Продолжение. Начало – сообщение 343 на странице 18.
Квартальный отчёт. За период с 1 июля по 30 сентября прослушал 174 (итого 257) альбома следующих групп (в алфавитном порядке): A Loathing Requiem, Aeon, Aether, Agrimonia, Allegaeon, Alkonost, Anachronia, Angel Eyes, Angelus Apatrida, Anthenora, Apocalips, Apocalyptica, Arcana Imperia, As Light Dies, Astel Oscora, Atra Hora, Azahels Fortress, Battlecross, Bejelit, Berserkerfox, Black Majesty, Blind Guardian, Brezno, Brulvahnatu, Burden Of Grief, Byfrost, Catharcyst, Caves Of Steel, Chronic Decay, Combat Astronomy, Concrete Force, Contaigeon, Cosmoloco, Credic, Crystal Tears, Csejthe, Day Six, De Silence et d'Ombre, Death Angel, Dew-Scented, Dimmu Borgir, Discreation, Disiplin, Divine Element, Domination Through Impurity, Doxa, Draconis, Drapsnatt, Elvenking, Embassy of Silence, Enoria, Equilibrium, Era Nova, Ethir Anduin, Evemaster, Fracture, Frostbitten Kingdom, Frost Grimd, Fungoid Stream, Gamma Ray, Gangrenator, Grand Magus, Greedy Invalid, Grievers, Gwydion, Harasai, Haste The Day, Heaven Shall Burn, Hell Within, Hukkunud Hinged, Hymir, I Shalt Become, Icy Steel, Incarnia, Infernaeon, Ingrimm, Inner Wish, Iron Maiden, Istapp, Jorn, Juvaliant, Kallaikoi, Kerion, Kingcrow, Korn, Kvelertak, Labyrinth, Lich King, Limbonic Art, Loudness, Madder Mortem, Magica, Malicious Death, Mantus, Mares Of Thrace, Mastercastle, Mhorgl, Minhyriath, Minuetum, Misthelm, Misticism, Mistweaver, Morbid Carnage, Morbid Sin, Mournful Gust, My Silent Wake The Drowning, N-Jected, Nancial, Nightbringer, Nightpray,Nobody Lives Forever, No Guerra, Northern Sword, Northland, October Tide, Odem Arcarum, Ordo Templi Orientis, OverMaster, Ozzy Osbourne, Painted Black, Raunchy, Ravn, Reaver, ReinXeed, Relinquished, Retaliation, Revamp, Rhapsody Of Fire, Ruthless Order, Sancta Sanctorum, Satoria, Schacht, Secret Sphere, Setherial, Seven Stitches, Shoulder Of Orion, Six Magics, Skon, Slechtvalk, Sleeping Peonies, Smallman, Society's Plague, Soilwork, Solisia, Sphinx, Stairway, Stribog, Strident, Striker, T.A.N.K, Tarja, The Absence, The Lovecrave, The Morphean, Therion, The Sequence Of Prime, The Temple Of Pain, Thrashgrinder, Thulcandra, Ticket To Hell, TotorRo, Trancelike Void, Trashcanned, Triosphere, Tristania, Ulveheim, Urbandux, Vendetta Of The Fallen, Violet Sun, Wild Side, Winter In Eden, Wretched, Xasthur, Zuul.
Дюжина лучших альбомов из списка:
1. Gwydion (Portugal) – Horn Triskelion (folk)
2. Byfrost (Norway) – Black Earth (thrash)
3. Northland (Spain) – Northland (folk)
4. Disiplin (Sweden) – Hostis Humani Generis (pagan)
5. Black Majesty (Australia) – In Your Honour (power)
6. October Tide (Sweden) – In Thin Shell (doom/death)
7. Trashcanned (Austria) – Key To The Paradox (melodic death)
8. Incarnia (Canada) – Proclamation (melodic death)
9. Angelus Apatrida (Spain) – Clockwork (thrash)
10. Heaven Shall Burn (Germany) – Invictus (melodic death)
11. Harasai (Germany) – The I-Conception (melodic death)
12. Berserkerfox (Australia) – History Altar Ashes (melodic death)