthroned
Dissatisfaction procreated
The perverted inverted instincts of life
Extolled to heavenly nothingness
Oh, moribund God
Vomiting to the petrified ground
The self-eschatological Lethean flood
Of the unveiling nihilism
And I, chewing my limbs with resignation
The acceleration of the natural degradation
Choosing loss and self desecration
Not under the influence of an redemptive idea
But silent suicide
Instead of self-deceit
Inseminating instinct of madness
And crowning nothingness upon the living
So is Good
Against Evil
And thus Love has turned out to be
Death's betrothed
Farewell World
It is you or me.
10. Immobile
Embrasé, enlisé parmi les décombres d'absurdes vérités
Dieu... immobile...
Non plus mû comme auparavant par le souffle même de la vie
Mais gisant là, immobile...
A son image, l'Homme soudain s'essouffle, s'étourdit puis s'effondre
Si seul parmi les siens, si seul en lui-même
Haletant et hoquetant, dos plaqué contre la dureté du sol
Et pénétré par la froideur de la terre gelée
Violemment aveuglé par l'absence de toute lumière,
Alors aspirée à travers le sol dérobé,
L'homme s'enlise un peu plus à chaque seconde dans la boue glacée par l'hiver
Ses yeux rivés vers le ciel figé
L'ombre raide de Dieu s'étendait à perte de vue,
Immobile telle la mort...
Dès lors, plus rien n'était
Ni âme, ni cieux, ni éternité, ni Dieu
Dieu gisait mort, éteint, rien
Juste une humanité décapitée
Amputée de son âme et de sa vie
N'ayant plus que ses propres mains pour s'extraire
De son tombeau de fange glacée
Mais ce râle qui sortait alors de ces milles gosiers écarquillés
N'était point un rugissement mais un ridicule blatèrement
En manque de chargement à porter
Nostalgiques de leur désert arraché.
Immobile telle la mort...
La mort de Dieu
11. Mutisme
Point de mots pour évoquer la désillusion
Engendrée par la glaciale révélation
Soit! dans ce silence je m'enfermerai, puis
De rien, de mort, répudierai ce que j'ai fui
Négation de ma vue comme négation de mon
Âme, je refuse la vie et son mensonge
Et de ma bouche jamais plus le moindre son
Ne s'échappera dans le monde ou dans son songe
Mon sang coule et de son parfum
Imprègne la terre en un flux sans fin
Non pas une fuite mais un accomplissement
Certes précoce mais d'autant plus retentissant
Mutisme profond
Mort en toute raison
12. Shadowless
Rising up my hands to the height of my eyes
I am now doomed to face and to realize
The dripping proof of the nonsense
Of what still maintains such a whimsical existence
Self-harm, the cold tongue of mutilation
Licking my body, exiled in negation
One foot closer to the source of the deadly whispers
Vomiting on feelings and on desires
Burning poison was spat into my heart
Unleashing a self-destructive hatred and tearing me apart
Shining painfully from above
Mighty liar
Succumbs to desire
I was sworn the immortal
But given the deceit
And remorselessly drowned under vomit
"The truth cannot be hidden"
Thus spoke the dead raven
Calling my name
Of filth and shame
What words cannot express
Scars, burns and bruises all over a shadowless bleeding body
When the spring is dried up
And when death is made up
Deeper and deeper within my flesh, the blade carves symbols and names
Closer and closer to the cold embrace of the night I long for
Negation through the visual revelation
Revelation through the active negation
Of my carnal substance
This time I am all alone in my dance
13. La Mauvais Œil
En d'obscures mouvements de rage et de pure négation
De douloureux remous tempêtent en mon sein. De leur agitation
Mue par la haine et la soif de vengeance
Naîtra le feu qui punira ton impertinence
Mon sang s'étant écoulé hors de mon corps
Traçant d'occultes symboles de puissance et de mort
Les marques éternelles de mes sinistres mutilations
Déchaîneront colères et cosmiques foudres qui te terrasseront
Non-être et absurdité
En toi incarnés
Ta non lueur spéculaire satyrique
T'attire ma vengeance tyrannique
J'appelle à moi la Mort!
Mon cœur déchiré
Mon corps mutilé
Tant bien ma substance pensante qu'étendue
Hurlent ta perte et ton âme déchue
J'appelle à moi la Mort!
Devant le déclin de l'inattaquable
Devant la chute du prétendu indestructible...
J'appelle à moi la Mort!
Puissent dès lors les foudres s'éveiller puis de toute leur longueur se dresser
Illuminant cieux et plaines, masquant la lune et ses pâles rayons
Puis s'abattre en un hurlement faisant raisonner à travers terres et mers
Et creuser en elles le cratère qui sera ton tombeau
J'appelle à moi la Mort!
Ainsi furent mes mots prononcés, que la terre gronde et le vent hurle à présent